Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Dothraki were trying to take the fight away from winterfell. The ditch fire was obviously a last option they didnt want to use.
Dothraki are the fierces fighter in the world. Theyd presumably take out more than half their own numbers. .
It made sense.
Yall need to be more mad about ghost than anything. If that wasnt the biggest horse crap fan service idk what is
Yea the way they deployed the Dothraki was dumb. Also, charging first never seems to be a good idea. I would’ve just launched the aerial weapons first, have the Dothraki flanked off to the side somewhere and let them ride in from the side to attack. I guess they wanted the spectacle of the flames from Dothraki weapons going out in the distance. That part to me was actually kinda cool, but the battle tactics weren’t very logical

I thought the Dothraki were gonna outrun the flaming cannon balls and wind up catching that friendly fire :lol:

Would've been a perfect punt.
Dothraki were trying to take the fight away from winterfell. The ditch fire was obviously a last option they didnt want to use.
Dothraki are the fierces fighter in the world. Theyd presumably take out more than half their own numbers. .
It made sense.
Yall need to be more mad about ghost than anything. If that wasnt the biggest horse crap fan service idk what is

He saw the writing on the wall and noped the **** out with the quickness. He's about that self preservation life.
Get over yourself its not just your reaction.
Ive been saying the same thing for 4 years. Stayed consistent with my views...
Yall get 1 ep yall didnt like. Now this **** was trash all of a sudden.

I dont see how it was anti climatic when this moment according to mel and arya been building up since season 3.....
Just because YOU had it wrong all this time now u got your panties all tight
Brah shut up. You want to take a victory lap like you called something.

And again, it is not about being mad Jon didn't kill the NK. That is not even the issue people have. I didn't call anything trash.

You on some buffoonery just attacking a strawman. If you are not including me in "y'all" when stop quoting me.

You just want to yap because you think whatever struggle analysis your spew is so much better than anyone has to say. And it somehow ties back to the fact to read some books. Even though the books have not mattered for years now.

Again, no one gives a **** about your constant whining about post you don't like.
Yall need to be more mad about ghost than anything.

YAlll.. YALL.. YALL?!??

From sports to politics to TV nothing can just be aight.

Folks taking about this episode being amazing and folks saying its trash.

It was meh and that's okay.
Nah it’s not
Specially when this was to be the greatest week in media with endgame and got
Giving u that 1-2 punch
Plus some good playoff basketball
Got was really a let down
They better step it up
They better not end this show like sopranos
First off, I loved the ep for what it was. Of course. Love the show. But God damn.......what the **** are they tryna sell us?

Dothraki went out in 8 seconds. Flaming swords and all. But Jorah and Ghost come back no prob. :stoneface:

Winterfell is getting ****ed in the ***, TONS of these dead folk, one armed Jamie is surrounded by them, SURROUNDED. He ok tho. :stoneface:

Brianne a bad ***, mauler, she surrounded by the dead. She cool doe. :stoneface:

Greyworm on the front God damn line, PRESSED against these dead ****s, bodies by the hundreds, but yep, his dickless self still breathin. :stoneface:

Jon wants that smoke with the NK. Sneakin up and ****. Nope, NK got somethin for his ***, a whole new squad, fresh dead, arise. SURROUNDING this dude. He out here lonely. 1 friggin dude. Still alive. :stoneface:

Dany off her dragon, on the field of play, surrounded. You guessed it. Braids ain't eem messed up. :stoneface:

Sam. ************ I said SAM, is still breathing. Dude looked like the new preview with the fat chick and Anne Hathaway where she hides in her black dress lookin like a curbside trash bag. :stoneface:

For ****s sakes. Hound straight up froze and he ain't dead. Surrounded by these dead.

