Official DragonBall Z Thread. R.I.P Akira Toriyama. You will be missed

I didn't want to be that guy but yeah. Instantly spoiled.

I fully expect high levels of idolization followed insecurity from Kid Trunks.

There damn well better be. I expect Kid Trunks to be kissing the ground his better self walks on.
why do it need to be on netflix while you can watch it on gogoanime
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EPISODE 28 or 32 i believe. Both are good.

28 is when they organize the tournament.

32 is the start of the first match. 
No. Series is still a disappointment that doesn't come close to the greatnestt of Dragon Ball or Z. :lol:
half of what keeps me watching super is seeing whether the speculation in groups like this pan out lol

as for trunks im excited for his return. interested in how much stronger hes gotten since we last saw him, and how much stronger is he going to get once does come back. same goes for gohan. ive got a feeling trunks and future trunks are going have the big brother little brother dynamic going on when they meet.
Im excited...just like anybody who posts in here is as well or you wouldnt post about it at all... :smh:

Posting about something online hardly means a person's excited about it :lol: This forum alone is honestly proof enough of that and the idea that you have to be excited about something to post about it, speak about it, or even watch it is silly. GT was trash, but I still watched every single episode and that's why I know it was trash.
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LOL if it was trash I don't understand why you would continue to watch it.

Same reason I kept reading Naruto after that fell off (Though Naruto was far better than GT and was consistently good for many years beforehand). After i've invested a certain amount of time into a project i'll continue to see it through to the end. And GT for all it's flaws wasn't instantly bad as soon as the first episode kicked off. The first episodes were decent, falling into "meh" territory at worst in my opinion, which was enough to continue watching through the entire conflict with Baby, which I consider to be the series high point. After that I then continued to the end. Part of it was probably because no matter what else GT was it was still Dragon Ball, a name that is a huge part of my childhood. You can always hope for a show to get better. whether or not it ever does is something else entirely.

If you really think that the only way people continue to watch shows is if they're excited for every single episode that comes out, as if shows don't have bad episodes and that people don't consistently complain about shows they watch (Arrow, Flash, and Walking Dead all come to mind and the threads for them are filled with people who talk about how the quality has fallen at this or that point, though i'm not one of them as I still think all three are good) i'd say you need to do some more research into people :lol:

I could actually throw Legend of Korra in as an example as well. That's a show that I started because Avatar the Last Airbender, it's prequel series, was absolutely amazing. Yet I thought the first two seasons of Korra were just bad, plain and simple. Season 3 and 4 however were a return to the excellent quality of the previous series. Had I stopped watching through Season 2 I then never would've experienced the greatness of the last two seasons. The Star Wars prequels are also an example, which countless people hated, yet they watched one after the other.
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OK.... If your not at least a little excited about something then why would you do it? Especially if you don't have to? Maybe you're excited but don't realize it.
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