Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Ok but again, who does Cleveland have to trade to New Orleans that they want? You'd have to assume that they would want to get rid of the contract of either Okafor or Posey in any trade so why would they take back Varajao's contract? They love West so Hickson would not get any time (not that he deserves it anyways) and it's mind boggling that either team would trade an elite NBA player to take back draft picks that are going to be in the late first round. So it's pretty much null to me. Unless NO's front office decides to just give away Paul for nothing.
Too bad Bosh doesn't want to go to Cleveland or we could have this thing wrapped up. They need to get a center cause a Bosh/Jamison front line is a no no.
I'm not saying we're getting CP3 in ANYWAY

I said Bron chilling with him/having him stay at his house for 3 days can only be a good thing for CLE at this point (because of CP3's relationship w/Byron Scott)...nothing more.
@ OC being back....
so the simple fact that CP3 is the only EX player of B.scott that still backs him wont raise a red flag with bron? jason kidd and the rest of the nets ran him out of NJ and other then CP3 everyone on the Hornets was happy to see his bum !%% leave

he is not a good HC
Mike, I gave you your answer on why CP3 staying w/Bron would be a good thing for CLE and you proceed to change the subject to how horrible a coach Byron Scott is...

That's cuz CP3 didn't get to the finals to see how Scott buckles underthe pressure with horrid game plans resulting in back to back losses.

He the type of coach that can only get you so far until you realizehe's not taking you to the promise land. He got fired in the right timeperiod for CP3 to still be "fond" of him.
Because you have played for him, right?


If you want to talk about how bad of a coach Byron Scott is, go ahead.

But don't try to act like CP3 chilling w/Bron for 3 days is a bad thing considering the relationship Byron Scott has w/him.

Bron's mind is made up by now anyways (so it's basically null & void).  It CAN'T hurt though...

/discussion (it's not even that serious)
That's cuz CP3 didn't get to the finals to see how Scott buckles under the pressure with horrid game plans resulting in back to back losses.

He the type of coach that can only get you so far until you realize he's not taking you to the promise land. He got fired in the right time period for CP3 to still be "fond" of him.
Let's be real, Byron Scott may not be the greatest coach, but saying he didn't gameplan well in the finals isn't real evidence...Those Nets squads had no real shot at beating the Lakers or the Spurs.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

I gave you your answer on why CP3 staying w/Bron would be a good thing for CLE and you proceed to change the subject to how horrible a coach Byron Scott is...


and you said your not getting CP3

then tired to point out in a dumb story that the cavs would lead for him

the cavs ant getting cp3 and B.scott is a horrible HC. there we covered both sides of whatever road you was trying to go down
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Let's be real, Byron Scott may not be the greatest coach, but saying he didn't gameplan well in the finals isn't real evidence...Those Nets squads had no real shot at beating the Lakers or the Spurs.

Nah man, they had the Spurs in Game 6.  If Kenyon would have shown up a bit in the last two games it would have at least went 7.  They had a great chance to take the Spurs to the brink and beat them.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

I gave you your answer on why CP3 staying w/Bron would be a good thing for CLE and you proceed to change the subject to how horrible a coach Byron Scott is...


and you said your not getting CP3

then tired to point out in a dumb story that the cavs would lead for him

the cavs ant getting cp3 and B.scott is a horrible HC. there we covered both sides of whatever road you was trying to go down
I NEVER even said that the CAVS were getting CP3 and NEVER even commented on how good/bad Byron Scott is as a coach.


From what I hear Raptors & Cavs not as far down line on sign-and-trade as is being reported. There have been some talks, not serious yet

Sorry OC, Back to your hole you go.

Is Byron Scott not a terrible coach though.

Lets be real Lebron has had 2 head coaches in his career, Paul has had 2 they arent the guys I would be asking if I wanted to know how good a coach was.
If it comes down to coaching then Lebron can ask Pat Riley to step down.

