***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

Yeah I already know. She's always been a niche within a niche to begin with tho.

It's not like Avant or Musiq Soulchild who sitting on plat albums and singles in their back catalog. At her peak I don't thinks she's went gold or even made the Hot 100

She still gonna get lil her checks doing small venues, casinos, etc.

Y'all was talking about her losing supporters like the Dixie Chicks tho (one of the biggest country groups ever who were also in their prime) 
You don't know what an analogy is?

If one of the biggest groups in their genre can lose support amongst their fanbase, what would it do to someone with a niche fanbase?
I know what an analogy is bruh. I didn't think that was a good one. 

My point was, one of the biggest country groups of all time, during the prime of their career, has a lot more at stake than a niche artist close to 10 years past her peak.

She know her fanbase better than either of us. She know how much money she gets booked for, who's booking her as well as how much money she's made the past few years.

According to her BET interview, she's still booked up for the next 6 months as of right now. Plus she a quarter mil richer a month into 2017. Don't really seem like tripping at all nor regretting her decision.
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if you bumped mobb deep 20 years ago and now you're a activist or some **** and actually out here putting in work then salute but you know those aren't the type of ****** on here calling chrissette michelle a ****

You know nothing about the people posting in here, everything you're saying is assumption.

And the point is even if you bumped Mobb Deep TO THIS DAY you can call a blatant racist a blatant racist, and choose not to support anything associated with him. Acting like it's either or is ******* ridiculous, but that's the whole crux of you and your buddies arguments
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Hold on.... So if Chrisette Michelle performed at Secretary Hillary's inauguration.. Y'all would be cool wit it? The same Clinton that is partly responsible for mass incarceration in America? locking Innocent Black men and women and first time offenders? The same Clinton that coined the term "Super Predator" for my Black people? Chrisette Michele is not an Aunt Sally by any means. She performed at the Inauguration because she wanted to bridge the divide that was so very apparent between some segments of America and the White House. We all have to realize, we can't just shun Trump and say "Forget him" AS OF YET. The man hasn't even been president for a week. Can we at least give him a year before we have an opinion on him? Even 100 days. Sure Trump has said some very xenophobic, and racially dividing things. That shouldn't be ignored and he should be held accountable. HOWEVER, Y'all are making it out to seem like Christettei Michelle is up on stage and the podium screaming "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! BUILD THAT WALL! DEPORT THOSE IMMIGRANTS! NO MORE ABORTION! TO HELL WITH YOU IF YOUR POOR AND NOT RICH!". Shorty just performed. Chill the hell out. We as Black people are always the first to name call and call each other out of each others names when someone goes out of their way to bridge the gap. We need to look at the bigger picture. (Bigger check and payday too.) Shoot, i'd be up there performing for two hours. $750K? I'd ask if he had anymore engagements he'd want me to perform at. :lol:

By the way, i voted for Hilary, even with all of this said.

On top of that, add corruption and theft in Haiti's reconstruction stealing from one of the poorest black nations in the world.

I guarantee no one would have been outraged.

Exactly bro. NT'ers got the game all the way pucked up.
nobody EVER said you can't listen to violent music and have an opinion about social issues simultaneously. again...as simple as i can put it...i'm just trying to figure out why nobody goes this hard on other people blatantly ****ing. this is being sensationalized because donald trump is at the crux here and that's obviously a nuclear topic right now. 

there is no "either or" here. 

at the end of the day...she ****ed out for a check. just like many of the same ****** revered on here every day. 

if you want to get chrisette michelle the **** out the paint...that's fine with me. but don't turn a blind eye to the ***** who make you dance or try to explain why that's "different". 
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Speaking of Hilary, I ain't seen her at any black churches, events or radio stations lately. thought for sure she would've been ju ju on the beat by now [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]
nobody EVER said you can't listen to violent music and have an opinion about social issues simultaneously. again...as simple as i can put it...i'm just trying to figure out why nobody goes this hard on other people blatantly ****ing. this is being sensationalized because donald trump is at the crux here and that's obviously a nuclear topic right now. 

there is no "either or" here. 

at the end of the day...she ****ed out for a check. just like many of the same ****** revered on here every day. 

if you want to get chrisette michelle the **** out the paint...that's fine with me. but don't turn a blind eye to the ***** who make you dance or try to explain why that's "different". 

