OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

I'm not trying to defend Kobe like that (I think everyone would agree when he takes less shots the team plays better) because I know our talent is much better than it was when he didn't show trust in the other guys, but if they would come out and play well consistently maybe these "offensive flow" problems wouldn't be such a big deal. We really shouldn't have to make that much of a concerted effort to get good offense with the talent we have.
I usually don't post in here and just lurk, but this 3 game losing streak should strike a message to the team.

As for Pau, I don't like how he's been going to the media about what should be happening, that's what your team is there for, talk to each other about it.
Pau is probably scared that Kobe will yell at him and he'll go home crying so that's why he says stuff to the media. Doesn't have the cojones to say it to his face or to the team. All this talk about "offensive flow" is mute when he plays like a scared rabbit everytime he touches the ball.
Originally Posted by Kookcle

repeating is not easy

  Exactly....Theres bound to be a few bumps in the road.

If they evem make the finals, this will be the 3rd straight year...that would be a hell of an acomplishment in todays N.B.A.

Theyre playing so terrible, but are a top  team in the league.

Hell if they went 72-10 some dudes wouls still be crying....
Originally Posted by Kookcle

repeating is not easy
--This team needs higher stakes to play at their best and that time will come.
--I mean, the only teams that have repeated in the past 20 years  are Lakers, Bulls and Rockets. 2 of those teams coached by our dude Phil.

--We'll be alright.
SO Gasol is calling Kobe out basically and ya'll are calling for a repeat with only a month of regular season left?

I know as a fan you stand by your team, but last year the Lakers were scary whether any opposing team fan wanted to admit it or not(myself included) . This year it seems like teams know they can beat them. And Kobe's injuries dont help.
And finally, he was asked whether this year's Laker team is as good as last year's title-winners. Odom says yes, and adds:
We don’t get frustrated and baffled by losses. We stay composed at all times. Win, lose or draw. Teams take the personality of their coach a lot of times. You see teams go on a 15-20 run and Phil won't call a timeout. Just because we lost three straight or aren't playing well, we don't throw up the white flag or start pointing fingers. We know it’s going to be hard. We expect that.

Atta boy Lamar. 
This is what i have noticed about us this year.
complacency (sp?)
we seem to have that attitude that, we can turn it on when we need to..... we have shown this year that we are capable of doing everything right, and also we take ourselves out of games with lack of effort and hustle, and down right toughness.

I dont know if this Laker team is good enough to just turn it on when they need to, we have guys who are streaky, and they need to play a certain way over a period of time to continue their good play... (Gasol, Bynum, Odom)
I think that when the play offs come they will have a renewed focus, i dont see them giving the lack of effort in the playoffs...

also, i know some may laugh at me but i reallly think Luke Walton being injured hurts us..... (i never thought id say that)
but Luke playing with the 2nd unit creates alot of movement on offense... his passing and his ability to make an open jumper occasionally is missing.... from the 2nd unit.  When Bynum Odom and Luke play together with Shannon and Farmar, its pretty solid.

also my last gripe and i have said this since day one of the season... Bynum and Gasol CAN NOT PLAY TOGETHER!!!!!
I dont know why Phil hasnt changed the rotation and start Odom.  They both operate in the same space and Bynum is the true post player... from the PF position in the triangle Gasol needs to face up alot more which frees Bynum to do his thing...  in my opinion i would rarely have them on the court together, give them both enough minutes to do their work in the paint seperatly...

Ok im done.... Lakers gonna win the Chip this year.... im not worried.
Ska, I see you're online today, how you doin with this team?  You were askin over the weekend what I need to panic, how you doin in our current situation? 
Ska, I see you're online today, how you doin with this team?  You were askin over the weekend what I need to panic, how you doin in our current situation?
Ask me this question, why must you?

Falling, the sky is.

We've got Kobe chucking after the team went 4-1 without him, Pau speaking those worrisome words through the media, we've got Bynum still getting bodied, we can't win a game on the road and we've got a bunch of road games in March (what? 4 home games all month?), and Phil's trying to respond to Pau's media words by also speaking through the media. And Farmar's nice play hasn't been so amazing the last couple weeks. Hasn't been terrible at all, but he definitely seems to have cooled off.

Shannon Brown can jump out the gym, though, so there's that.


I am probably the most cynical of all the passionate of all the Laker fans on here.
Well, on the bright side, Dallas fans believe they've got the #1 seed locked up, and will be running all the way from mid Feb thru June.  That's nice. 

Kenyon Martin is going down, Lawson is hurting, and so is Birdman. 

Lebron has secret back issues from carrying the franchise for the last 7 years.  Shaq is hurt and getting fat as we speak.  Mo hurt his finger yesterday.  Jamison has a touchy knee. 

Boston is scrambling like all hell.

And the Magic are a solid club, but Vince is still soft and Dwight hasn't gotten even a smidge better from last season. 

So while we're not perfect, guess what, none of the other threats are either.  And only the Celtics have the pedigree and know how of what it takes come playoff time. 

So now you can relax.  NBA seasons are long.  And sometimes coaches ease off the throttle to keep some fuel in the tanks.  I know one coach who's pretty good at it.  In fact, I can almost bet Phil already knows who's winning the championship this year.  Nobody knows better then him. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Ask me this question, why must you?
Man, you the one askin me what it would take for me to worry. 
  Had me typin essay's and what not over the weekend no less.  Consider this payback. 

i'm not even a lakers fan, i'm a celtics fan... but i don't think people should freak out that much over the 3 game skid... didn't the lakers have the longest streak without a 3 game losing streak at like 185 straight games or something? and the next best record to that was only 50? That should say something... they were bound to have a minor skid at some point. Better now than the playoffs I guess... they'll be fine.
Ask me this question, why must you?

Man, you the one askin me what it would take for me to worry. 
  Had me typin essay's and what not over the weekend no less.  Consider this payback. 

Nah, you know I have no problem explaining myself. I was just saying, there's already people that think I'm a fraudulent Laker fan because of my incessant cynicism, then you come through basically forcing me into yet another reply where I nitpick my beloved team.

I seriously read your question like 'Dammit, why the hell'd you ask me that?!'

that game winner was niiiice last night....but ive grown tired of these game winners on teams we should be crushin

a WIN is a WIN tho
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Ask me this question, why must you?
Man, you the one askin me what it would take for me to worry. 
  Had me typin essay's and what not over the weekend no less.  Consider this payback. 

Nah, you know I have no problem explaining myself. I was just saying, there's already people that think I'm a fraudulent Laker fan because of my incessant cynicism, then you come through basically forcing me into yet another reply where I nitpick my beloved team.

I seriously read your question like 'Dammit, why the hell'd you ask me that?!'


Don't pay attention to those dudes, the real ones all know where your loyalties are.  

I'm thinkin Bynum really didn't like the Bynum for Bosh rumors, cuz his two best games this year were against Bosh. 
  He looked GREAT out there last night, that's the most shots he's affected in his entire life.  He was gettin down in a defensive stance, he was great. 

Pau on the other hand, almost cost me a 65 inch HD TV.  Pau, if you're going to talk, don't allow little guys to walk to the rim and score like I would let my 8 year old daughter drive in and score.  And when you shoot a layup yourself Pau, try to at least hit the rim while doing so.  Thanks. 

Much work to do.  We are the worst 47-18 team in the NBA. 
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