[| -- Official Fabolous Loso's Way Album Discussion Thread: New Date Drops July 28th -- |]

XXL: While other rappers make self-proclamations, you've avoided them. Why?

Fabolous: I think maybe that's why I probably [get overlooked]. I kinda strayed away from that, maybe that's needed too, because you have to make your claim sometimes. You have to make your claim where- you know how T.I. said he's the King of the South, or Lil Wayne said he's the Greatest Rapper Alive, Jay said something too. Everybody makes their claim.

XXL: So where does Fab fit in?

Fabolous: I dunno, I gotta analyze these statements, because some of them are just self-proclaimed [and] some of them is ones that are lived up to. So, I don't know because you can call yourself anything. I can say whatever. I can say "I'm the flyest %*##! to ever do it." Certain people would agree with it, certain people would say, "Nah." It's really whatever you wanna say that's why I never hung on those titles either because a %*##! can say whatever he wanna say.

XXL: It's funny I was listening to that old DJ Clue freestyle with you and Nore. And Nore was goin' off.

Fabolous: Nore was hot as fish grease at the time. He said, "I shoot at your feet and make you do the Puff dance to perfection."

XXL: That line was crazy. These were the caliber dudes that you used to have to rhyme next to in order to get attention. So you had to be nice.

Fabolous: Yeah. And %!%@%! don't have that at this point either. A lot of %!%@%! in the game come in and make their catchy song. Let's see you rap, let's test out some of those %!%@%!, put them on the radio rapping with another %$!***+@@%*# and let's see how you hold up against some of these %!%@%! who are hot at the time. You go up there and you rapping for the mother****as from that era that really get that, but this new generation of mutha****as, I don't feel like they appreciate that.

XXL: What's the difference between Fab and Loso?

Fabolous: With Loso's Way - with this project, Loso became an alter ego for me. Fab is cool and rolls with #$+!, Loso came from me just kinda being tired of being cool. It's certain %!%@%! that I never really had no beef with, but sometimes the cool %*##! don't get what he deserve. Nas said in a line, "The one that's murdered always be the cool one." Loso became for me, this %*##! that's gonna get his point across, say what the @#!@ he wanna say, spit his #$+!. Fab is the guy you may just hear, and you just see is on his cool #$+!, he's on his fly #$+!, he @#!@ with the %*@%+%%, he makes songs for the ladies.

XXL: So what's changed?

Fabolous: A lot of the music on Loso's Way became personal for me. Before I used to just make music, and my goal was to make good music. Now I went in and I actually put more of my personal feelings in this #$+!. The intro to the album ["The Way"] is kinda me being pissed off and me talking about all the #$+! that's been going on in my career and maybe not getting the recognition for it and waking up to it.

XXL: Recognition from who?

Fabolous: It's me getting pissed off a little bit, me talking a little bit to the industry. Even down to XXL. I @#!@ with XXL. I just felt like [XXL] never gave me the recognition due and not to take no jabs at anybody, but I've seen many covers before that I felt like if this person is on the cover, I damn sure should've been on the cover. I don't wanna say anybody names, because next week I'll have a YouTube video thrown at me.

XXL: Yeah, that does sound personal, so why air it out now?

Fabolous: I didn't really wanna share that #$+!. I always wanted to keep my personal thoughts [to myself]. But it's a gift and a curse, you can get personal with these people and then they feel comfortable and then they want more too. After you gave so much, your life becomes a public spectacle where they're open to everything you do. Eminem for example, you knew Eminem's wife, his child. But then he was pissed off because everybody %@*!% with him. He got to a certain level of fame and then he opened the doors to people knowing your mom, and your kid. But if he didn't let that out then people wouldn't relate to him in the same way. So it's the gift and the curse.

XXL: But now you're on Twitter; that's a start.

Fabolous: The Twitter thing was good for me, because it gives mutha****as a little bit more of my personality. Before like I said I wasn't really giving %!%@%! much. So people see my Twitter and be like, "This %!%@%! is hilarious. He says some #$+! that we never even thought Fab would say." But real %!%@%! who know me, know my comedic side.

