GREAT game by the Lakeshow... They are playing some serious team ball... What more can we say about Kobe... absolute beast!
Well, haven't seen the whole game as of yet, but I'll review that later today. From the first look of it (highlights) the SHAQTUS looked pretty good.

1) Kobe killed it.
2) Stoudemire obviously benefited from Shaq's presence.
3) 130 points? Marion?

4) Who plays less D - Stoudemire or a stationary wall?

Basically, a home loss for the Lakers to the Suns usually means a major travesty, but in this case, I'm not so worried. It's never easy to insertplayer A here and they will dominate, the Diesel needs time to mesh with the Suns before we can really see what he can bring to the team. And same can be saidfor Bynum/Pau/Kobe/Odom. That's a lot of star power on the floor right there.

By the way, seeing Steven A. on Fastbreak talk about Kobe reminded me of this:

Well there were a couple of positives, but far too many negatives in this game.
I really think this Shaq experiment is going to be doom for the Suns.
Planet Orange is dead. R.I.P.

First, the positives.
I liked the intensity he brought to the arena - on the court and in the stands. Of course part of that had to do solely with the fact that we played theFakers.
I liked the rebounding. We actually outrebounded a team. I don't remember the last time that happened.

Now, the negatives.
Steve looked lost for much of the first half. It was like he tried to run but nobody was there. The assists were not there, the opportunitys for fast breaksweren't there, and the ability to drive the lane and dish for an open look was gone. Shaq took away our primary weapon. Not to mention how bad we missedMatrix in that game.

Amare's defense was horrendous. There's no way a soft piece of trash like Pau Gasol should be dominating the offense. He's as soft as Dirk...itjust shouldn't happen. Amare just stood and watched him score.

Diaw is the most worthless human being in the NBA. I want him to be sent back to France with a one way ticket. There was a stretch where he was guardingdifferent guys on three consecutive possessions and each one scored easily on him. On offense he's worthless...on defense he's worse. He needs to benailed to the bench. Why the hell was he out there when Amare was on the bench? COuldn't Skinner get a couple of minutes? At least he'd have playedhard and tried to rebound and defend SOMEONE!

D'Antoni was awful...from keeping Diaw in so putting DJ freaking Strawberry in the 4th quarter guarding Fakers SG #24 and leaving Steve out ofthe game for so damn long...and then at the end of the game, he had the Suns let the shot clock run down to 4 or 5 before fouling with under 1:00 to go?? Thatwas about 40 seconds in which we could have had two possessions.

And finally...Shaq's free throws...OMG, I knew he was bad but I've never seen anything so horrible looking in my life.

Losing the season series to this classless team really grinds my gears (word to Peter Griffin).

I also must call out the suns ticket holders that sold their tickets allowing all those classless, fat, drunken losers wearing Fakers gear into the arena.There's absolutely no excuse for anyone wearing a Fakers jersey to be able to buy any tickets in Phx. We don't need those douchebags at our games,starting fights, throwing things, and just being general lousy excuses for human beings. No wonder the police presence at the arena was triple the usual numberof officers.
lol @ snaq running. pure spectacle -- "hey, look at me guys. i can run like you too"

good game last night with the lakers showing a lot of people exactly how it's gonna go down til the playoff

pau was a little erratic early, but caught on in the second and third periods (and fourth).
Originally Posted by rocboys

Originally Posted by JsindaA

I know you guys LOVE shaq for what he did while he was a Laker and I do too but you have to realize a selfish player when you see one. He hasn't played like this since the Heat got to the finals then all the sudden he can't stay healthy. He plays when he's the big story when he's not well.....we've seen what happens. For this reason and this reason only I believe he'll play pretty hard for the rest of the season and I am 90% sure he'll stay healthy too. But trust and believe unless he's playing against the Lakers again we won't see what we saw tonight.

unless you get past the Rockets

that doesn't even make sense
Damn what a game. I cant wait until Bynum gets back into the lineup!! Lakers in 08. Who's gonna stop us?
NBAdotcom wrote:
Well there were a couple of positives, but far too many negatives in this game.
I really think this Shaq experiment is going to be doom for the Suns.
Planet Orange is dead. R.I.P.

First, the positives.
I liked the intensity he brought to the arena - on the court and in the stands. Of course part of that had to do solely with the fact that we played the Fakers.
I liked the rebounding. We actually outrebounded a team. I don't remember the last time that happened.

