Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Scoop Jackson said last night on his little segment with Common and the asian guy from hangover that lbj put in a call to Rose and had a long conversation
Originally Posted by Al3xis

are the Bulls capable of winning a title next year with LeBron?

If in theory they sign Bron that will put their salary at 50 million.The cap is going to be around 56 or 57 million dollars next year,that's still enough money (7 mil) to go out and sign a capable shooter(Ray Allen or Kyle Korver or a servicable big).
sure, but then they'd also need to fill out roster spots 8-12 with base salaries. Bulls only have 6 guys on contract for next season.

Which is also why the Bosh talk is particularly funny to me. If the Bulls could pull a miracle out and sign and trade Deng, they'd have 7 guys on the roster including Bosh and LeBron with no cap room.

If the Knicks sign LeBron and Bosh, they'd have 7 guys with no cap room.

One of these teams is killed for it, the other is not.

Difference is the Bulls would have Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah as well while the Knicks would have Danilo Gallanari and Wilson Chandler. It's not even close. 

If they magically pull of the Bosh trade, which lineup is better (based on who they have on the roster for next season)?

Rose, Hinrich, Bron, Bosh, Noah


Douglas, Chandler, Gallo, Bron, Bosh
Obviously the bulls, but as noted Deng for Bosh just is not happening.

there's just a double standard there when talking about filling out a roster 8-12. It's an issue with the Knicks, somehow not with the Bulls.

Personally, it's not an issue for either IMO.

But On the other hand, as you said...Say they go get Ray Allen...

You said it would be another year of not winning should he go to the Knicks, so that Bulls team with Rose/Allen/LeBron/Gibson/Noah with Deng/Hinrich and nothing else (in particular up front) is a team capable of winning a title next year to you? If it's not, what does the year in New York really matter? When in a year they would have more flexibility than the Bulls.
If the Bulls can pull off acquiring Bosh then it's a no brainer for everyone involved.  If they can do it without giving up Noah (which I don't think they can) that team will go on to dominate the NBA for the next 6-8 years if not longer.
Yes that team could win the title next year, they're only a mega superstar away i.e (Bron, Wade) or star and another capable player from being there. The playoffs as shown is all about matchups, and that team would be a nightmare to defend for any team. Trying to defend both Rose and Bron driving to the hole with Ray waiting out beyond the 3 wide open is just
to think about.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Scoop Jackson said last night on his little segment with Common and the asian guy from hangover that lbj put in a call to Rose and had a long conversation
Don't get me excited
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Bron's decision will come down to what he wants more: winning like he says or all the other extra stuff (city lifestyle, endorsements, etc.) If he's making a pure basketball decision: [WINNING as soon as possible] these should be the order of teams he looks at based on what they have in place right now.

1. Chicago Bulls (already have an All-Star PG in Rose and steadily improving player in Noah-may be an All-Star next season, some other decent pieces with Hinrich and Deng. They are really just either a superstar player or two really good players away from being serious championship contenders. Also have some flexibility to move pieces to possibly get ANOTHER max guy along with Bron which would all but assure his place in the Finals)

2. New Jersey Nets (now this all depends on what happens on Tuesday with the Draft Lottery, if they get the No. 1 pick and are able to get John Wall, that team would be scary as well with Bron, a terrific young Center in Brook Lopez and some other decent pieces in Courtney Lee and Terrence Williams. If they do land Wall then that makes Devin Harris expendable and that extra 9 mil in a trade will possibly allow them the ability to get ANOTHER max player as well)

3. Miami Heat (this could be #1 on the list for the simple fact that Dwayne Wade is in the top 3 players in the league today and him and Bron would be a matchup nightmare for every team in the league every night. They have a lot of money to throw around as well and if everything falls right could sign 3 MAX or near Max players (Wade, Bron, Boozer for example). Problem is if he goes there will his ego allow him to make that decision, will if he wins a title, will it be perceived that he had "too much" help. But if he cares about WINNING like he says he does, that won't matter)

4. New York Knicks (I know Knick fans on here will just look at this as hating, but an objective look at the situation shows they have the least amount of pieces in place right now to win. They don't even have a 1st rd draft pick to get a possible good young player. All their hopes lie in the possiblility of another star (Bosh, Amare, Boozer) to come with him. Even then there is no guarantee that those 2 with marginal players-Gallo and Chandler are decent, nothing more will get to the Finals. True they have Curry's contract coming off the books next year and could possibly go after Carmelo Anthony if he opts out of his deal after next season, but that's ANOTHER year of having to endure NOT winning, which he says is his Number 1 goal)

Now I'm not saying the NYK are not a possiblity, because clearly they are a serious player in getting him mostly because of the things OUSTIDE of basketball they can offer Lebron, but conducive to WINNING next year those other 3 scenarios (at least in my opinion) are more attractive.

