Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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His tongue and fingers gonna be working overtime.

Thought this shot was cool.
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:lol: Same **** I was thinking. I don't know why he taking is armor off like he bout to handle business.


I wonder what kind of beast he would be had he not became simple? That would have been a great asset to have fighting for you.

I've been watching since it premiered in 2011 but I really became a fan when Ned caught the fade. The way they built him up to then do him like that, I knew this show was for me. I started reading the books after Season 1 ended.

Yes, I did not see that one coming. From that moment on I was like this show is it :smokin

Eddard's path lead me to believe that this show is real. You gotta play the game or die.

Ned made too many mistakes, mainly that he thought everyone was as honorable as him. :smh:

Honor bound fool :smh:

Sad to say but he truly was. You can't even say that he stood for something that would benefit his family because half of them are dead as a result of his stupidity and his wife's.

^ For real. I KIIIIIIIINNNDDDDAAAAAAA thought he might be killed off when him and that evil wretched ***** and him met in the garden and she told him "In the game of thrones, you either win... or you die."

When she said that, I seriously got chills.

And now here we are anticipating S7, w/ S6 ending as her seated on the Iron Throne.

**** I can't stand her. I really need her to be dragon food, so bad.

Cersei has earned her spot on the show. Despite how much we may dislike her, who is a better villain on that show but her? Joffrey was nothing more than a Satist, and a bully, not a true villain. I don't recall anyone else being a worthy villain on the show.

The show needs her, we need her :lol:


Only reason those people are even alive is because he brought the cavalry to bail them out :lol:,they owe him.

He also has the only remaining true Stark in the North by his side for now...

Brienne would've gotten murked in the process herself if she tried anything

You bugging homie. You can't set my house on fire, then come over to help me put out and act like I owe you something. Little Finger is the cause of all this ****, sad thing is he is like a cockroach and will survive all of it.

I hope LF dies on-screen in the same satisfying fashion as that bastard Ramsay Snow

I'm calling it now, he will not die.

My dream is the season ending with all 3 potential Targ heirs roaring the skies on the 3 Dragons into battle against the NK and the army of the dead :pimp:

Can someone explain the theory about Tyrion being a possible Targaryen.

3? So you're one of them that think tyrion or varys got that dragon blood? Still hard to believe aerys would rape tywin's wife and there would be no mention of it or even rumors in the show.

Do they even mention her name? How would she be in the same place as the mad King?

What people found odd about last seasons's scene with Lyanna at the tower of joy is why she still felt the need to whisper to ned. Maybe the show wants to add another swerve to mess with the internet or she somehow felt someone was watching them (bran time traveling).

Weren't the handmaidens still in the room? I'm assuming that would have been the reason for the secrecy.

LF one of the best players of the game no doubt, **** him tho

He gotta be the master player at this point, with Cersei right behind. Even when things look rocky for him, his slimy *** slithers out of it.

You're thinking of Beric Donddarion, who was killed by the hound, not the mountain.

He was killed by the mountain first and brought back by Thoros of Myr
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The show needs someone like Tywin back. He was a dude you rooted against due to the way he treated Tyrion but also respected for his ability to get @#$@ done. We might have hated him for orchestrating the Red Wedding, but if you think about real life wars, that's what anyone would have done in his position (I mean having Robb assassinated, not stabbing his unborn child). Fight and lose with "honor" or win and prevent countless deaths by eliminating the enemy's leader?

Cersei has earned her spot on the show. Despite how much we may dislike her, who is a better villain on that show but her? Joffrey was nothing more than a Satist, and a bully, not a true villain. I don't recall anyone else being a worthy villain on the show.

Ramsay was a better villain IMO. Cersei is an idiot compared to Tywin. She takes drastic measures that give her temporary wins but then end up backfiring on her down the line. I will admit that episode of her taking over at the end of last season was :pimp: though :lol:
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Cersei has more power than Ramsay could've ever imagined. Deep down, Ramsay was just a bastard that longed for his father's acceptance. Cersei nuked all of her enemies and became Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Like Spiceman said, she has graduated to becoming a truly sinister villain for the ages.
I still think it's just temporary though. She also thought she was about to run @#$@ after putting the High Sparrow in power, and we saw how that turned out. She never thinks of the long term effects of what she does, and that's why all her family members keep dying. I'm fully expecting to see a giant L later on in the season given her track record
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Her brother gonna slip her the shaft and the blade at the same time. Think what you will of Jamie, throughout the series he's been humbled and deep down he was always righteous. Seeing what Cersei's done and the fact that it's cost him all his children he's gonna fade her for sure.