Now, the negatives.
Steve looked lost for much of the first half. It was like he tried to run but nobody was there. The assists were not there, the opportunitys for fast breaks weren't there, and the ability to drive the lane and dish for an open look was gone. Shaq took away our primary weapon. Not to mention how bad we missed Matrix in that game.

Amare's defense was horrendous. There's no way a soft piece of trash like Pau Gasol should be dominating the offense. He's as soft as just shouldn't happen. Amare just stood and watched him score.

Diaw is the most worthless human being in the NBA. I want him to be sent back to France with a one way ticket. There was a stretch where he was guarding different guys on three consecutive possessions and each one scored easily on him. On offense he's worthless...on defense he's worse. He needs to be nailed to the bench. Why the hell was he out there when Amare was on the bench? COuldn't Skinner get a couple of minutes? At least he'd have played hard and tried to rebound and defend SOMEONE!

D'Antoni was awful...from keeping Diaw in so putting DJ freaking Strawberry in the 4th quarter guarding Fakers SG #24 and leaving Steve out of the game for so damn long...and then at the end of the game, he had the Suns let the shot clock run down to 4 or 5 before fouling with under 1:00 to go?? That was about 40 seconds in which we could have had two possessions.

And finally...Shaq's free throws...OMG, I knew he was bad but I've never seen anything so horrible looking in my life.

Losing the season series to this classless team really grinds my gears (word to Peter Griffin).

I also must call out the suns ticket holders that sold their tickets allowing all those classless, fat, drunken losers wearing Fakers gear into the arena. There's absolutely no excuse for anyone wearing a Fakers jersey to be able to buy any tickets in Phx. We don't need those douchebags at our games, starting fights, throwing things, and just being general lousy excuses for human beings. No wonder the police presence at the arena was triple the usual number of officers.

I was wondering that, where the hell was Skinner? Wasn't he doing pretty ok earlier in the season, why did they go away from him?

Anyway, I called 50 pages, looks like I'll come up about 4 pages short. Great game, as much fun for a regular season as you can get. Shaq looked REALgood all things considered. First game in forever, has four games in like 2 months, he looked good. He gonna be an issue in the playoffs. On our side, theSuns will not be getting rebounds like this when Bynum gets back. You bring in Bynum and Ariza still, it's going to take a real strong effort from a vetteam to beat us. (San Antonio

Gasol is the man, had to be the quietest 29 points I've ever seen. If not for foul trouble, we have two 40's last night.

Odom is killing it these days. Still missed I don't know how many cheapies, but he played hard and with heart. He loves playing the Suns.

Kobe.........come on. You could have at least let Raja get one bucket. That just mean dude. He and Bron and Paul have made the MVP a 3 man race.

I thought it was hilarious when I heard like maybe 20 Suns fans chanting MVP for Nash. Kobe gets louder chants then that in other people's buildings.

Sasha and Turiaf played real well off the bench I thought, and Fish was his pesky self. Nice work by those 3.
Stat with his typical meanigless dunks atthe end of the game when it was already decided, still with his shoulders back though. What a loser. He gonna go back in the fetal when Bynum gets back andpushes him into the 4th row. Fugasi a*$ punk.
man, as a Lakers fan that had to watch as the Suns beat us two years straight in the playoffs, this season's games against this team have been pretty sweetto watch.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Well there were a couple of positives, but far too many negatives in this game.
I really think this Shaq experiment is going to be doom for the Suns.
Planet Orange is dead. R.I.P.

First, the positives.
I liked the intensity he brought to the arena - on the court and in the stands. Of course part of that had to do solely with the fact that we played the Fakers.
I liked the rebounding. We actually outrebounded a team. I don't remember the last time that happened.

Now, the negatives.
Steve looked lost for much of the first half. It was like he tried to run but nobody was there. The assists were not there, the opportunitys for fast breaks weren't there, and the ability to drive the lane and dish for an open look was gone. Shaq took away our primary weapon. Not to mention how bad we missed Matrix in that game.

Amare's defense was horrendous. There's no way a soft piece of trash like Pau Gasol should be dominating the offense. He's as soft as just shouldn't happen. Amare just stood and watched him score.

