[::OFFICIAL LAKERS 2010-11' SEASON THREAD Vol. It Was Fun While It Lasted::]

Get outta here with that fancard nonsense from 2 years ago. I was mad and I admitted it, I been rolling with the Lakers for years now.

I never really liked Pau, he complains about wanting the ball but yet doesn't bring it on both ends and throws up soft long jumpers with a hand in his face. When he makes them it's over smaller defenders so it looks great but you can't do that against guys like KG.

We know Boston and the Spurs inside out but yet Pau plays like a child against them. What can Phil or Kobe do? Nothing this guy knows how he should play but yet plays like a toddler.

This team should be worried about position, I hope they stay 3rd overall above Miami just in case, but this team is capable of beating Boston and the Spurs on the road.
they got out played yesterday....when it was time for other players to step up besides Kobe, they didnt.

it will be corrected.

if we lose to the spurs on Thursday for the 2nd time, then that says a lot far as adjustments goes....right now I think the Lakers just underestimate the opposition every night.
I'm pretty much hating the way the Lakers have been playing, for the the majority of these 40 games smh. They continuously let me down in big games. I dont care if they consider them big games, games are games and they all need to be won. I think as fans, because we've seen the Lakers slump regularly during the season, yet still find a way to kick it in gear come ps, we allow ourselves to use the excuse "oh, thats just a game, you think it means anything, they're the champs, they'll be fine" as a crutch. When in reality, these games DO mean something. Whether they want to admit it or not, every game we lose is a statement, simply saying "We're human, we can be beat, and here's how...". That's cowardly and lazy. And then when we lose, it's rare that it's by a point or two. They're blowouts, which hurts even worse. I can respect a single digit lose, those happen. And they also let me (as a fan) know, that even though we couln't put it together tonite, we left our blood on the court so they know they gotta step through hell and high water to take that W from us. They've lost that mystique, that illusion of fear that was in them last year. Their rotations are bad, their perimeter defense is atrocious and the bigs, well pau are out there looking flabby and sick. It's frustrating because all these games they lose, they have the wholehearted ability to win, yet somewhere around halftime, when they're up 6-7, they get comfortable and put the car in nuetral smh. This is the 2nd time they've wasted big efforts by mamba in a week, reminds you of the old days, days we NEVER want to go back to.. I mean they were so busy tryna look nice yesterday with their retro jerseys and they matching kicks and elbow pads instead of trying to keep PP from droppin 32 and Sugar Ray with 21, all jumpers smh. It was ridiculous. I normally have words of encouragement, excuses and whatnot to dispell the doubters, but, idk, where do we go from here? When everyone knows how to beat you, on your homecourt no less, how do you continue to be successful?
...was just gonna ask what happened yesterday...was too busy celebratin a baptism......the L isn't a big deal...didn't they go 1-1 last in last years series......but now that they r playin winning teams...they need to step up n show they can win this again......hopefully they can out do the Squirts n get a win on thurs...
never mind the loss... whats annoying is pau's and lamar's cocky attitude... saw their interviews after the game and they were saying that they didnt need to panic.... and that they will learn from this and get better... WUT?!?!? they have been saying that all year!

I thought it was basic basketball IQ to get back on defense, box out/ rebound, and not get punked under the basket by a smaller davis who couldnt jump over a phone book to save his life???

SMH.... this team needs to adjust their "we are still the champs" attitude and get real...
Funny, last Tuesday we beat the Jazz by like 40 with our starters playing less then half the game, the world was spinning correctly. 

Now, we lose back to back, and we need to trade Pau, players are too cocky, Ron is dead, Kobe shoots too much, Bynum is soft, LO shouldn't be an all star, Pau shouldn't be an all star, the sky is falling the sky is falling the sky is............

Bill Murray, the movie Groundhog Day, I feel ya homeboy.  I feel ya. 

It seems like Pau has changed his release from last year. Last year I had confidence that pretty much everything he shot was going in, but this year I think he's missing everything.

I'm not one to freak out about the Lakers, they'll be there in the end. But I was disturbed by the lineup Phil had in the last 6-7 mins of the game. Blake and Fisher? Odom clearly needed to be in the game. Even though he was having a terrible game, Artest needed to be there defending Pierce to take some pressure of Kobe on the defensive end.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Funny, last Tuesday we beat the Jazz by like 40 with our starters playing less then half the game, the world was spinning correctly. 