Then we go on a walk thru the halls.......why? I don't know. There are hundreds of thousands of dead spilling into your gates, but we sneakin thru the halls quietly like a James Bond movie. :stoneface:

Arya cleared the top of the castle whipin her stick every direction. But once she got in the library with 6-7 quiet dead ones, she didn't want no part of them. :stoneface:

They did my man Night King like Anakin man. Anakin got a whole trilogy and all he did was kill some kids and get washed by the only God damn Jedi he faced. NK looked up at the dragon, smelled the fire, and smiled at this *****. He smiled man. He ****in smiled. You can't kill this dude. So he stroll up on the cripple, hair blowin in the wind, and here comes Theon, fresh from his John Wick days, can't miss with that arrow. Takin all the wights out. Then Bran tells him he's a good dude. But c'mon, it's over. We got 500+ dead over here, handful of Generals, and the Night King. I know, let me run this hundred yard dash real quick, maybe they'll be asleep by the time I get there. What the actual **** were you doing Theon? What was the plan here? God damn that was stupid. 10 feet? Sure, shoot your shot. Dude wasn't even in the picture I have a 65 inch screen and Theon lookin like Rich Eisen running the 40 yard dash on the NFL network. ****

What did we have last ep? 50ish Generals/White Walkers? Their body count? 0. Gendry got more *** that night than the White Walkers killed somebody. What. The. ****. HBO?

A little girl gets DEMOLISHED by a Giant. Not a Hound, not a Mountain, not a man. A Giant. But she gon survive that, charge, and while being crushed to death, stab a fellow in the eye? :stoneface:

Who wrote this ****?

THEY ALL LIVED. Completely surrounded, outnumbered, out everything, every single one of the main characters came back. Yeah, we killed a couple nobodies to the story, but the rest are all fine. Are you ****ing serious? Lord Friendzone was the best you could do? He was supposed to be dead 5 times already, that wasn't doin anything for us.

NK showed up, managed the whole war flawlessly, fought exactly no one, didn't have a single white walker lift a finger, all so he could kill birdman, and somehow, out of absolutely no where, with 500+ dead, and I don't know how many Generals standing guard, Arya got close enough to JUMP at him. Not shoot him from long range, but full on within feet of NK, while everyone else was on break???? Asleep? Reading the next script? The move was cool. Drop the dagger, stab the same spot that created him, aiight, that was cool, I get that, but out in the open, out of absolutely nowhere?

In fact, she's in the hall with Hound and Red Witch, she just took a leisurely stroll out to the tree without any interference at all?

What a mess. The dragons live. The damn wolf lived. Every main character lived. But the army of the dead that was completely washing that castle somehow died. The writers of this script couldn't be bothered to send a single White Walker after Greyworm? Hound? Arya? Jon? Jamie? Brianne? We didn't want to waste that time? We could show Bran warging some ravens around, but not show any generals put in work on one of the truly main characters? **** man.

HBO just had Mantis stroll up and clap Thanos and let all the Avengers go home but managed to kill Happy and Coulson. :smh:


Bless you for this.

All of it

Thank you

I think there is too much payoff to do with the series for writers to do a satisfying job and put the finale out in a reasonable timeframe. Hollywood needs to do a better job managing story debt. Higher internet interest rates = subprime trending.
The interest gotta be paid to payoff the principle story elements.

Same mistake new star wars writers made.
Build suspense. build suspense... build suspense..... blow stuff up. the end.
Brah shut up. You want to take a victory lap like you called something.
And again, it is not about being mad Jon didn't kill the NK. That is not even the issue people have. I didn't call anything trash
You on some buffoonery just attacking a strawman. If you are not including me in "y'all" when stop quoting me.
You just want to yap because you think whatever struggle analysis your spew is so much better than anyone has to say. And it somehow ties back to the fact to read some books. Even though the books have not mattered for years now.
Again, no one gives a **** about your constant whining about post you don't like.

yet you still quoting me and responding..........funny how that works. hypocrite.
again not just directed at you.
aint no victory lap.
I told you I liked the ep for what it was.
yea it would've been nice to see the generals fight. or see wtf happened to ghost (he's popping up another ep. the show runners already said that)
but that's the only gripe i had.
other people are the emotional ones. I said nothing of book stuff today yet you keep putting that on me as your "diss." good job.