Diaw is the most worthless human being in the NBA. I want him to be sent back to France with a one way ticket. There was a stretch where he was guarding different guys on three consecutive possessions and each one scored easily on him. On offense he's worthless...on defense he's worse. He needs to be nailed to the bench. Why the hell was he out there when Amare was on the bench? COuldn't Skinner get a couple of minutes? At least he'd have played hard and tried to rebound and defend SOMEONE!

D'Antoni was awful...from keeping Diaw in so putting DJ freaking Strawberry in the 4th quarter guarding Fakers SG #24 and leaving Steve out of the game for so damn long...and then at the end of the game, he had the Suns let the shot clock run down to 4 or 5 before fouling with under 1:00 to go?? That was about 40 seconds in which we could have had two possessions.

And finally...Shaq's free throws...OMG, I knew he was bad but I've never seen anything so horrible looking in my life.

Losing the season series to this classless team really grinds my gears (word to Peter Griffin).

I also must call out the suns ticket holders that sold their tickets allowing all those classless, fat, drunken losers wearing Fakers gear into the arena. There's absolutely no excuse for anyone wearing a Fakers jersey to be able to buy any tickets in Phx. We don't need those douchebags at our games, starting fights, throwing things, and just being general lousy excuses for human beings. No wonder the police presence at the arena was triple the usual number of officers.

hey man thats how it is...theres Laker fans everywhere...but when i read fat, drunken Losers i thought u were taLking about shaq...i bet you're the onestarting it with your fakers taLk
I also must call out the suns ticket holders that sold their tickets allowing all those classless, fat, drunken losers wearing Fakers gear into the arena. There's absolutely no excuse for anyone wearing a Fakers jersey to be able to buy any tickets in Phx. We don't need those douchebags at our games, starting fights, throwing things, and just being general lousy excuses for human beings. No wonder the police presence at the arena was triple the usual number of officers.
Damn Zodogg, you make it sound like we're Raider fans or something. No disrespect to those that are Raider fans, because that's thegeneralization that I usually hear about them.
Originally Posted by rocboys

Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

Originally Posted by rocboys

shaq really clog the paint. nash always pentrate defense by running around under the basket, it didnt happen. amare=worst defending bigman, how can you leave Pau with 3 straight dunks. for the raja pic, dont be surprise if kobe miss more then six weeks.

Kobe DID NOT hit raja
did i write kobe hit him? I said pic i repeat PIC PIC salty fans' fault.

What the hell are you talking about? What you said still makes no sense. "for the raja pic, dont be surprise if kobe miss more then six weeks."Why would you say Kobe would miss any time as a result of looking at a picture of Raja Bell injured unless you were implying that he hit him? What else couldyou possibly even be talking about?
did i write kobe hit him? I said pic i repeat PIC PIC salty fans' fault.
damn son, you need to go back to middle school so people understand you......wait....let me rephrase this.......damn son, you need to keep goingto middle school so people will understand you
I thought for a minute when Raja went down that everyone would think it was Kobe's fault *cough 4 wrestling cough* and Zo was gonna come outta the standsand kill dude. Then when I saw it was Shaq's fault, I still thought Zo was gonna come outta the stands and kill Shaq.

As for 4wrestling, do you take your shirt off and rub oil all over yourself when you watch basketball like you dowrestling? Just curious.
I also must call out the suns ticket holders that sold their tickets allowing all those classless, fat, drunken losers wearing Fakers gear into the arena. There's absolutely no excuse for anyone wearing a Fakers jersey to be able to buy any tickets in Phx. We don't need those douchebags at our games, starting fights, throwing things, and just being general lousy excuses for human beings. No wonder the police presence at the arena was triple the usual number of officers.
Man I won't lie....

I saw A LOT of laker gear at that game. Hell there were some people COURTSIDE that you could see all game in lakers gear.

You were there ZO, How many lkaer fans got thrown out? I saw a couple of little rifts in the crowd during the 3rd and 4th.

Dah well. We can be classless, fat, drunk and losers...but we won the game.
Losing the season series to this classless team really grinds my gears (word to Peter Griffin).

I also must call out the suns ticket holders that sold their tickets allowing all those classless, fat, drunken losers wearing Fakers gear into the arena. There's absolutely no excuse for anyone wearing a Fakers jersey to be able to buy any tickets in Phx. We don't need those douchebags at our games, starting fights, throwing things, and just being general lousy excuses for human beings. No wonder the police presence at the arena was triple the usual number of officers.
Calling some classless by displaying a lack of class...which is classic PhoeniXenophobic Zodogg.
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