Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Ok, lets say you'll be able to get $500 for these on ebay. You paid $180+ tax so your looking at about $300 profit before ebay, paypal, & shipping. 12% of $300 is $36 so now your left with $264. Shipping is also another $22 or so depending on wher its going so now your left with $242. $242/ say 4 days of camping is $60 a day. Minimum wage in Cincinnati Ohio is $7.85 so if your working 8 housrs a day thats $62.80 per day before taxes. AT $7.85 an hour and working full time that would put them in the 15% tax bracket. So after taxes these guys would make $53.38 at a minimum wage job. $60>$53.38 Maybe these guys are smarter than we think?????
There is a problem with the way you calculated this.

Ebay takes their cut off the final sale. Paypal does also.

$500 (final sale price) - 13% (ebay + paypal fees) = $435

$435 - $200 approx (cost of shoes) = $235

$235 - $22 (shipping) = $213 (profit)

$213 / 4 (days of camping) = $53.25 per day of camping

$53.38 (minimum wage) > $53.25

Mind you that is for 32 hours of working compared to 96 hours of camping.
They are camping because they want the shoe. Would be stupid to camp this early for resell when they are uncertain of how much the shoes will resell for.
This. Funny that many "sneakerheads" assume that no one else is a "sneakerhead". Everyone else who wants a shoe is a "hypebeast" or "reseller". Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of both of those groups around and I can't *** with either but when a guy is camped out on a Tuesday for a shoe that drops on Saturday and he can more than likely only cop one pair, my money is on him REALLY wanting the shoe.

I don't think there's any shoe that moves me THAT much but I kinda wish there was. That's a love for sneakers that most people say that can't even imagine. Isn't that kinda why we're all here though? The love of the shoes?
This. Funny that many "sneakerheads" assume that no one else is a "sneakerhead". Everyone else who wants a shoe is a "hypebeast" or "reseller". Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of both of those groups around and I can't *** with either but when a guy is camped out on a Tuesday for a shoe that drops on Saturday and he can more than likely only cop one pair, my money is on him REALLY wanting the shoe.

I don't think there's any shoe that moves me THAT much but I kinda wish there was. That's a love for sneakers that most people say that can't even imagine. Isn't that kinda why we're all here though? The love of the shoes?

That IG pic
it just goes to show which people have their priorities evaluated in life
still can't say they don't. their girlfriends could be out of town, could have online classes for summer university, and could just be burned out by the summer and wanna do some random camping for a shoe they've wanted since lebron posted the pic. so many analyst lol
still can't say they don't. their girlfriends could be out of town, could have online classes for summer university, and could just be burned out by the summer and wanna do some random camping for a shoe they've wanted since lebron posted the pic. so many analyst lol

Camp because you're "burned out by the summer and wanna do some random camping"? I guess it's possible..

Drove by chuckling... it's a couple people deeper now. Not sure about the other shop here in the 'Nati...

There's about 5 people at HOH Columbus now. The first guy is on this local Facebook group bragging about it...
If we can't pull this out, that Mike Miller sock is gonna be worth more than all of these PE's

 I kid I kid.... I'm sweatin' bullets!!
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