Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I gotta assume at some point Bran stopped warging in to crows and warged the future to know the outcome.

Oh, and the GOT guys can either continue to diminish Star Wars into pure trash...or they can poke the incredibly sensitive bear of America by following through with that "Confederate" series :sick:
HBO made them shelve that. Hope they dont shop it elsewhere.
oh, RIP to the Walker babies

W/e clear version some of yall saw they put up on demand for anybody that has fios.

I swear what they aired live was some standard definition bull ****.

Weiss and Benioff talking that bull **** right now too about the making of the episode and motivations behind choices.
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Yeah I just watched it on HBOgo. It was nice and clear for me. Now we got 3 episode to get Cersei out the paint?!
I completely agree with this.

Y’all would be complaining if NK and Jon squared off and NK beat Jon.

You’d be complaining if Jon beat him there, too.

Just like you’re complaining about a bada** main character flying out of the blue and surprise killing him because Melisanbae told her that she had a reason to be there. Beric had a reason to give his life for her. It all lead to this.

As I said, people expecting a whole lot from a show that still has 4 two hour episodes left.

What if NK won winterfell?
NK takes KL in 1 episode and the last 2 episodes are just wights walking around KL? :lol:
Sounds like a great ending to me.

Not even a fan of Jon but I wanted him to square up with Night King. Let their fight be like the last 15 min. Let it be a real good fight with NK flexing. Maybe actually speak.

Have a ring of fire around the Godswood to keep his other generals from jumping in right away. So it's just Jon, NK, and Bran.

Then from there whether you have Jon win or lose NK gets the upper hand and I'm okay if you have the same exact ending. Only with Arya jumping through a ring of fire to kill him.
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Brann will be the true NK and ice cude guy was just there to prevent brann from doing his thing.. Plot twist.

Brann is the mastermind.

The end.
Didn’t like it at all. Saw endgame afterwards and it was a great pallet cleanser.

Look, Arya is my favorite character in the books and in the show but D&D going on record afterwards saying that this wasn’t what GRRM laid out and that they felt it needed to be Arya is dumb as hell.

We all got shortchanged plain and simple. HBO was willing to give them as many seasons as they want and we got this rushed garbage. Night fraud only had 1 giant and no undead animals under his control? Ghost starts out on the front lines and is never seen again? The true born white walkers DO NOTHING and show us nothing special???

Think about this... everything we saw in tonight’s episode was a rehash. There was nothing new. Piles of wights used to get across blockades, the dead getting raised, dragons lighting stuff/people on fire, heroes with plot armor running through 500 dudes, people showing up to the fight at the last second out of nowhere, Bran sitting there while everyone dies around him, Danny makes bad decisions and people close to her die, it’s all been done before. There was nothing that happened that we hadn’t already seen.

After all the hype, all the budget, all the lore to expound on, and they were given the freedom to do what they want and we get that? Inexcusable and lazy writing.

I also thought the cinematography was totally weak as well. Half the time you couldn’t discern WTF was going on. I was watching on HBO go so IDK what the regular broadcast looked like but it couldn’t have been pretty.

Props to the music team though as I thought they did really nail it with the score.

I got more to say but I should rewatch it again. GRRM can’t fix this soon enough. But for now we gotta...

Some of you guys are copping mad pleas for this episode.

I enjoyed it but it was not without it’s flaws.

Also idc what anyone says, Jon should have been the one to end the NK. That was his fight. I’m not just saying that because he’s my boy but because they’ve literally been pushing that narrative for seasons.

Then in the inside the episode their reasoning for him NOT being the one to do it is basically he’s already done too much hero ****. :stoneface:
Yo these fools D&D said it didnt feel right to have Jon face/kill the NK. They wanted to switch it up :lol:
I can now clearly see a scenario where Cersei wins after sleeping on it. Doesn't seem like it will happen the way things are going but I can see it.
I feel as though they realllyyyy dumbed this show down this last season, if next week is a full on celebratory episode at Winterfell, I’ll be convinced they will wrap up Cersei as easy as the NK and have the most predictable and simple ending of all time...all the theories with Bran and the mistery of the NK is what made this show most interesting....hyped for Arya, extremely let down and robbed about everything else....I don’t think there is a way to remedy this writing ***** up.
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