Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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how did the NK turn Crasters babies? ..
he touched them

how did the NK turn Viserion?...
he touched him

what did the 3ER say to Bran when he got caught by the NK while warging?
he touched YOU

just a thought but who knows
Folks believe just because this is fantasy & magic is involved we just to have throw all logic completely out the window & ignore certain precedents established by the show itself.

Take Jaime for example,I know he had to survive this because his fate lies elsewhere but you mean to tell me Jaime who has struggled for seasons with even 1v1 combat since losing his fighting hand is out here on the front lines eating wight bites like Scooby snacks.

stop making sense.
I think you guys are understating how much ground that still needs to be covered narratively. The thing that brought all these forces to together was fighting the NK not Cersei, now that that mission is complete will these different groups stick together? They (rightfully) put all the infighting on the back burner in order focus on fighting the WW, but I foresee the political stuff coming back next episode.

Also, the Dorthraki are completely gone, most of the Unsullied are gone and most of the Northern fighters are gone too, how will they amass a force to fight Cersei and the Golden Company?
once GRRM wrote himself into a corner and didn't finish the books the die was cast.

Once that happened, there was no way they were going to be able to generate intricate super detailed fantasy story lines on a TV show production schedule.

So they had to make a choice, what is the show ULTIMATELY about, the fantasy elements or the character based drama?

It's the drama.
They chose wisely.

the fantasy elements have carried the show since it passed the books

the character based "drama" writing has been ******

tywin's dead

little finger's dead

tyrion is an idiot now

sansa is just boring Cersi

and Cersi is a friendless drunk

now we watch them try and stretch the cersi storyline for 3 more episodes? when in reality Dany could wrap this **** up in minutes with either the dragons or sending john wick, I mean arya down there to handle it

I'm not interested in a manufactured rift between jon and dany over a throne he never gave a **** about
how did the NK turn Crasters babies? ..
he touched them

how did the NK turn Viserion?...
he touched him

what did the 3ER say to Bran when he got caught by the NK while warging?
he touched YOU

just a thought but who knows

You could’ve just reposted the nk actor’s tweet like other people did.
Nah man, fighting against magic ice zombies aint a satisfying conclusion to the character based drama which is what made the show a hit.

writers made the correct choice.

Also, Geographically, how could they fight Cersei and her forces before the NK and the WW? Winterfell is farther north than King's Landing, they would always have to fight the NK first. Did people expect Dany and Jon to go to King's Landing, kill Cersei and then go back North and fight the NK? Or kill Cersei, take the Iron Throne, let Winterfell fall and fight the WW at King's Landing?
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After seeing Thanos beat so many people down in Endgame, we see nk barely do anything and die.
I don't care about the sneak. Her being an assassin makes sense. They even foreshadowed it.

I just want to know when did baby girl get a "James White in his prime" level vertical. The show never shows her doing squats, or box jumps. Where are her Dragonglass Jumpsoles?


Naw man. I call BS.

"Everybody dies." This was drilled into our heads FOR 7+ SEASONS. Everybody dies........except against the war vs the Dead, then nobody that matters dies, just the nobodies.

S8E2, at the fire place, Tyrion, Tormund, Brianne, Podric, Jamie, Davos. We're all going to die tomorrow, but at least we're doing it together. ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO of them died. Bruh, Davos don't eem ****in fight man, and he's alive.


Bran sat in a chair protected by 6 dudes.

Dany was surrounded by dead. No dragon. Alive.

Jon was SURROUNDED by freshly raised Dothraki/Unsullied. By himself. He alive.

Jamie with one arm. Alive.

Brianne, tackled by like 10 dead, alive.

THOUSANDS are dead. 4 minor characters with actual names among them. One of them was 10, crushed to death, but managed to take down a Giant. In fact, when they took down the wall, there were multiple Giants. How many we see last night? How many White Walkers did we see at the end of Ep 2? They killed exactly nobody. The Night King managed to kill 1 at least, Theon. After he ran half a mile.

2 years. They spent 2 years workin on this. This is what they came up with? Saying goodbye in Ep2, so they can live vs the Dead, when they were getting MURKED.

And now the Northern army of.......65? 12? How many they have left to go fight the 20,000 well paid Southerners? A hundred? I swear if they walk South and they suddenly have thousands again, I'm only gonna get louder on this bull****.

We got screwed man. Straight up. 8 seasons, since 2011, THE FIRST SCENE was fake Matt Damon walking out beyond the wall encountering White Walkers. Winter is Coming. Everybody dies. Welp.....

Tywin v Robb lasted 3 damn seasons. We cleaned up the White Walker war in an episode. Without any major deaths, just random nobodies.

Superstar Arya was getting her *** handed to her by the ugly broom girl a season ago, now she's taking on Brianne and her enormous sword.....with needle. NEEDLE.
And they follow that up by doin the Night King. Jumping from.......where, exactly? With 500+ wights + multiple Generals just sitting there.