Now, we lose back to back, and we need to trade Pau, players are too cocky, Ron is dead, Kobe shoots too much, Bynum is soft, LO shouldn't be an all star, Pau shouldn't be an all star, the sky is falling the sky is falling the sky is............

Bill Murray, the movie Groundhog Day, I feel ya homeboy.  I feel ya. 


fam, you cant be cereal with that analogy?  The Jazz cant shoot their way out of a wet paper bag right now.  The issue is the ability of this teams current mentality to rise to the occasion when facingteams on the same level.  I never understood why you guys dont have a problem with them getting killed by these garbage teams, all yall ever say is that those games dont mean anything and blah blah blah, then why do they have to play them then?  I was always taught any game recorded meant something, minus preseason.  Getting blown out by Sacremento means something, regardless if you blinds fans want to see it.  I'm a true fan because I can admit the good and the bad.  There's no real reason we should lose to under .500 teams. Of course it'll happen occasionally, but they should be close.  And then the teams on our so-called level, well they blow us out, so how do you rationalize that?  We either do exceptionally well, or biblically horrible. 

And I'll say it again, I'm all for trading Fish for Billups.  I'm tired of him and his low skillset. He flops like crazy and is a threat to nobody.  At least Billups has solid D and can drop 15 to 20 for you a night. Not to mention he's a true point guard. I don't even know how to classify Fisher
.  They're so few and far between that when Fish finally has a big game, he cries...  That's my mans 100grand, but I'm about winning, and there's only so much a speech can do.
Originally Posted by Freeze

CP1708 wrote:
Funny, last Tuesday we beat the Jazz by like 40 with our starters playing less then half the game, the world was spinning correctly. 

Now, we lose back to back, and we need to trade Pau, players are too cocky, Ron is dead, Kobe shoots too much, Bynum is soft, LO shouldn't be an all star, Pau shouldn't be an all star, the sky is falling the sky is falling the sky is............

Bill Murray, the movie Groundhog Day, I feel ya homeboy.  I feel ya. 


fam, you cant be cereal with that analogy?  The Jazz cant shoot their way out of a wet paper bag right now.  The issue is the ability of this teams current mentality to rise to the occasion when facingteams on the same level.  I never understood why you guys dont have a problem with them getting killed by these garbage teams, all yall ever say is that those games dont mean anything and blah blah blah, then why do they have to play them then?  I was always taught any game recorded meant something, minus preseason.  Getting blown out my Sacremento means something, regardless if you blinds fans want to see it.  I'm a true fan because I can admit the good and the bad.  There's no real reason we should lose to under .500 teams. of course it'll happen occasionally, but they should be close.  And then the teams on our so-called level, well they blow us out, so how do you rationalize that?  We either do exceptionally well, or biblically horrible. 

And I'll say it again, I'm all for trading Fish for Billups.  I'm tired of him and his low skillset. He flops like crazy and is a threat to nobody.  At least Billups has solid D and can drop 15 to 20 for you a night. Not to mention he's a true point guard. I don't even know how to classify Fisher
.  they're so few and far between that when Sish has big games, he cries...  That's my mans 100grand, but I'm about winning, and there's only so much a speech can do.

The point is after every game, is another game. 

And after that one, another one




and on and on and on.  I don't give a damn who it is or when, a game in November = meaningless.  A game in December = meaningless, a game in Januay = meaningless. 

Championships are not won or lost losing regular season games.  We lose 20 a year.  Then we lose 5-6-7-8 playoff games, and still you can win a title.  So why all the panic? 

Getting blown out by Sac means something?  Really?  What does it mean?  Cuz I seem to remember us losing by NINETEEN POINTS to the Nuggets IN THE PLAYOFFS, and then winning the title 3 weeks later.  Guess what?  That same season, yeah, we lost to Sac by a dozen.  It meant something you say? 

Did it matter when we got blown out by the Blazers?  Or how bout the Bobcats?  How did those games matter? 