You're making it either or by trashing people for not going hard in EVERY OTHER SITUATION that you keep naming (other artists, record labels, companies, chinese and arab stores). There's ALWAYS going to be some issue that people aren't aware of or aren't focused on, so you can play that "well if you don't care about X,Y,Z, then why are yall mad at Chrisette Michele" game ALL DAY. It's not a useful argument.

Nobody will be aware of and be protesting every goddamn thing that's happening involving black people, so it's ridiculous to try to invalidate people's anger with black folks chilling with Trump by bringing out a laundry list of things that should be protested. The list would never end. You get that right?

Nothing about what other issues people support or don't support changes the fact that Trump and his people are racists and black people shouldn't be out there supporting him.
You know nothing about the people posting in here, everything you're saying is assumption.

And the point is even if you bumped Mobb Deep TO THIS DAY you can call a blatant racist a blatant racist, and choose not to support anything associated with him. Acting like it's either or is ******* ridiculous, but that's the whole crux of you and your buddies arguments

what's the point of creating this imaginary character who gets into paragraphs of arguments about hip hop culture but doesn't actively consume or engage in it or at least did at one point?

sure it's the internet and there could be that activist guy on here but for the most part we're regular 16-36 year olds who consume hip hop culture in some shape way or form

the question we're asking is why are you mad at michele for working with trump but not mobb deep or migos for the white devils they sit down with...arguably with greater detriment to our people...chrisette michele never made anyone think about selling drugs or drinking lean
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i want trump to start a record label and swallow def jam, epic and 300 and see how you ****** react... :lol:
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the question we're asking is why are you mad at michele for working with trump but not mobb deep or migos for the white devils they sit down with...arguably with greater detriment to our people...chrisette michele never made anyone think about selling drugs or drinking lean

There's ALWAYS going to be some issue that people aren't aware of or aren't focused on, so you can play that "well if you don't care about X,Y,Z, then why are yall mad at Chrisette Michele" game ALL DAY. It's not a useful argument.

Nobody will be aware of and be protesting every goddamn thing that's happening involving black people, so it's ridiculous to try to invalidate people's anger with black folks chilling with Trump by bringing out a laundry list of things that should be protested. The list would never end. You get that right?

Nothing about what other issues people support or don't support changes the fact that Trump and his people are racists and black people shouldn't be out there supporting him.

And if you think a president of the US with a racist cabinet and a republican majority in congress can't be more directly detrimental to black folks in this country than Lyor Cohen, you're on some other ****
And if you think a president of the US with a racist cabinet and a republican majority in congress can't be more directly detrimental to black folks in this country than Lyor Cohen, you're on some other ****

well let's break this down...

what is trump gonna do that past white devils including our "first black president" :lol: clinton already hasn't done?

this discussion shines light on the bigger issue of black people only disliking the mean white devils and not the ones that smile in your face...people would have been HAPPY for tap dance for Clinton if she had won simply because she's nicer and more reserved than Trump

reminds me of my teacher a few days ago talking about trump...she said his problem was that he didn't have the filter other politicians had...Trump isn't the only one who thinks the way he does...he's just the one who's bossed up enough to say what he wants with no real repercussions...hence everyone "hating" him yet half of the nation wanted him as our leader...the average white person cant do what trump does so they live vicariously through him...there are more people who think like trump in your daily life than you think

i promise you...when it comes to black people, whatever you think trump is about to do has already been set in motion prior to him even thinking about running or perhaps already even executed

meanwhile lyor cohen has ten recent college grads hard at work scouring WSHH, YouTube and Twitter for the next ***** to sell dope boy dreams to black kids for the next 20 months but as long as they don't sing about it at a Trump event it's all cool

