Official HBO's The Newsroom Thread Vol: Season 3

The trailer for the season finale shows Will getting fired. I wonder if Skinner will use intel from the NSA dude to hold against Lansing once she tells Will he's fired. Does anyone know if the season finale will be a longer episode? Here's the trailer for anyone that didn't catch it...
If you told me that Olivia Munn was going to be the best female actress on the show I would have never believed you, but the other two main females are cringeworthy at times. Still digging the show, last two episodes have been solid

I think the critics were unnecessarily harsh on early episodes, it's evident that the show is growing into its own. Loving it thus far :pimp:
No. The show had more bad then good, then the same of both, now there's more good than bad. It got better. The content and subject matter were never the problem. More times than not the writing is very good and fitting. It's the acting, casting, direction and pacing that has been terrible at times or at least off-tone and cringe-worthy. Oh and Allison Pill's character is miserable. And they should've recasted Emily Mortimer's character when she told them she couldn't handle the dialogue and an American accent at the same time.

The last 5 minutes saved the episode.

Some iffy acting in this one.
Yea...part 1 was the first time Olivia Munn had me like :rolleyes when she was talking to Dev ... felt like she's been hanging out with Emily Mortimer too much. :lol: She's still the best actress there, though.

I haven't been able to make it through the last 2 episodes. Deleted my recording for this week's episode just 25 minutes in. Show is the epitome of "hit or miss" for me. 
Ugh...I...agree...with you. It's not enough to make me stop watching it, because the subject matter is always good and there are always at least a couple 5 minute stretches when the show reaches all of it's potential. It's better than it used to be, but half of the cast either isn't good or isn't getting good direction. The entire love triangle (square?) can stop ASAP. The show is always better, the less time they dedicate to it, because all of those characters just start hamming it up. Allison Pill is so much better than the character they've given her. And Emily Mortimer is the worst.
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So wait... Mortimer's character is American? Never got that impression at all.

I like what Sorkin writes, but it becomes so tiresome to hear the leftist crusade fire off diatribes that make conservatives look so idiotic. Since all this is taking place with the benefit of hindsight to make the left look like superheroes at all times, it would at least be nice to see the other side win an argument or topic for a change.
I'm as liberal as they come, but it just gets annoying to hear Sorkin's views jammed down my throat for 48 minutes by a bunch of people who try to be hip,cool and witty by speaking too fast, pausing for dramatic effect and making constipated faces while waiting .0003 seconds for a rebuttal. It's not 10 characters with 10 personalities its 10 different actors playing the same character. Sometimes it feels like I'm watching the movie Identity and at any moment they're going to show this was all in Will's head.
I feel like I'm watching the robot chicken version of Gilmore Girls 2.0.

Oh, and Allison Pill has a huge forehead and needs to get shipped off to Afghanistan for a season to cover the making of the Hurt Locker.
Its def hit or miss. I love it. Don't understand the harsh criticism
expectations...after Social Network and Moneyball, people were hoping for film on television. Then they were just hoping for West Wing with no filter. This is less than all of those, but it's still close to the best political drama on TV after The Good Wife.

This show could use a lot of addition by subtraction, though.
So wait... Mortimer's character is American? Never got that impression at all.

When they casted her, it was for an American role, but in rehearsal, she was like...uh...I can't speak this fast and remember all this dialogue while doing an American accent... They should've recasted her on the spot, instead they were'll just have a speech in the first ep about how you're still American at heart, even though you're obviously not. Even though that defeats the conceit of your character and premise of the show.