So shut up about Byron Scott as a coach.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

But don't try to act like CP3 chilling w/Bron for 3 days is a bad thing considering the relationship Byron Scott has w/him.
and now you say this

but yup i cant read

Now I say this?

That's basically what I've been saying the entire time.

Originally Posted by h3at23

From what I hear Raptors & Cavs not as far down line on sign-and-trade as is being reported. There have been some talks, not serious yet

Sorry OC, Back to your hole you go.

Figured that's what the case was...just doesn't make sense with what other teams could potentially be offering. Broussard really is probably just making up +!+$ now.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Let's be real, Byron Scott may not be the greatest coach, but saying he didn't gameplan well in the finals isn't real evidence...Those Nets squads had no real shot at beating the Lakers or the Spurs.

qft. they had zero shot vs. the lakers (especially shaq) and tim duncan was a straight beast in his prime. how many great coaches are out there besides phil, pop, and now doc?
Why does Broussard exist?

He's not making any sense. He won't entertain LeBron to NY but wants to talk about the Nets owner and if he gets LeBron he'll try and get Boozer or Lee. What the !%%%? Why even talk about the Nets?

Bosh will probably go to Houston or Miami. Wade will stay then. So LeBron better smarten up and go to NY in that scenario.

Nobody wants that trash Cle trying to get Bosh for in a S&T and he obviously doesn't want to live there.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Why does Broussard exist?

He's not making any sense. He won't entertain LeBron to NY but wants to talk about the Nets owner and if he gets LeBron he'll try and get Boozer or Lee. What the !%%%? Why even talk about the Nets?

Bosh will probably go to Houston or Miami. Wade will stay then. So LeBron better smarten up and go to NY in that scenario.

Nobody wants that trash Cle trying to get Bosh for in a S&T and he obviously doesn't want to live there.
1. He exist only to piss us off 
.  Dude is talking out of his $%$, but hell, so are we.
2. Like I said...He has no idea what he's talking about.

3. Bosh going to Houston = NO championship EVER.  Bosh in Miami >>> Houston.  

4.  It's not like Bosh even has to live in Cleveland.  I mean... NBA teams are always on the road anyway, and in the offseason he can train where ever he wants.  Bosh in Cleveland = Best chance at winning for Bosh & LeBron.  
i hate how Lebron has took the league hostage... he can make up his mind anytime and put all this BS to rest, im sick of hearing these "insiders" with their Ducktales.

anyway, the best scenario for Bron IMO, is New Jersey... He and Bosh go there with Devin Harris and Brook Lopez (Im sure Favors would be shipped out in S&T for Bosh), that would make a more formidable team than any team he could go to... close 2nd the Bulls (Bulls want Noah in S&T so probably no)
If he stays in Cleveland, he will have the same garbage players... and stuck with no cap flex for a few years, S&T with Bosh there takes away alot, and still makes them slightly better than the team they have now.

New York, him and Amare is a good look... also the cap room for next year to bring in someone... the problem is that... Miek D'Antoni has zero interest in DEFENSE. You cant win a championship without Defense, and i think that is the only thing holding up Bron or anybody going to NYC.

Jersey can bring in Bron and Bosh, with 2 good players... have cap room next year to bring in someone next year... and the owner is dedicated to building a champion... he will spend the money on luxary tax with no second guessing... and Avery Johnson is a Defensive coach... thats his BEST option
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

But don't try to act like CP3 chilling w/Bron for 3 days is a bad thing considering the relationship Byron Scott has w/him.
and now you say this

but yup i cant read
Now I say this?

That's basically what I've been saying the entire time.


Yo Big Mike, as a fellow Bulls fans and concerned NT citizen, you need to read more closely.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


Is all I'm going to say about what I heard recently.

Haters hate, hate, hate hatersss..

i think people are past what they herd by now. now what i herd from a close member of a certain yankee player> what ever u herd
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