OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

How long would a tear take to better?

We can definitely float around the top even with Pau out, probably a few games lower than we'd like, but certainly this Pau stoppage will make him evenmore rested for when he's really needed.

I am not worried at all.
^^ i completely agree....i had a bad feeling something was gonna happen...but hey it is what it is...lets just hope we dont rush him soon...but wsup withmisdiagnosing our guys?...him practicing early hurt it even more
@ Pau
We need home court advantage to win what we want. We don't have time to lose a game here or there. Luckily our schedule isn't too tough right now,but Boston and Orlando both are going full speed ahead, and they still have guys yet to bring in and get them stronger.

We can not waste games. HC is a must.
I swear to god, man... we get Pau and everyone talks about 'Pau and Bynum!', but Bynum gets injured.

Now Bynum's lookin pretty good, and we learn Captain Caveman is seriously injured.

... ... ... ...
I knew this would happen, out team will never be fully healthy for an entire year.

Guess this gives KB the green light to go back to 05-06 mode even more

I just don't understand why Pau didn't rest after basically playing the same rigorous schedule that Kobe did with 2 Finals runs + Olympics in 2 years.
Ska, you like what you seen outta Bynum early? Clearly he only cares about scoring right now, but we keep working on him and sooner or later he'll pick upD and rebounding. May never be elite, but better at least.
Aw @@+* man, and here I thought this team would be 100% when the season started for the first time since I can remember.
--Concerning Pau, better now than March or April I guess.
--I agree he should have just rested this off season. I mean he just won a world championship ring for gods sake. He just couldnt leave well enough alone huh?LOL.
--Hopefully Bynum uses this time wisely to become more of a threat on both sides of the floor.
Mamba MVP:
Guess this gives KB the green light to go back to 05-06 mode even more

Mamba MVP:
I just don't understand why Pau didn't rest after basically playing the same rigorous schedule that Kobe did with 2 Finals runs + Olympics in 2 years.

Why didn't he rest? Because the team captain went through 2 Finals runs along with the Olympics.

I don't have a problem with either one playing all that basketball, though. Actually, I like it. Listen, most of us love basketball, right? Sure, wedon't get paid millions to do it (or thousands... or hundreds... or ones
), but we love basketball, right? I'm trying to play EVERY CHANCE I GET, and I'm sure a lot of you are the same. I don't see how it'simpossible for Kobe and Pau (and others) to still have that same passion most of us do, trying to play every chance they get.

Good for Kobe really wanting to ball his heart out, going through 2 seasons, 2 playoffs, 2 Finals, and the Olympics all without any major stretch of rest...and good for Pau.

Not mad at Pau at all. Just frustrated with the circumstance. Glad he's out a the beginning of the season, though, when we've got a pretty cakeschedule.
Mamba MVP:
Guess this gives KB the green light to go back to 05-06 mode even more

why?...we dont have smush parker or brian cook and kwame on the team anymore...we have guys who are capable to help out kobe...hedoesnt need to that i know why phil wanted artest to be more aggressive on the offensive end cause i bet he knew pau was gonna be out for a while

as for bynum ehhhhhh...he seems to take it to himself everytime he has that ball on the block...he tends to force a lot of things...doesnt make the game cometo him...he needs to look more for his teammates on the post and its the defensive end is where we need him the most

as long as were healthy...we dont need the homecourt...i see being top 3 in the west anyways but this is how i see win the first championship you needhomecourt...the next ones you dont cause you already have that championship experience
When I was talking about Kobe, I mean look at what he's done so far in terms of shooting...he's already leading the NBA in number of shots taken atnear 25 a game
. I just don't like the way he's been running the offense...I know it's early, but we know Kobe, he'll take it upon himselfto try to do too much if Pau's out for any extended period of time, not b/c he has to, but just b/c he can.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

as long as were healthy...we dont need the homecourt...i see being top 3 in the west anyways but this is how i see win the first championship you need homecourt...the next ones you dont cause you already have that championship experience

And if we play the Magic and Celtics, they also have championship experience.

Yes, I see what you're saying and surely we can win anywhere, but that doesn't mean that those teams can't equally come back and win one in LAeither. We need HC
Lakers Fail to Extend Farmar, Morrison


Posted: 11/2/2009 5:12:00 AM
Source: Mike Bresnahan of the Los Angeles Times

Jordan Farmar now has extra motivation, should he need it. So does Adam Morrison.

The Lakers did not give contract extensions to either fourth-year player, making them both restricted free agents in July. The Lakers had until today to reach an agreement with each player.

Farmar, 23, will make $1.9 million this season and Morrison, 26, will make $5.2 million.

"I think I have a lot to offer. I know I can do so much more than I'm doing right now," said Farmar, who is averaging 4.7 points and 1.7 assists through three games this season. "If they really, really want me, they probably would have signed me. It's tough. I feel that I've gone out there a lot and shown what I have, with the opportunity that I've got. It's my job to try to prove it to them."

The Lakers have the right to match any offer Farmar or Morrison signs next summer.

Hope Farmar gets traded by the deadline

Bum !!#.
[h1]Pau Gasol appears close to return[/h1]

Reporting from Oklahoma City - Pau Gasol's hamstring now stretches all the way to Spain . . . sort of.

The Lakers sent the information from Gasol's latest medical test to his personal physician and also his parents, who are in the medical field in Spain. (His mother is a doctor and his father is a hospital administrator.)

The Lakers declined to reveal the results of the MRI exam, citing the need for confirmation from Gasol's chosen recipients, but his strained right hamstring doesn't appear to be bad enough to keep him out much longer.

He went through a "pretty good workout" after the team's Tuesday afternoon shoot-around, Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said.

Gasol will not play tonight against Houston, his fifth consecutive game on the sidelines, but what about Friday against Memphis, his old team?

"We'll see," Jackson said. "We hope he can get a practice in this week."

Jackson typically wants injured players to practice before playing in a game. The Lakers are scheduled to practice Thursday and Saturday this week.

Gasol did some light shooting Tuesday and also worked on his strength and conditioning with Alex McKechnie and Chip Schaefer, members of the Lakers' athletic performance staff.

Earlier this week, the possibility of a slight hamstring tear appeared on a sonogram, a less-detailed test preferred by many European players. Even if the MRI exam confirmed a slight tear, Gasol seemed to be moving forward in his progress Tuesday.

Bynum banter

Andrew Bynum had 22 points and 10 rebounds Tuesday in the 101-98 overtime win at Oklahoma City and seemed to please Jackson, maybe, in a way, perhaps.

"He had a 10-rebound game and we like that," Jackson said. "His help defense was better tonight. I'd like to see him block a couple shots that come in there."

Bynum actually blocked a big one down the stretch, getting a piece of Kevin Durant's 17-footer with 23.9 seconds left in overtime and the Lakers ahead, 99-98.

But Bynum was not credited with a blocked shot by the official scorer and finished with none in the final box score.

"Of course not," Bynum said with a shrug. "I never get my stats."

Retirement hits home for Walton

Bill Walton will no longer work as a TV analyst because of a bad back, which surprised his son.

"I know how much he loved it, so it's got to be really hard for him," forward Luke Walton said.

The younger Walton was an occasional target of his father's criticism when the elder Walton worked a Lakers game.

"People know he is always going to say what he thinks and sees, and not say the PC thing to say," Luke Walton said.

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