Cohen absolutely has more power over black youth than Trump barring Trump coming out of nowhere and doing some crazy never before seen **** which admittedly isn't out of the question but realistically...black people aren't gonna be any worse under Trump than any of these other 43 and a half white dudes that didn't care for us.
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well let's break this down...

what is trump gonna do that past white devils including our "first black president" :lol: clinton already hasn't done?

this discussion shines light on the bigger issue of black people only disliking the mean white devils and not the ones that smile in your face...people would have been HAPPY for tap dance for Clinton if she had won simply because she's nicer and more reserved than Trump

reminds me of my teacher a few days ago talking about trump...she said his problem was that he didn't have the filter other politicians had...Trump isn't the only one who thinks the way he does...he's just the one who's bossed up enough to say what he wants with no real repercussions...hence everyone "hating" him yet half of the nation wanted him as our leader...the average white person cant do what trump does so they live vicariously through him...there are more people who think like trump in your daily life than you think

i promise you...when it comes to black people, whatever you think trump is about to do has already been set in motion prior to him even thinking about running or perhaps already even executed

meanwhile lyor cohen has ten recent college grads hard at work scouring WSHH, YouTube and Twitter for the next ***** to sell dope boy dreams to black kids for the next 20 months but as long as they don't sing about it at a Trump event it's all cool

Cohen absolutely has more power over black youth than Trump barring Trump coming out of nowhere and doing some crazy never before seen **** which admittedly isn't out of the question but realistically...black people aren't gonna be any worse under Trump than any of these other 43 and a half white dudes that didn't care for us.

I'll be real honest, I have zero motivation right now to type back and forth about who's more damaging to the black community, trump or lyor, and why. That's another argument for another day.

But I dont want you moving the goalposts from my initial point that you didn't respond to. It's not either boycott Trump and Lyor and every other person out there that's detrimental to the black community or don't boycott anybody at all. If people have a valid reason to not **** with Trump (which they clearly do) then let them not **** with Trump, and they can be as mad as they want at anybody that does. You can't police whether people can be outraged at Trump because they're not actively outraged at everybody who's ever been detrimental to black folks in us history. That list is never ending. Do you agree or disagree
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Read right thru that fake *** smile. I couldn't vote for neither 1 of the Devils myself but that's another thread.
 only difference is one of them doesn't fake the smile. Performing for either of them would have had the same meaning to me.

Also, I don't think the point is policing who to be outraged about. It's just interesting that people can hate one artist for accepting a check and then celebrate other artists who do virtually the same thing.
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I'll be real honest, I have no motivation right now to type back and forth about who's more damaging to the black community, trump or lyor. That's another argument for another day.

But I dont want you moving the goalposts from my initial point that you didn't respond to. It's not either boycott Trump and Lyor and every other person out there that's detrimental to the black community or don't boycott anybody at all. If people have a valid reason to not **** with Trump (which they clearly do) then let them not **** with Trump, and they can be as mad as they want at anybody that does. You can't police whether people can be outraged at Trump because they're not actively outraged at everybody who's ever been detrimental to black folks in us history. That list is never ending. Do you agree or disagree

I agree that it's silly to expect everyone who has a problem with Trump and what he stands for to boycott every Chinese food shop that has ever made a derrogatory remark about black people or whatever...

but i don't at all think it's ridiculous to ask people to be consistent in having the same emotions for Trump as they do for other corporate white racist devils who don't care about us

nobody is saying you have to be either or your whole life but i hope you all possess the ability to recognize the hypocrisy in calling Chrisette michelle a **** but then going and supporting a ***** tell you about how many black junkies he's created under the direction of lyor cohen

either they're all moving through a room full of vultures to better their families situations or they're all *****
Sometimes things like these simply come down to preception. It's just not a good look at the moment to be associated with the most hated man in the country, especially if you're in a group that he's insulted in the past year or so (which is just about everyone).

