Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Dany is not immune to fire. She has a higher tolerance to heat but that's it. She can still get BBQ'd like anyone else if the dragons were to light her up.

Didnt she sit down on a bed of fire to hatch the dragons in the first place? Seems pretty immune to me (the show version of her)

Yeah, grrm can say whatever he wants but when it happened it seemed like she was immune. She must have a crazy tolerance and resistance to heat then because in the series premiere she went in a bath tub with scolding water and didn't flinch. Plus it'd be cooler if she is fire-resistant since she is The Mother of Dragons. Her getting burned to death by her own dragons would not be cool.

Me and my boys were trying to figure who will get the throne if Tommen dies?


Probably whoever his sister marries. That's if Tommen doesn't knock up Margaery.
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Not HD, can't discuss any of this though stuff in here though, per Meth.


Yeah yall boys trippin, dont be in here dropping hints and spoilers now! :tongue: How yall gonna wait a year, a YEAR, then bing watch 4 episodes. Now yall gotta wait another whole month :lol:
Jon's a good homie for putting mance out of his misery. I'm stubborn like mance but burning alive is such a brutal way to die.
nah man.. jon snow the strongest leader right now

he's the only one out of that present bunch I would follow.. unless I was daario
hes not technically a leader of anything.

im talking about people like Stannis and daenerys and whoverever else (i honestly dont know who the other leaders are off the top of my head, Roose Bolton one?)
I liked how they paralleled the hypocrisy with Dany this ep. She's over on one side not wanting to okay the fighting to the death as entertainment, freeing all these slaves, giving them power, while having her own dragons locked up in a cave.

What you expect when you chain them and lock them up in a cave? :lol:

Actually Jon Snow did the best thing. Now, he gave Mance peace, and he has the support of the Wildlings by giving Mance a proper death. They're gonna respect Jon and follow him--which in turn means that Jon + Wildings will ride for Stannis.

All conjecture on my part tho.
On the flip though that's just made him alienate his brothers at the watch even more since half of them already felt like he was too friendly with the wildlings.
I think Varys ultimate goal is to be the hand to Dany.

He can't be king so that would be the highest he can go.

Straight House of Cards setup from there.
I actually take him at his word when he talked with Tyrion. He just wants better for the realm. I think he'd be completely fine with taking the same position he just had when Dany takes the throne. Think he wants similar for Tyrion.
if my only 3 options are:

dany is getting played.. stannis is behoved to melisandre.. and tommen is a boy (who obviously is going get taking down by his crazy mother)

I go with dany for the same reason varys is, if she gets some good advice.. she has the best resources
Got a feeling that little fingers downfall will be his love for Sansa ..she's starting to smarten up so maybe that means she gets over on him

Any word on where he's taking her ?
going back to the Little Finger vs Varys debate.

I think both are equally as smart and cunning.


Little Fingers got way too much emotion goin on in his head, whether it be pure power or obsession with Sansa.

Hes going to be his own downfall and its probably going to be sooner than later i think. 
Yea I think he's done after this season. GRRM said Sansas learning to play the game and not jus be a pawn so yea
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going back to the Little Finger vs Varys debate.

I think both are equally as smart and cunning.


Little Fingers got way too much emotion goin on in his head, whether it be pure power or obsession with Sansa.

Hes going to be his own downfall and its probably going to be sooner than later i think. 

Definitely helps that varys was a eunuch since he was a kid and baelish was lusting over Catelyn Tully.
if he was smart he would have stayed in the eyrie..

but he making moves out love (first for cat.. and now sansa).. he messing with fire and it's going blow up in his face

varys is playing the long con and doesn't have to concern himself with emotion.. hell, I wonder if little finger is even aware of dany yet
Nah, they're equal for sure as far as feats so far.

Little Finger is the one that orchestrated most of these events in the first place. He had Eyrie chick's husband killed, which led to Ned Stark becoming the new right hand of the king, after Cersi's treachery that led to the king's death after Ned found out what the other guy almost found out about the King's children that led to Ned's death, that led to Rob declaring himself king in the North. The only thing he messed up on was being unable to manipulate Ned not in to revealing everything which is why he turned on him (probably thinking because Ned has a bastard it was possible but we know why that didn't work). Plus there's some evidence to be said that he's partly responsible for adding to the debt of King's Landing since they really don't have any capitol and just keep borrowing money. Then when **** was falling apart son manipulated his way out to the Eyrie, saved Sansa, killed Cat's crazy sister and is basically running the whole damn place while pulling strings to keep tabs on Stannis and what's going on in King's Landing.