XXL: Last year you ended up on "You Ain't Got Nuthin'" off of Wayne's Carter III; there is a funny story behind that track isn't there?

Fabolous: That's so crazy. I [recorded] that verse a year before Tha Carter III came out. So now [the producer Alchemist] came to me and was like "Yo I gave it to D'Wayne for his album." I'm thinking he just talking about the beat and he's like "Nah he wants to keep you." I was like, "Aww this %*##! setting me up to get bodied because my verse was so old." I listen to it 'til this day, %!%@%! come up to me like, "Yeah %*##! you might have killed that #$+! the best." And they don't know the back story behind it. They don't know that it's something that everybody rapped [on] after me.

XXL: If you had to make a record right now with four other MCs, no hooks, just bars, who would you pick to be on the record right now?

Fabolous: Me, Jay, Pusha T, I wanna say Em and I'ma go with like a wild card option between Kiss and my wildcard is gonna be Joe Budden.

XXL: See that's the thing. You're totally in this rap/R&B lane which has worked great for you, but you're also cut from an MC's cloth.

Fabolous: I come from an era of hip-hop where you really had to be nice. I'm from that era of hip-hop. I'm really listening for if %!%@%! is nice. The last new %*##! that I heard that I felt was nice was Drake. Are you nice? Or are you just rappin? Or do you just got one of these dumb %*% songs that anybody can make a dance to. That's entertaining, that's hip-hop, you get kids involved and that's cool, but I come from a different era where it's not just about you making a good hook over a good beat. I wanna actually dig something you saying. It gets boring for me to say the same #$+! over and over again. The challenge for me is saying the same thing, but making it wittier metaphorically and make it in a way where a %*##! hear it different.-Rob Markman
Throw it in the Bag Remix is Fresh
if u like fab u will not be dissapointed....if u didn't like fab to begin with then this is more ammo.

That's not necessarily the truth. I love Fab and I root for a great album from him, but he has not produced. He drops forgettable material* ...

*Excluding mixtape tracks and features
"Fabolous: Me, Jay, Pusha T, I wanna say Em and I'ma go with like a wild card option between Kiss and my wildcard is gonna be Joe Budden." what atrack it would be
Originally Posted by 1stand15th

My ninja Freck got shorted. I liked the album overall, but my expectations weren't exactly crazy for this release and I'm a Fab fan. I don't really want to get too geeked up for TINC 2 either 'cause the first one is gonna be hard to top.

im looking forward to TINC 2, it is going to be hard to beat but it will basically be a prequel to the street fam album (correct me if wrong), which shouldstill be solid. I'm still bumping TINC 1

^ Me too Bro! I even gave Loso's Way the mixtape a spin today.

That Throw It In The Bag Remix is a problem. Haven't read too many back pages, but did they sample Dream's Fancy?
The album is solid in a sense. There are a lot of hot tracks on here, and there are aren't really any dull or mediocre beats on it. Fabolous' flow andlyrics are at least decent on every track.

That being said, the album is above-average at best. Fab knows how to make a handful of good songs, but they don't fit together. Listening to the album islike jumping from a number of genres in a random order. And then, there's also a series of prerequisite Fabolous R&B songs, which are good for whatthey are, but they seem like flaws when they come after hip-hop/rap tracks, making them hard to listen to.
i never understood why NTer's suck on there is no competition when Loso's way : Rise to power da double disc is WAYY harder yet no one

talks about it.

i mean it dropped when dipset was on here 1000000% of da time so i suppose ya just overlook.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i never understood why NTer's suck on there is no competition when Loso's way : Rise to power da double disc is WAYY harder
Yeah right.
Nah it really is. Thats the mixtape that I started to really !$@+ wit Fab NH. TINC is just the most recent and shows he still got it in him. ButLoso's Way: Rise to Power goes much harder. But like ninja said it came around the time Dipset was a movement and people wasnt really bumpin nothing butthat around that time.
Originally Posted by dreClark

The fact that Jazz was on Loso's Way: Rise To Power automatically makes it worse than TINC.

