damn im seriously envious of u guys socluis90 i was going to make the trip too but friends khaked at the end. cant even imagen the atmosphere there tomrow butstay safe homeboy. i think mex some how pulls it off shady or not, but im rooting for the US
Originally Posted by socluis90

Yo the smog will be a non factor tomorrow as as much the heat. The rain is keeping the smog down and the overall temperatures at a overall cool. Honestly the only excuse US has tomorrow is the altitude but even then I don't think there should be any excuses tomorrow. May the best team win
You're forgetting that they're playing in a stadium with 110+ Mexicans..
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]yo it's 5AM here[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Haven't been this excited about a U.S-Mexico match in I think... ever. 7Hours away....[/color]

Vamos[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Mexico[/color]!!!!!!!!!
gonna watch the holland/england friendly on ppv and then hopefully atdhe.net or justintv comes through with a good link for the Mexico/US match...should be agood couple hours in front of the tv

havent been this amped to see a soccer match in awhile...if there was ever a time for the US squad to prove itself, its today
Estamos a horas del partido. Asi que Vela va del empiezo???

GIO+ VELA= son chingon. Pero tenemos una buena defensa.

tick,tick, tick almost gametime.
once again, predictions?

2-1 USA. I think Jozy will be too much up top for MEX. Landon seems to be up for this game MUCH more than he's ever been. I can't wait. 1 play (mostlikely a set piece) will change this game. I can't wait!
VAMOS MUCHACHOOOOOS!!!!!!, im so pumped, start drinking in an hr.
, y como dijo KRISPACINLA, gio + vela = good times,


3-1 mex
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Hey, I'm a mod over at PSN.. we gonna have pregame, game and the postgamefutbol picante[/color]


[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Wont let me post it right... Justin + .tv + /psn3k_/old[/color]
Is it wrong of for drinking beer at 1 p.m. on a Wednesday? I can't wait. This game is getting mad attention from ESPN
and everyone around.
here;s hoping the US come out to win the game....$+!+, I'd be happy with a tie
Orale cabrones! Vamos a dar putasos a los gueros!

Oh, and getting faded at 1 pm is fine, as long as the game means something. No need to feel bad about it.
So it looks like I'm just gonna be waiting to watch my DVR tonight... so hopefully i can avoid this post til then and not get spoiled. sucks, but i'mat work and i'd be in and out of the room and have to watch a crappy internet stream anyways... i'll just have to be patient i guess.

anyways... GO USA! see you guys around midnight tonight
Excuse me if this has already been explained, but why hasn't a major sports outlet (ESPN of course) picked this game up? Here I am, stuck watching the gamevia live stream instead of chilling in front of a big screen.

^^ Telemundo has the exclusive rights to the game. ESPN said Telemundo tried to charge to much to borrow the rights for english broadcast, so ESPN saidFFFFUUUUUUU!
Originally Posted by APLX2

^^ Telemundo has the exclusive rights to the game. ESPN said Telemundo tried to charge to much to borrow the rights for english broadcast, so ESPN said FFFFUUUUUUU!

Probably a smart decision by Telemundo.
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