anyway enjoy your day... hope youd din't lose to much sleep
I still can't believe they did the night king like that last night

that's like if the Warriors played the Celtics in the finals and the Rams beat the warriors in game 7.
I don't see the Bran / NK theory. If anything, they should be viewed as the two major players on either side of a fight between Light and Darkness. Even looking into the original Night King's character a bit, there doesn't seem to be any motivation that would make sense for him being NK. He's a Targaryen who has basically always prioritized the good of the realm over his personal interests. Maybe they could have laid that out more explicitly in the show to convey that he's really just the NK's equivalent on the side of Light.
I don't see the Bran / NK theory. If anything, they should be viewed as the two major players on either side of a fight between Light and Darkness. Even looking into the original Night King's character a bit, there doesn't seem to be any motivation that would make sense for him being NK. He's a Targaryen who has basically always prioritized the good of the realm over his personal interests. Maybe they could have laid that out more explicitly in the show to convey that he's really just the NK's equivalent on the side of Light.
Really not that similar. Gus got blown up along with a cripple.

NK got killed cuz of slight of hand.

I'm sorry but did they both not walk into traps where someone in a wheelchair was used as bait to get them out in the open, which lead to both of their deaths?

I need to spell this out for you?

They both even had the same damn slow mo walk with music playing, :lol:

Or you gonna tell me that wasn't similar, either, because Gus was walking thru a parking lot and NK was walking thru the damn forest.
Man I guess I wasn't mentally prepared for another feels trip after watching Endgame yesterday.

Tapped out at like 7:30 last night didn't wake up until 2 this morning. :lol: :smh: #Washed.

Caught the episode early this morning.

Arya Mother****ing Stark, the first of her name, the woman of many faces, the one that was promised, the smasher of Gendry, da real MVP.


How the white walkers just chillin' in the cut and let Arya run up on Night King? :lol: If they had survived, that definitely would've gone on their performance reviews.

Lady Mormont. :frown::pimp:

Went out like the G she is. Good thing Arya got NK when she did, Wight Lady Mormont would've been the final nail in the coffin for the living.

Jon escapes pending death at the very last second......again. :lol:

Don't know what battle strategy these dudes were implementing attacking the dead in the dark of the night with zero visibility? You chances were already slim and inept planning like that didn't help.

Drogon said **** it and bounced.

Then as soon as the fight was won he came back like "Ohhhhh damn what happen??? Jorah died? I'm soo sorry I wasn't here a few minutes earlier"

Drogon Wong.

Only thing more exciting than the episodes themselves is the meme content it yields :lol:


I knew the second Arya killed NK that Dame Lillard pic was coming. :lol::nthat:

Still catching up in here, got 25+ pages to go.
yet you still quoting me and responding..........funny how that works. hypocrite.
again not just directed at you.
aint no victory lap.
I told you I liked the ep for what it was.
yea it would've been nice to see the generals fight. or see wtf happened to ghost (he's popping up another ep. the show runners already said that)
but that's the only gripe i had.
other people are the emotional ones. I said nothing of book stuff today yet you keep putting that on me as your "diss." good job.

anyway enjoy your day... hope youd din't lose to much sleep
I am not a hypocrite because I am taking issue with the content of your post.

You on the other hand is complaining about things other people said and ascribing to me.

So you don't understand what hypocrisy means. Context matters.

And are you having a Rick James moment, you brought up reading the books too...

Yall the ones mad he aint Azor Ahai...
Cryin only cuz he aint fight NK.
If yall read the books yall would realize jon isnt the main focal point.
But naw when i said that 5 years ago...yall was on some im salty look at yall. Turning yall back like the turn cloaks yall are
:lol: :lol:

I'm done with your saltiness today. I clearly enjoyed the episode given most post during it. I just said the said it was anticlimactic given some aspects of it.

But your *** needed to yap and lecture.

Thanks though, I had enough of your buffoonery for the day too.
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