makes a lot of sense. Well done.
this thread is pure fantasy, we can speculate all we want. for example: lebron, amare, bosh, yao, redd, and dirk should all opt out and sign with the warriors. joe johnson and boozer too. plus the #1 pick wall they're gonna get, that looks like a good team. larry ellison will happily drop 10 figures or whatever it costs. titles for decades
you honestly believe a team with Noah/Gibson and minimum salary bums making up a front court could defeat teams with Gasol and Bynum or Dwight Howard.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

you honestly believe a team with Noah/Gibson and minimum salary bums making up a front court could defeat teams with Gasol and Bynum or Dwight Howard.
Your hate for Noah makes no sense to me, you act like he is a bum when dude was second in rebounds for the majority of the season, it's not like his playoff performance was a fluke.

I am sure they can find some decent backups through trades, getting a Brandon Bass type or something.

because I don't think he's a future All Star or a current Top 5 center doesn't mean I hate him or act as if he's a bum.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

because I don't think he's a future All Star or a current Top 5 center doesn't mean I hate him or act as if he's a bum.
He's the type of player that would help LeBron grow as a player...He is a vocal and emotional leader, someone that is always giving 110 and is passionate as hell, no mateer if he rubs guys the wrong way.  He does the things that LeBron doesn't do as a leader.  He isn't a top 5 center right now but in a couple years he'll be in that group imo.  As someone who always talks about how Bron is misused by Cleveland usin that stagnant offense instead of uptempo, I couldn't think of 5 bigs in the league who run the floor better than Noah.  If you have Bron and Rose, he can be a 3rd best player on a champion level team. He doesn't need the ball to score and be effective, he is the perfect center for Bron.

he's a better version of anderson varajao

hustle player who works hard on defense but can't create his own offense. when people bring a player up and the things they mention are passion, hustle,  fortitude, and potential they're a role player.
I'm sorry but a front court consisting of Noah, Gibson and Brad Miller is not winning an NBA title.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

I need to know who are these 5 centers better than Noah.
not doing this again. search the NBA Thread.

He's the type of player that would help LeBron grow as a player...He isa vocal and emotional leader, someone that is always giving 110 and ispassionate as hell, no mateer if he rubs guys the wrong way.  He doesthe things that LeBron doesn't do as a leader.  He isn't a top 5 centerright now but in a couple years he'll be in that group imo.  As someonewho always talks about how Bron is misused by Cleveland usin thatstagnant offense instead of uptempo, I couldn't think of 5 bigs in theleague who run the floor better than Noah.  If you have Bron and Rose,he can be a 3rd best player on a champion level team. He doesn't needthe ball to score and be effective, he is the perfect center for Bron.
I don't dismiss any of this. I respect his game.
 As someone who always talks about how Bron is misused byCleveland usin that stagnant offense instead of uptempo, I couldn'tthink of 5 bigs in the league who run the floor better than Noah.
true, but you gota find me a coach first. They're a team coming off the same issues as the Cavs, not letting Rose run.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Scoop Jackson said last night on his little segment with Common and the asian guy from hangover that lbj put in a call to Rose and had a long conversation

No, he said he heard thru the grapevines that lbj called rose. No biggie but the way you stated it sounds like it's a fact lbj called Rose
Originally Posted by Al3xis

you honestly believe a team with Noah/Gibson and minimum salary bums making up a front court could defeat teams with Gasol and Bynum or Dwight Howard.

Do you think a team with Bosh/Gallo and minimum salary bums making up a front court could defeat teams like Gasol and Bynum or D12?

didnt think so. granted, knicks want a big defensive center next to bosh, but i dont see any team taking on Curry's contract.
didnt think so.

Did I say they would?

My point was, if people think going to the Knicks means waiting one more year, then they have to feel LeBron on the Bulls means that they're capable of winning a title starting next year, no later.
LeBron James reportedly called Bulls guard Derrick Rose to say that "he likes Rose's game, likes his team and would welcome the chance to play together."
Though emanating from the Chicago Daily Herald, this was first mentioned by ESPN reporter Scoop Jackson and then confirmed by a league source. It doesn't mean much in the grand scheme but is sure to kindle endless LeBron-to-Chicago rumors. May. 16 - 8:48 pm et
Source: Daily Herald
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Reports have jus said that lebron called DRose and told him he likes his game and 'team'. Take it for what it's worth.
Bulls will probably be the best fit for LeBron
Well you're implying the Bulls arent going to be that good of a team even with Lebron, but even the Knicks are the same thing so i just dont udnerstand why you keep hating on the bulls.

bottom line is, Lebron isnt going to the Bulls, and we know that, but you cant argue they wouldnt be a better team, because they obviously would be.

If it was all about the talent, i dont think any team could match NJ depending on their pick, nor the Clips.
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