Yeah he was in love with Cat but he clearly didn't let that mess up his plans. If anything it was all a part of his plan. Now that he's moved on to Sansa I don't see much change in what he has in store. He's manipulating **** so he can have and eat his cake too. All of this is quite impressive given he started out only being the Master of Coin when the story started. There's an argument that if he doesn't scheme the way he has on this high level that most of the stuff that occurs in the story doesn't happen the same way or at all. The only way I don't see him being a major player in this near the end is a random senseless death or if Sansa goes full heel and back stabs him and takes over.

I feel everything he's done is on par with what Varys has done and his longer con. They basically both established this when they had their little chat in front of the throne about their differences and how they see things. It was basically Petyr admitting he was responsible for some of the current events while acknowledging that he knows Varys has **** brewing and plans on the back burner. They both pretty much were saying we'll probably have to face each other down the line to see who is right.
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as I mentioned above.. little finger has set the bar to high.. he wants to be the guy, he wants to be seating at the top

and he also wants sansa (since he has now moved on from cat)

his goals are unrealistic.. and will be his down fall

varys is trying to solidify position, he wants to remain an advisor.. his goal is to be **** cheney, make moves behind the scenes without the desires to be in the number 1 spot.. plus he doesn't suffer from the usual vices that take down mean of power
as I mentioned above.. little finger has set the bar to high.. he wants to be the guy, he wants to be seating at the top

and he also wants sansa (since he has now moved on from cat)

his goals are unrealistic.. and will be his down fall

varys is trying to solidify position, he wants to remain an advisor.. his goal is to be **** cheney, make moves behind the scenes without the desires to be in the number 1 spot.. plus he doesn't suffer from the usual vices that take down mean of power
'cause he got no peepee. 

for real doe, that eliminates so many issues (when you wanna stay focused)
I think we all know that. It's pretty clear what the two want.

I don't see why you say Little Finger's plans are unrealistic though. All it really takes is marrying the right person to be the next king since he isn't of a noble name or lord's son or w/e.

All he has to do is kill any Lannister's with a claim to the throne, kill Stannis, kill Dany, and marry Sansa or marry Margery Tyrell. Now if his plan was to kill all of those ppl himself with his little Eyrie army I'd agree even more and say he's insane but I'm sure his ability to adapt and scheme is gonna have it be something like have Stannis army take out the Lannisters at some point or have them kill each other and come out victorious. What's left is facing off against Dany who is backed by Varys when she comes to claim the throne.

Plus there's a bunch of other variations of that where he could come out on top.

Now I'm not saying he will be successful or is even the fav but as far as manipulating ppl and events he is up there with the best.
I don't think this is a spoiler because i don't even think the books are at this point yet but if Dany makes it to the throne and for whatever reason beats out Stannis and Tommen( representing the lanisters)

Who pays back the Iron bank?

Both of them owe the bank money and Tyrion said they always get their gold back.
don't get me wrong.. I respect the hell out of little finger.. and he obviously has played an important role..

but it's easy to see the mistakes he is making and going to make..

if it were me, I would have stayed in the eyrie.. make sure I have sansa locked down.. let cersei screw things up to the point where I could take advantage of it (or let her die on her own).. then go to the tyrells and build from there..

or make a backdoor deal with stannis

there are other things he should have done (but not sure if you guys are through episode 1 or 4)
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Just cuz he's leaving now doesn't guarantee he's going to die or screw things up or something is gonna happen that he can't handle.

I mean even you suggest at some point he leave the Eyrie to try an ally with the Tyrells or Stannis.

I'm actually trying not to discuss past ep 1 or the books.
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I only suggest him staying in the eyrie because it is safe.. he wouldn't be able to win a war with their army..

but it is a fortified position, which would give him the benefit of time.. and allow cersei to dig her own grave and promise the world to him to help her get out.. or allow him to see which side was winning and then chose accordingly

personally, I would stay with the tyrells.. they have money and people in convenient places.. and aren't prone to rash decisions
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