I like what Sorkin writes, but it becomes so tiresome to hear the leftist crusade fire off diatribes that make conservatives look so idiotic. Since all this is taking place with the benefit of hindsight to make the left look like superheroes at all times, it would at least be nice to see the other side win an argument or topic for a change.
I'm as liberal as they come, but it just gets annoying to hear Sorkin's views jammed down my throat for 48 minutes by a bunch of people who try to be hip,cool and witty by speaking too fast, pausing for dramatic effect and making constipated faces while waiting .0003 seconds for a rebuttal. It's not 10 characters with 10 personalities its 10 different actors playing the same character. Sometimes it feels like I'm watching the movie Identity and at any moment they're going to show this was all in Will's head.
I feel like I'm watching the robot chicken version of Gilmore Girls 2.0.
I kinda get that, but I don't really mind. Yea, he's not fair and balance, but like you said, it's in hyper-hindsight and the truths, little revelations of the newsmaking process and just details of these topics that slipped through the cracks for me the first time around are so worth it. It might just be his liberal pulpit or whatever, but it's still well written...the problem...the cringeworthy parts where it feels like you're getting beat over the head, come from the really bad, hammy acting, poor pacing, and annoying direction.

For me it's not the message, it's the messengers I have a problem with.
Lol. I remember that episode 1 reveal that she was, what? A descendant of Margaret Thatcher or something that was born in America but grew up in England with her father who was an ambassador or something?
That bio made no damned sense.

What's the worst though is how they said they're never going to have nudity or curse words on the show. It's HBO after all! I thought for sure Munn would unleash her acting skills on a semi regular basis on this show (if you know what I mean).
She's someone who became a citizen. Why is that a big deal? There are many immigrants who are more pro america than those born here. Different perspective and appreciation.

I thought she was a nationalized citizen.
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Yea, but that's something you can reason out. In the moment, that doesn't work for me. When just goes off the cuff and starts talking about what's wrong with America's way of doing x, y and z, I don't see "naturalized American citizen," I see British woman ready to tell us how the British do it better.


And even if that didn't matter to me, it'd work to such greater effect without her accent. You lose the plot. The whole premise of the show was American news done properly. By the people, for the people. Instead it feels like a British woman came in to show them how it's done.

And it doesn't help that she ruins so many scenes for me with her hammy over the top acting. She's the Toney Douglas of Newsroom. It's not that they'd be better off without her...they just need a better version of her. Or the her that doesn't ruin things with her bad comic timing or random screaming or stupid "punch me right here" faces she makes:





And it's not that I hate the actress. I thought she was great in Young Adam and Shutter Island. I was excited that she got a role on Sorkin's newshow...but she's the worst and it's not all how her character is written, it's her acting. At least with Allison Pill, they gave her a pretty garbage character, but she does the best she can sandwiched between Brad Garrett's little brother and fake Jim from The Office with a lisp who squints too much. They try to make them both comediennes. That's why Olivia Munn comes out the best. Until last episode, they left her out of that hammy, screaming for laughs ****.
Yea, but that's something you can reason out. In the moment, that doesn't work for me. When just goes off the cuff and starts talking about what's wrong with America's way of doing x, y and z, I don't see "naturalized American citizen," I see British woman ready to tell us how the British do it better.


And even if that didn't matter to me, it'd work to such greater effect without her accent. You lose the plot. The whole premise of the show was American news done properly. By the people, for the people. Instead it feels like a British woman came in to show them how it's done.

And it doesn't help that she ruins so many scenes for me with her hammy over the top acting. She's the Toney Douglas of Newsroom. It's not that they'd be better off without her...they just need a better version of her. Or the her that doesn't ruin things with her bad comic timing or random screaming or stupid "punch me right here" faces she makes:





And it's not that I hate the actress. I thought she was great in Young Adam and Shutter Island. I was excited that she got a role on Sorkin's newshow...but she's the worst and it's not all how her character is written, it's her acting. At least with Allison Pill, they gave her a pretty garbage character, but she does the best she can sandwiched between Brad Garrett's little brother and fake Jim from The Office with a lisp who squints too much. They try to make them both comediennes. That's why Olivia Munn comes out the best. Until last episode, they left her out of that hammy, screaming for laughs ****.
You know what? 

I agree.

She is ODing all the time. 

Like it just kinda comes off as really corny. 
She annoyed me on 30 rock I wasn't happy when she was cast to begin with. And lol at fake Jim halpert haha I've thought it too!!!!
I like the show but...whats the catch for the second season?

They're going IN on conservatives though. 
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