He'll do the right thing while getting his last nut off.
I don't think I'm spoiling anything, but...
the show may or may not have proved the Tyrion theory with the exclusion of Young Griff.
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I'm not a believer in that theory for the books and I think the show has even less evidence. Most of the evidence presented in that article are from the books and not really brought up in the show.
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Yeah Tywin was great. He probably would have made a good king. Even his logic for orchestrating the Red Wedding was sound. His main weakness was Tyrion, how he treated him and how he underestimated him.

Cersei has balls but she's dumb. Every move she makes produces more enemies. She's on borrowed time.

Ramsay was dumb too but at least in the show he had a good plan in place. I thought Roose was too smart to go down the way that he did. It will probably play out differently in the books.

Beric does serve an important purpose in the books but the show seems to be going in a different direction with his character. He's still around though and is the only character who can relate to Jon with regards to coming back from the dead. He could still serve a crucial purpose next season.
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Tyrion had more of Tywin in him than any of his other children. If Tywin couldve just gotten past his hatred for Tyrion, the two of them on the same side would've been practically unstoppable.
I just hope the Sand Snakes continue to get disrespected this season. Their whole plot for vengeance was dumb as @#$@ given that a)Oberyn had pretty much already won until he decided to act stupidly and b)Oberyn VOLUNTEERED to fight to the death and lost fairly.
Tyrion had more of Tywin in him than any of his other children. If Tywin couldve just gotten past his hatred for Tyrion, the two of them on the same side would've been practically unstoppable.

Yeah Jaime and Cersei are airheads compared to Tyrion. Tywin seemed to know his daughter was a bit intellectually challenged. He was also bitter that Aerys essentially took his heir by recruiting Jaime to the Kingsguard. That, Tyrion's physical impediment, and the fact that he blamed Tyrion for his wife's death seemed to be the reasons for his irrational hate of Tyrion.
I don't think it's that. Her plotline stalled in Meereen, it got pretty boring after a while. No one really gave a **** about the justice she was trying to bring to some city across the narrow sea. Just get to Westeros and claim your birthright.
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If you go back to the first few seasons, no one was hating on Dany. I mentioned this a few pages back, but I was rooting for her until she started messing around in those cities and replying to every logical suggestion with "I AM THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS, THE UNBURNT, I DO WHAT I WANT, @#$@ YOUR CULTURE". Multiple seasons of unnecessary drama in irrelevant cities could've been avoided if she stopped doing that @#$@
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That's why all the should bend the knee and offer tribute now to the one true King Jon Targaryen.

Man I need to watch the Sand Snakes episode. I don't care if those beezies poison me just let me get it in on all 3 and I will die happy!
:lol: "Mother of Dragons," "Breaker of Chains." She started losing people when her self-appointed nickname count went past 4
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idk how yall don't like Baelish, he's 1 of the illest characters in ASOIAF with Oberyn Martell, Salladhor Saan and Thoros of Myr

Oberyn - washed by the Mountain for being an idiot

Salladhor - twice loyal to the usurper Stannis Baratheon. Spit on the mercenary

Thoros - Washed by the mountain and brought back to life. He no longer serves any purpose to anyone.

Littlefinger Baelish - Rat fink, scoundrel and hated beyond reproach. The only scumbag worse than Stannis. His washing is well over do for what he did to my man's Eddard Stark.
If you think LF is a bigger scumbag than Cersi, Ramsey, and Theon then you just might be a scumbag.

Thing with Baelish is from the jump he lets you know he's plotting. He's known for plotting. That's his reputation. He's rightfully feared when it comes to that specific thing. Ppl still take the risk with dealing with him. He's not a traitor nor does he betray anyone.

He aint claiming to be your sworn brother and then go out and kill some little kids and claim it was your brothers.

He aint trying to assassinate your crippled son and blame it on somebody else to cover up incest.

He aint gonna rape you and make the traitorous cur you grew up with watch. He aint gonna torture you by cutting off your manhood.

But you just might die if you foolishly trust him and that would be on you.
Here's the ho* fax on him  them:
Sir Tiberious Doggerton, alias: @Tdogg2k is the Warden of Salt; ruler and protector of the Sodium Kingdom. A seasoned expert in the tales of Lord George R.R. Martin whose sodium levels are unparalleled in regards to A Song of Ice & Fire and the Game of Thrones. All saltiness in all of the realms of NT can be traced back to his lands. He backs Stannis Baratheon as the one true king, a true believer in the Lord of the Light, and loathes any support for the bastard Jon Snow. He relishes in Snow's death and takes delight in that he shall not return. The Warden of Salt is an enemy of Jon Snow and all who support him, especially Sir Rusty of House Shackleford. There have been several conflicts between the two since Snow's demise as well as with Sir Rusty's allies (who the warden commonly refers to as Shackleford's "Rusty band of Eunuchs") as we all await the coming season of Thrones.
Can't I get a proper quote for my post? :nerd: :lol:
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