To sum this all up, Season 7. Jon rides south to beg for help in the great war. (and dragon glass) He gets the help. Then he walks up north of the wall, to get one dead guy and travel back to King's Landing. To beg for help in the great war. They got ONE soldier. One. With one hand. And wiped out the dead army anyways. Now we need 3 eps to handle the pregnant wine drinker who traded in her brother for a pirate?
What was Season 7 for again?

****, I haven't even *****ed about lets have 6 guys north of the wall, oh ****, there's 100K here, you, Gendry, run on foot back to the wall, send a bird south to Dragonstone, have Dany fly back up north for us, we'll all be sittin here waiting. That's DAYS worth of travel. :lol: :rofl:
Then we'll have the dead army take down the wall, somehow there will be multiple survivors from that, and not only that, they will PASS the dead on the way to Winterfell. ??????????????????????

We writing good? We don't have any plot armor goin on here? The first 4 seasons, were you gettin this type of "quality"?

We killed Hound, oh, nope, brought him back.
We killed Jon, sike, we got him back too.
Everybody lives vs the dead "war" *cough, pillow fight, cough*

I will at least give HBO some credit if they look me in the face next week and march 18 people down to King's Landing to take on Cersei. Do it. Show me the superstars that can't die and match them up vs the 20K. I'll respect that more than them suddenly having a few thousand still alive (that were nowhere to be seen last night)

louder for the people in the back.
actually In makes it a lot better because, on that front i've been soo unerringly correct that my opponents have essentially resorted to memes and jokes to avoid facing the inescapable truth.

I didn't complain about lack of character deaths. My only complaint really is that the episode was in a way anticlimactic because they built just plot points that didn't pay them off. Like they openly said they chose not to make Jon be the one that ends the war. I am generally fine with the episode

There are two bigs battles this season. I realize that they have to save characters for the next war for their to be added impact to that one. You can claim this show is about the human drama over the fantasy elements but the character the viewing audience people care most about is Jon. They cared about his war more Dany's. Besides the Battle of the Bastards the most memorable events from the last few season has to do with war with the dead. But the story ends with who wins the Game of Thrones, so they had to make a decision.

I am not mad at the decision. My issue is that the show has seen a decline in the slow burn human drama aspect and turned to big battles and paying things off for the audience. So for that I just think it is kinda weird is the plot point they decided to pay off in the end was a short convo Arya had in the Forrest and not the damn near the entire character arc of your most beloved character.

But I guess acting like any everyone is against you and ranting like your Uncle would if Mayor Pete beats Trump, is the new "just look at his +/-" :lol:
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Nah man, fighting against magic ice zombies aint a satisfying conclusion to the character based drama which is what made the show a hit.

writers made the correct choice.
But it's not nearly as threatening now. The politics of this show are pretty much one of the best things about it, but after witnessing THAT (living dead), doesn't seem as impactful or important.

I'd assume we're gonna lose more of the main cast. So in that case, I'd argue that seeing them go from surviving actual death itself, to possibly losing their lives for something that seems so frivolous in retrospect, isn't satisfying either.

But either way, no matter how this thing ended none of us will be completely satisfied lol
After seeing Thanos beat so many people down in Endgame, we see nk barely do anything and die.

his kill count the past 2 seasons is 2, a dragon and reek. this the dude they built up and we couldnt even see him show out at least.
After seeing Thanos beat so many people down in Endgame, we see nk barely do anything and die.


The NK has never been in combat. What makes you think we'd see him start squaring up now?

I'm just pleased it wasn't Jon to take him out. I would have been annoyed.
But it's not nearly as threatening now. The politics of this show are pretty much one of the best things about it, but after witnessing THAT (living dead), doesn't seem as impactful or important.

I'd assume we're gonna lose more of the main cast. So in that case, I'd argue that seeing them go from surviving actual death itself, to possibly losing their lives for something that seems so frivolous in retrospect, isn't satisfying either.

But either way, no matter how this thing ended none of us will be completely satisfied lol
I dunno I guess we'll have to wait and see,

maybe that's thematic point they are trying to make?

i mean after the civil war was would think that death and destruction on that scale, the most deadly war in history, people would put aside petty differences...

and then we got reconstruction which is basically the empire strikes back. :lol:
My dude CP mad MAD...lmfaoooooo

Low key sorta agree with the rant....the writers pooped it

Aryas kill scene was the only saving grace, no matter how ridiculous it was, from a fan favorite it was styled beautifully, not to mention scored PERFECT.
But I guess acting like any everyone is against you and ranting like your Uncle would if Mayor Pete beats Trump, is the new "just look at his +/-" :lol:
or his TS% last two playoffs, or pretty much any on court advanced metric in any playoff series he's been healthy...

don't get me started man, you guys are laughably wrong, i mostly entertain the arguments because it amuses, how much it trolls some people. :lol:
Never watched before but watched this episode at my friends house yesterday

About to start the series this week. I don’t really mind the spoilers :lol:
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