No one single solitary game in January DOES ANYTHING in May-June.  Every game takes on a life of it's own.  Remember the Houston series?  We blow them out, they blow us out, we blow them out, they blow us out.  Every single game, back and forth, the life of a series.  Every game is different, every series is different. 

It's all about how your team is playing in the post.  And their health.  And their focus.  And their hunger. 

If we have all those things in the playoffs, NONE of these 82 games will matter even one bit.  Why do we play them?  Um, because they are on the schedule.  We don't just get an automatic bid into the playoffs because we're nice guys.   You do have to earn your way to the postseason.  We haven't even hit the all star game yet, and this is like the 5th panic attack from Laker fans and media.  And as I have CLEARLY pointed out, it happens EVERY SINGLE SEASON. 

What did the Cavs winning 127 games over 2 years MEAN to the Cavs and other teams in the playoffs the last two years? 

When the Celtics lost to the Nets, IN BOSTON last year, and they were a .500 team for over HALF THE SEASON, what did that matter when they waxed the East in the playoffs for 2 months.  Or the face they were about 6 minutes away from winning it all.  ON THE ROAD. 

It's how you are playing and your circumstances in the post.  NOTHING MORE. 

What do you want now, play Kobe and Pau and Bynum and Odom 45 minutes a night, and start winning games NOW?  Or should they keep it in neutral for the playoffs?  Which is the more wise route?  You throw your pitchers out there for 120 pitches in May, or save that for October?  That's what this is. 

I know that none of what I typed matters, ya'll will go on cryin and whinin every time the Lakers lose a game.  Everything is the same as it ever was.  Fish is the worst PG in the league, Pau is soft, Bynum is hurt always, Kobe shoots too much, Ron can't play, Luke sucks, Phil just sits there, no bench, Shannon can't dribble, etc etc etc etc etc, same as last year, same as the year before, and before that, and on and on and on. 

But yeah, keepin it real. 

And what in the blue @#$% is Billups going to do?  Can you even name the last big shot that he has hit in the last 5 years?  Bet you can't.  Cuz their ain't one.  That dude livin on rep these days.  He ain't the 04 Billups anymore.  Fish got a whole buncha big shots in the last couple years though.  You go on with that Billups mess, I'll stick with the guy that shows up in the postseason, regardless of what his advanced statistics say about him.  (once again Laker fans calling out a made man, thought they learned their lessons back in 09, guess not)  What else is new though?  We'll just teach Billups the triangle in 2 months and he'll be all set for the postseason.  And he'll be great stopping Paul and Williams, and Parker and Rondo.  His D is simply amazing this year.  Yeah, just what we need, sure. 

Go ahead ya'll, continue with the sadness, sorry to interrupt and try to remind folks of what it takes to play in the NBA for 9 months straight 3 years in a row, and ask for it to happen again a 4th year.  Don't save any for the most important games, give it 110% every game, for 100 games straight, you won't run outta gas that way........

Just curious CP...do you have many leather bound books? Seems like your the type to have some

They'll never learn man. It's always the same old, same old. You would think that after three straight Finals these cats would have gotten the routine but I guess not. Could be just the fact that our fans have been spoiled with success and just expect us to play at a championship level for potentially 100+ games when it clearly won't and doesn't need to happen.

It's quite simple what would you guys rather have: Lakers playing their best in January, February, and March racking up "statement wins" against Boston, San Antonio, Dallas, Miami, Sacramento, etc. or play their best in the playoffs where there is actually something at stake?

This is a veteran team that knows when its go time. Just chill out fam
What the heck is a leather bound book? 

If Star Wars books are leather bound, then yes, I have some.  Otherwise, no idea what you're talkin. 

Yeah so what, I read Star Wars books, do somethin......
How quickly people forget that we struggled all throughout last season till round 2 of the playoffs .. SMh cmon people!