Had she sat there and simply said she did it because she just wanted to, or because she needed the money, the backlash wouldn't be as severe. She was asked to perform, accepted immediately, and then tried to hide it from the public because she knew it wasn't a good look. Then, she tried to insult people's intelligence by saying it was an act of "unity" and keeps saying her performance had other hidden meanings in it. Like, the ***** just went about this all wrong and people are rightfully calling her out on it.

That's not to say your point isn't a good one, because it is. It's just not relevant in this scenario.
well let's break this down...

what is trump gonna do that past white devils including our "first black president" :lol: clinton already hasn't done?

this discussion shines light on the bigger issue of black people only disliking the mean white devils and not the ones that smile in your face...people would have been HAPPY for tap dance for Clinton if she had won simply because she's nicer and more reserved than Trump

reminds me of my teacher a few days ago talking about trump...she said his problem was that he didn't have the filter other politicians had...Trump isn't the only one who thinks the way he does...he's just the one who's bossed up enough to say what he wants with no real repercussions...hence everyone "hating" him yet half of the nation wanted him as our leader...the average white person cant do what trump does so they live vicariously through him...there are more people who think like trump in your daily life than you think

i promise you...when it comes to black people, whatever you think trump is about to do has already been set in motion prior to him even thinking about running or perhaps already even executed

meanwhile lyor cohen has ten recent college grads hard at work scouring WSHH, YouTube and Twitter for the next ***** to sell dope boy dreams to black kids for the next 20 months but as long as they don't sing about it at a Trump event it's all cool

Cohen absolutely has more power over black youth than Trump barring Trump coming out of nowhere and doing some crazy never before seen **** which admittedly isn't out of the question but realistically...black people aren't gonna be any worse under Trump than any of these other 43 and a half white dudes that didn't care for us.

The **** ?
Young Thug, Migos, Uzi, Drake, insert rapper here has way more influence on the day to day mindset of the youth than any politician

As far as legislation that directly affects said youth of course Trump has more power in that regard

But again, barring some crazy doubling down on the already ****** up system (which again anything can happen), what more can Trump do to us? What makes him so much worse than the 43 1/2 before him that got us to where we are in the first place?

reminds me of a chart i saw on twitter where people had all 44 presidents and then trump with devil horns...like he's the first devil to step in the white house :lol:
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well let's break this down...

what is trump gonna do that past white devils including our "first black president" :lol: clinton already hasn't done?

this discussion shines light on the bigger issue of black people only disliking the mean white devils and not the ones that smile in your face...people would have been HAPPY for tap dance for Clinton if she had won simply because she's nicer and more reserved than Trump

reminds me of my teacher a few days ago talking about trump...she said his problem was that he didn't have the filter other politicians had...Trump isn't the only one who thinks the way he does...he's just the one who's bossed up enough to say what he wants with no real repercussions...hence everyone "hating" him yet half of the nation wanted him as our leader...the average white person cant do what trump does so they live vicariously through him...there are more people who think like trump in your daily life than you think

i promise you...when it comes to black people, whatever you think trump is about to do has already been set in motion prior to him even thinking about running or perhaps already even executed

meanwhile lyor cohen has ten recent college grads hard at work scouring WSHH, YouTube and Twitter for the next ***** to sell dope boy dreams to black kids for the next 20 months but as long as they don't sing about it at a Trump event it's all cool

Cohen absolutely has more power over black youth than Trump barring Trump coming out of nowhere and doing some crazy never before seen **** which admittedly isn't out of the question but realistically...black people aren't gonna be any worse under Trump than any of these other 43 and a half white dudes that didn't care for us.

The **** ?

:lol: Lil man is out there.

Don't no music head have more power over black youth than a politician. Yeah they can push music that promotes certain **** but politicians can pass laws that will DIRECTLY effect black families, like in the 90. Which is why some black people don't **** with the Clintons.
Thread jumped the shark.

There's a new edition interview and biopic worth talking bout.....and ****** STILL arguing over this :smh:

I just seen a young Bobby Brown get toppy from two bishes, while doing coke....at the staples center at like 7am.

Threadworthy :lol:
i posted the new edition BC interview and clearly that got overlooked 

one of the best BC interviews 
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