oh NEAT. a group of old men that were in their prime 10+ years ago. serious. If the market dictated what was put out this album wouldn't get made. But since this guy can't just fall back and play with his kid he needs to spend millions to force material down our throat. I used to be a huge jay fan but he needs to hang it up.

You are entitled to your opinion, but you're, hopelessly, void of any logic.
The emotions in this thread 
Jay my guy, but i'm not listening to this **** on no July 4th, i'm not ruining my holiday listening to this ***** make me feel poor, with all this baller talk he about to do. **** that.
So any word on a physical release? It won't feel right if there isn't one. I apologize if if missed it amidst all of the nonsense
Not sure if this was posted :

Agreed with these points. Doesn't help that a lot of his material is incredibly bland and stale. He just wants the attention and got it. He gonna talk about money throughout this entire project?

Lol first of all those tweets are just straight hate/jealousy (and I'm NOT a Jay-z fan by the way) and money making deals are for attention now? Oh ok.

REAL TALK coming from a cornball like a-trak. shoulda been him instead of dj am on a plane

What a sick individual.
Why cant i like cam and hov

Will be listening for production

How soft can you be if music really makes you feel poor 
Haven't cared for a new Jay-Z song since American Gangster.

I don't see that changing anytime soon.
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