I see jbone at it again
i just hope homecourt advantage wont haunt us later on when we have to play game 7. I don't think we can win against Boston or Miami at their places. And like someone said above, Ebanks should play instead of trash Luke.
Ok let's be real. Im still confident that we can beat the Spurs and go to the Finals but deep down Lakers fan are scared of Miami and Celtics. These two team are well capable of beating us. There is no need to hide the facts. If we don't have homecourt advantage it will be an uphill battle when we play one of these teams in the Finals. It'll be painful to make it to the Finals and lose it all . 
Pau is blaming the loss on ball movement again 

I guess the lack of ball movement prevents him from running back on defense?

when was the last time pau tried to dunk or dunked?
ACBboyz84 wrote:
Ok let's be real. Im still confident that we can beat the Spurs and go to the Finals but deep down Lakers fan are scared of Miami and Celtics. These two team are well capable of beating us. There is no need to hide the facts. If we don't have homecourt advantage it will be an uphill battle when we play one of these teams in the Finals. It'll be painful to make it to the Finals and lose it all .

Lakers fans shouldn't be scared of anybody.  Quit focusing on everybody else.  If our Lakers focus on themselves, and task at hand, they will do fine.  If they start screwing off and not working and playing the right way during 7 game series time, THEN we will have things to be "scared" of. 

If I could double cross out Miami, I would. 
  I fear them as much as I fear the Pacers. 
^ idk bro, I'm really seeing throughtout your posts that youre giving the Lakeshow more credit than they deserve at this present time. As you stated each game is just one game, and it has no carry over onto the next, same goes with seasons. Last season has nothing to do with this season. If you don't think us gettin blown out by under .500 teams is bad....ok. well how about the ones that are on our level? Even I'm scared of Miami. If you arent, you're in the deep end of denial. They are a force. Period. When was the last time we were able to stop Lebron? Ok, how about slow him down? Wait, how about even containing him? 06'-07'? We've had zero answer for him these last few years, you know this, and then D.Wade...and then all their 3point shooters...and theen our complete lack of perimeter defen...smdh.  And even tho I believe kobe can do everything possible, unlike kb, Lebron actually makes every body on his team better.  Every time we play Lebron it seems like we get blown out....who doesnt get tired of getting clowned time and time again. At least get them once ^%#%. Thats one of the things I respected about the Bulls so much, they wanted every game. No nights off. Why let you win, when I can mentality. Yall fans that simply brush all of our nonchalent flaws under the rug have the mentality of cowards. On some "dude just slapped the %+$$ outta u, and when asked why u didnt fight back, 'well he aint slap me that hard', uhhh yeaa but you still got slapped". Rolling over is for the birds. Meanwhile, they're just given all their opponents fuel to the fire and gameplans of what works....for example, if you run a fast pg at us, fish will collapse....if your big puts muscle of Pau, you remove him from the offense.....shannon CANNOT dribble, so he'll self-check....let kobe score.

and if you aint scared of boston, you're blind.
If you scared of Miami, you aren't watchin enough playoff basketball.  They do splendid things in the regular season, but when teams get actual time to prepare and study for them, and they have 3 guys that can play, and the others are stand around jump shooters, you can defend that, and it will happen.  Trust.  Boston is going to MAUL them.  If you didn't notice, Boston has a TON of ways to beat teams.  Offense, Defense, rebounding, passing, inside game, outside game, go to guys, speed, hustle, depth, they have NO weakness.  I can't stand the Celtics, but that team is built PERFECT. 

That said, break it down for me yesterday.  Rondo played well.  (more in the second half then the first)  Allen, played well.  Pierce was great.  KG, solid as always.  Davis, played great off the bench.  Nate, 3 big shots, played well. 
Lakers that played well.  Kobe, Lamar for about the first 15 minutes, and that's it.  Wrap.  Nobody else.  Fish, nada.  Ron, nothing.  Bynum, maybe a moment or two.  Pau, did he play?  Luke, turnstyle.  Shannon, nope.  Blake hit 2 buckets, call that what you want. 

Half of the Celtics played well, really well, 60% shooting damn near, and one Laker was solid, and even he lacked some things, and there we were, down 4, 5 minutes to play.    What if the other Lakers actually played well? 
  Crazy concept right? 

If we don't play well, we lose, duh.  Everybody knows that.  Which is why I said, if we focus on ourselves (not you and me, the Lakers org)  and play the game the way they know how, we will be fine.  Does that mean we automatically win it all?  Of course not, I never said that, but I am saying that how we play in a bunch of regular season games means jack @#$%.  Just like when Orlando punked us TWICE in 09, how that finals work out for them again? 

