Official: Lakers @ Blazers 2/29 7:30PM PST

People stop blaming the loss on fisher. He has been off and hell at least he was still shooting. You have to keep shooting the ball to get out of a slump. Itsjust one game. When we drop 3 in a row then panic. Untill then let the loss go and drink. Maybe thats why I feel so good.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

u gotta hand it to the blazers, they play well as a team, as for the lakers, it was a team losing effort
Word! Lakers need to get their heads on tight and realize that they have to keep doing what got them here.

Props to P-land though, I see why fans are getting excited up there!
Seriously props to the Blazers tonight.

They came and wanted it more and shot lights out tonight.

Like I said before Aldridge is the new Sheed for the Blazers and will give the Lakers problems for years to come.

Phil better get this team in the film room and work on this team pick & roll D.I gauantee you other teams in the west like: Hornets, Suns, Warriors willuse this same stratgey against the Lakers this year.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

VERY BAD GAME by the Lakers. They showed no intensity or will that they have. If they think they are just going to be given a Championship, then we don't deserve to win. I just had a flash-back to the last 2 years right now.
Stop talking. We always play bad up there and portland is a damn good team. You talking baout us not winning a chip because of one game?

Well I guess nobody is going to win a chip because everybody has lost one game this year.

Chill out BRO! Lakers have been getting away from what has been winning us games lately and if you can't see that, that is your problem not mine! I never said we can't chip this year; I said the Lakers need to get a reality check and get back to what works. Again, CALM DOWN!
My bad..I am drinking crown...

but I am going to get some booty so I feel good any way.

Let's get the mavs on sunday.
Kobe had 5 assists in the 1st quarter and ended with 5 asts. He didnt attack as much, therefore not creating easy buckets for the rest of them. Also, I didntsee much pick and roll action with Pau and Kobe.
Originally Posted by tupac003

People stop blaming the loss on fisher. He has been off and hell at least he was still shooting. You have to keep shooting the ball to get out of a slump. Its just one game. When we drop 3 in a row then panic. Untill then let the loss go and drink. Maybe thats why I feel so good.

woah now, but i will agree that people need to stop blaming fisher, even though the lakers won the rebounding battle, they lost it down the stretch
+$**@@$ fisher
he has been playing horrible lately and needs to stop taking those contested 3s
he can't take it to the basket cause he just can't

everyone other than fish played decent on offense
kobe had 6 turnovers
and playing like vince carter

I didn't like most of the 3s they took, most of them were forced and unnecessary
and led to portland fast breaks
they went away from pau after he started creating problems for Lemarcus

I still stand by my comment that phil lost the game with his substitutions
he took BOTH gasol and kobe out at the start of the 4th when we could have gotten a lil cushion
Lamar was being a %@+%% getting pushed out of position in the post during that time

the rest did nothing for kobe cause he played worse after it

the defense

portland kept getting open jumpers all night long and it didnt help that outlaw and lemarcus coudnt miss even when they were not open
just horrible defense

but phil and his substitutions+play calling have been the main reaason why we lose most games
fisher helped with that tonight
Lakers shot way too many threes and the blazers seemed like they couldn't miss from mid range, great game though

and oh yeah....why does steve blake look like he is shot putting the ball when he shoots threes?....i seen him play at UMD many times but i dont remember thisugly shooting form
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

whatever, I'm not giving the Blazers props
yes I'm mad

Me neither, i was pretty salty after this game. Lakers defense was horrible.
Where was Farmar at in the 4th? Id rather have him throwing up 3's instead of Fisher.

Portland has some players. I wouldnt want to see them in the playoffs.
Farmar and Fisher's defensive (Kobe wasn't that much better) woes were highlighted tonight; team defense as a whole got lit up by the pick 'n roll.The Blazers outplayed the Lakers. Down the stretch, they hit the big shots tonight and did what was necessary to win. Lakers don't really have an excuseconsidering they shot the ball well and they actually out-rebounded the younger, more athletic Blazers. Fisher played poorly the last few sequences jacking upcontested threes or bricking wide open ones; I believe he shot a 3 on four consecutive possessions and MISSED. Entertaining game and if I was a Blazer'sfan I would feel great.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

VERY BAD GAME by the Lakers. They showed no intensity or will that they have. If they think they are just going to be given a Championship, then we don't deserve to win. I just had a flash-back to the last 2 years right now.
Stop talking. We always play bad up there and portland is a damn good team. You talking baout us not winning a chip because of one game?

Well I guess nobody is going to win a chip because everybody has lost one game this year.

Chill out BRO! Lakers have been getting away from what has been winning us games lately and if you can't see that, that is your problem not mine! I never said we can't chip this year; I said the Lakers need to get a reality check and get back to what works. Again, CALM DOWN!
My bad..I am drinking crown...

but I am going to get some booty so I feel good any way.

Let's get the mavs on sunday.


No problem guy! Obviously you didn't see my drunken tirade last night!

We suffered a set back and we as Laker fans must unite. We have a long season ahead of us and we have a mark on our heads now.

Phil needs to work on busting the zone. That is what teams are throwing at us now and it will only get harder.

GO LAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lakers finally lose and the "fans" acting like they expected them to run the table the rest of the season & postseason.
Originally Posted by JiggaJayZ12469

Lakers finally lose and the "fans" acting like they expected them to run the table the rest of the season & postseason.


If you really believe that

Any fan wants their team to win; the real problem is the Laker team, they need to get grounded and go back to work- harder than ever.
damn tough loss they had like 5 players with 14+ i think. they were shooting lightsout and we could not hit a shot our D was horrible. we need to feed pau inthe post more often
We always play bad up in Portland, besides in the playoffs when it really counts. The Blazer announcer's are a joke, I have to listen to their non-sense82 games a year.
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