Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Dothraki were trying to take the fight away from winterfell. The ditch fire was obviously a last option they didnt want to use.
Dothraki are the fierces fighter in the world. Theyd presumably take out more than half their own numbers. .
It made sense.
Yall need to be more mad about ghost than anything. If that wasnt the biggest horse crap fan service idk what is
How would they take out anyone without dragonglass or fire?
I am not a hypocrite because I am taking issue with the content of your post.
You on the other hand is complaining about things other people said and ascribing to me.
So you don't understand what hypocrisy means. Context matters.
And are you having a Rick James moment, you brought up reading the books too...
:lol: :lol:
I'm done with your saltiness today. I clearly enjoyed the episode given most post during it. I just said the said it was anticlimactic given some aspects of it.
But your *** needed to yap and lecture.
Thanks though, I had enough of your buffoonery for the day too.
still quoting me and responding.
I'm the Johnny Lawerence and you the danny Larusso in this.
the whole time yall thought iw as the bad guy, but you the one that's the real jerk in all this
5 years now. you been quoting me. calling me salt king. talkin about go to book thread blah blah blah
i just been chillin..
it's been a nice journey with you my friend. it all ends today though.
"if you have invested in the history and lore behind the story, it was an anti-climactic end that didn't invert fantasy tropes in classic George R.R. Martin style. For all of the talk about the Prince That Was Promised, the secret that was Jon's birth, and Bran's knowledge of the past, none of that mattered in actually defeating the Night King. It didn't matter Jon was the son of ice and fire. All of Bran's powers and memories of the past weren't even relevant, as he sat there useless all night. The mere fact he was the Three-Eyed Raven was all that mattered, not his abilities. Forget a payoff to those arcs going back thousands of years; Arya was able to run by all of the White Walkers to kill a monster who had survived for thousands of years, all with a quick stab to the stomach. Arya killing the Night King was amazing to behold, but it felt somewhat hollow without payoff to the story's history."

"Game of Thrones spent over seven seasons building to this battle, from the show's very first scene, and right up until the end it felt like almost anything was possible. The one thing we didn't see coming though (when we could see at all) was how little everything that preceded the Great war would factor into how it ended. It was like the Battle of Winterfell took place in a vacuum, whether that's how you watched it or not."

sums up my feelings pretty well

I think you've got this backwards. Jon killing him would have been the typical fantasy prince charming ending. Arya killing him was the inversion. If it wasn't people wouldn't be so mad and angry that she was the one to do it. How is this any different than Stannis being unceremoniously dispatched of?

At the end of the day, for all his bluster, the Night King got got by a 5'2" faceless man. His death, like the death of so many other characters in the show, wasn't dramatic or romantic. He was just too slow and fell for slight of hand -- honestly, just like any other character in the show at this point would have, because Arya is the nicest killer on the show. The NK's resurrecting the dead is a cool parlor trick but it doesn't stop a valyrian steel dagger to the solar plexus.

Like my ***** Stephen A says, "Anyone can get got."
that's like if the Warriors played the Celtics in the finals and the Rams beat the warriors in game 7.

I'm sorry but did they both not walk into traps where someone in a wheelchair was used as bait to get them out in the open, which lead to both of their deaths?

I need to spell this out for you?

They both even had the same damn slow mo walk with music playing, :lol:

Or you gonna tell me that wasn't similar, either, because Gus was walking thru a parking lot and NK was walking thru the damn forest.

Man at least Gus tried to scan the room for something suspect.

NK and the white walkers had ZERO defensive awareness.

shoulda been jon out there like:


even if it ended like this:


could have had all these scenes on the way to the weirword tree




could even have this scene before the final battle too:


then you get to the final boss again:

shoulda been jon out there like:


even if it ended like this:


could have had all these scenes on the way to the weirword tree




could even have this scene before the final battle too:


then you get to the final boss again:


Theon damn near did more work than Jon. He was out there looking like Legolas reborn while Jon spent the last part of the episode yelling at a cgi dragon
still quoting me and responding.
I'm the Johnny Lawerence and you the danny Larusso in this.
the whole time yall thought iw as the bad guy, but you the one that's the real jerk in all this
5 years now. you been quoting me. calling me salt king. talkin about go to book thread blah blah blah
i just been chillin..
it's been a nice journey with you my friend. it all ends today though.

Boy hush
after letting episode marinate, still trash.

dothraki get sent out to attack the dead which they cant visually see. why charge? let them come to you. buy some time so maybe some daylight might come through. their story arc was trashed in 15 minutes. before light witch showed up to light swords with fire, dothraki had no dragonglass? did she sent a crow to jon to tell gentry not to make dothraki dragonglass weapons cause she had them covered?

sam and hound checking out most of the fight.

jon and dany looking for night king king when their team is getting trashed. night king didnt attack the castle with blue eyes white dragon until about half way. poor strategy.

berics character really got shine these past few seasons and his purpose was to help area down a hallway?

hide everyone where dead lay?

night king getting got surrounded his generals and hundreds of walkers only to see area pull some jordan in space jam steeze?

night king killed a dragon and reek. thats it. dude couldnt of showed out? his arc also trashed in one episode.

if you think the cinematography was great, please get your eyes checked. trash for an episode to be filmed that way that costs 20 mills.

what a let down.
Expecting everyone to die in that battle are unrealistic expectations. Expecting everyone to die in the last three episodes is still unrealistic. That's the only thing I can say regarding people's expectations and setting themselves up for failure. I mean sure someone like Varys or Sam should've died, but the battle not killing A list characters is the least of it's problems
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yall still seem mad that NK didn't just have a sword fight with Jon as if he's EVER shown the ability to do so in 8 seasons of show. Dude literally threw a javelin (landed once out of three attempts including last night) and rode a dragon to burn down a wall. What else has he personally shown us to warrant yall wanting a big fight between him and Jon?

His own generals done got mopped up by Jon Snow's sword twice already, the same thing would have happened to NK if he didn't punk out and raise more dead
I get that it was done on purpose, but the episode was still way too dark.

People who still think we are tripping on this episode not being dark are the type to like every episode mindlessly just because it's GOT. All of Twitter making memes and many people here saying the same ***** yet somehow we're all crazy and have trash TVs :lol:
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Don't know why people are surprised that Brienne, Grey Worm, The Hound, etc survived despite being swarmed by enemies. Same type of thing happened in Battle of Bastards, in the pits and alleys with the Sons of Harpy, Hardhomme. The battle scenes are unrealistic. We already knew this.
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