Green Bay Packers lost to my Miami Dolphins in the regular season.  We didn't even make the playoffs.  That mean that Green Bay can't win the super bowl now?  Is that not in a sense what you are @#$%^&*( about right now?  You win some, you lose some, but if you on track (and call me stupid crazy for trusting that a guy with ELEVEN rings knows how and when to push his teams buttons) and get your heads on straight in April, and carry that on game by game, series by series, then we should do just fine. 

We all thought last year we were gonna face the Spurs in the WCF cuz they were playin the Suns.  Spurs never won a game in that series.  What if we put all our focus into the Spurs?  That's why you don't look ahead, you don't worry about this or that.  Get to April.  Find out your round 1 opp.  Watch the tapes, study their moves.  Then go execute your gameplan.  The one that Phil and Co set up.  Then, find out second round team, repeat the steps.  That's all they need to do.  Easy?  No, not at all.  But will they remember or pay attention to that game on a Thursday in November, or December or January?  Nope, not at all. 
Man, no one looks back on any championship team whether its us, the Bulls, or the Spurs and says "Oh yeah remember that regular season game when they played <insert team here> and they got blown out by 20?"

Playoffs are the only thing that matter. That being said, someone needs to call Pau out so he can't wake up before they start.

Originally Posted by CP1708

If you scared of Miami, you aren't watchin enough playoff basketball.  They do splendid things in the regular season, but when teams get actual time to prepare and study for them, and they have 3 guys that can play, and the others are stand around jump shooters, you can defend that, and it will happen.  Trust.  Boston is going to MAUL them.  If you didn't notice, Boston has a TON of ways to beat teams.  Offense, Defense, rebounding, passing, inside game, outside game, go to guys, speed, hustle, depth, they have NO weakness.  I can't stand the Celtics, but that team is built PERFECT. 

That said, break it down for me yesterday.  Rondo played well.  (more in the second half then the first)  Allen, played well.  Pierce was great.  KG, solid as always.  Davis, played great off the bench.  Nate, 3 big shots, played well. 
Lakers that played well.  Kobe, Lamar for about the first 15 minutes, and that's it.  Wrap.  Nobody else.  Fish, nada.  Ron, nothing.  Bynum, maybe a moment or two.  Pau, did he play?  Luke, turnstyle.  Shannon, nope.  Blake hit 2 buckets, call that what you want. 

Half of the Celtics played well, really well, 60% shooting damn near, and one Laker was solid, and even he lacked some things, and there we were, down 4, 5 minutes to play.    What if the other Lakers actually played well? 
  Crazy concept right? 

If we don't play well, we lose, duh.  Everybody knows that.  Which is why I said, if we focus on ourselves (not you and me, the Lakers org)  and play the game the way they know how, we will be fine.  Does that mean we automatically win it all?  Of course not, I never said that, but I am saying that how we play in a bunch of regular season games means jack @#$%.  Just like when Orlando punked us TWICE in 09, how that finals work out for them again? 

Green Bay Packers lost to my Miami Dolphins in the regular season.  We didn't even make the playoffs.  That mean that Green Bay can't win the super bowl now?  Is that not in a sense what you are @#$%^&*( about right now?  You win some, you lose some, but if you on track (and call me stupid crazy for trusting that a guy with ELEVEN rings knows how and when to push his teams buttons) and get your heads on straight in April, and carry that on game by game, series by series, then we should do just fine. 

We all thought last year we were gonna face the Spurs in the WCF cuz they were playin the Suns.  Spurs never won a game in that series.  What if we put all our focus into the Spurs?  That's why you don't look ahead, you don't worry about this or that.  Get to April.  Find out your round 1 opp.  Watch the tapes, study their moves.  Then go execute your gameplan.  The one that Phil and Co set up.  Then, find out second round team, repeat the steps.  That's all they need to do.  Easy?  No, not at all.  But will they remember or pay attention to that game on a Thursday in November, or December or January?  Nope, not at all. 

haha you always write an essay to reply but good points tho. Celtics will win over the east ( i pray for Orlando but highly doubt it.) And we will have many troubles to play game 7 at their places if the 2 teams meet in the finals. We need to stop losing now and try to get the HCA against Boston. i wish i have a lot confident like you lol
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