"THE ONLY MOVEMENT MOVIN' "!![emoji]169[/emoji] Juelz Santana

And yet you still feel that Juelz is the only movement moving leaves little to be desired as far as your opinion goes. But hey everyones entitled to theirs. Ijust cant seem to value yours that much.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by dreClark

The fact that Jazz was on Loso's Way: Rise To Power automatically makes it worse than TINC.

"THE ONLY MOVEMENT MOVIN' "!![emoji]169[/emoji] Juelz Santana

And yet you still feel that Juelz is the only movement moving leaves little to be desired as far as your opinion goes. But hey everyones entitled to theirs. I just cant seem to value yours that much.


So my Link is moreso tied in w/ the Avy I had rather than Juelz himself as a movement. I mean, Juelz did say that, right? I mean, the sig could be dedicated toanything that I consider a movement.

And if you really want to get techincal about it and use your faulty logic, he was talking about the Dips as a whole. Were the Dips not a movement? Were theynot one of, if not the biggest movement going at one point an time. So then my sig would be true, right?


Try again.

And frankly, I could give a @@@# what you think of my opinion.

I mean, if you disagreed, that's all you had to say.

Rather than coming up w/ lame +*$ jokes
Originally Posted by dreClark

The fact that Jazz was on Loso's Way: Rise To Power automatically makes it worse than TINC.
she one 1 track each CD

rise to power >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TINC
I listened to this album again. +#$@ just straight irritated me, I'm never listening to a Fab album again. Too much of the same type of bs that I'mused to hearing from him.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by dreClark


So my Link is moreso tied in w/ the Avy I had rather than Juelz himself as a movement. I mean, Juelz did say that, right? I mean, the sig could be dedicated to anything that I consider a movement.

And if you really want to get techincal about it and use your faulty logic, he was talking about the Dips as a whole. Were the Dips not a movement? Were they not one of, if not the biggest movement going at one point an time. So then my sig would be true, right?


Try again.

And frankly, I could give a @@@# what you think of my opinion.

I mean, if you disagreed, that's all you had to say.

Rather than coming up w/ lame +*$ jokes
Ok so why have his name in your sig if it has no relation to him in the context that you are using it? But im not here to argue Sigs. And youdisregard a whole tape based on the fact that one chick got on maybe 8 bars? And im the one making lame jokes? Yea your right lemme just log off now.

And to your rant in the middle where you try to justify your sig, reiterating that it does infact have to do with Juelz. Yes the Dips where a movement, but weare in 2009 my friend and they are no longer MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVING.
Kinda off topic but what was Fab referring to when he said "I ride in automobiles with the same kind of hollow tip slugs
that Gussy and his shorty was killed with"?

Thats been bugging me for days now.
Im kind of glad to see that I wasn't the only one who didn't get the reference..
Originally Posted by geminifly

Kinda off topic but what was Fab referring to when he said "I ride in automobiles with the same kind of hollow tip slugs
that Gussy and his shorty was killed with"?

Thats been bugging me for days now.
Im kind of glad to see that I wasn't the only one who didn't get the reference..

Prolly gonna be a movie refrence
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Ok so why have his name in your sig if it has no relation to him in the context that you are using it?
Because he is the one who said it.
And you disregard a whole tape based on the fact that one chick got on maybe 8 bars?
Never said I disregarded the whole tape. But that, among other things, puts TINC over Loso's way. I don't see how that's so hard tofigure out. I never said the whole tape was wack
And im the one making lame jokes?
Yea your right lemme just log off now.
Please do.

And to your rant in the middle where you try to justify your sig, reiterating that it does infact have to do with Juelz. Yes the Dips where a movement, but we are in 2009 my friend and they are no longer MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVING
Naw, I see you totally missed the point of what I said.

The original intent had nothing to do w/ him.

You thought it did, so I just used you're logic.

Damn, it's 2009?

Coulda fooled me.

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