***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

finally...someone who actually answered the question. my only rebuttal to your point is that IMO, conspiring with a devil in disguise is no different that conspiring with a devil who's not hiding. i'd also actually even make the argument that when it comes to corporate america, they aren't really hiding anymore. 

To the general Public tho?? HUGE difference... to put this in perspective it took NUMEROUS murders on camera & a president rallying to build a Wall on the border for people to recognize that we have a serious race problem in this country :lol:

Also to touch on Hiphop merging with corporate America it's clear as day that it's had a negative impact on the culture, but it has also came with extreme economic prosperity that clearly has benefited the culture also. we're in a country created to be controlled under white supremacy, so in any business involving millions chances are that your're going to have to conduct business with older white men who may not understand or care for your culture. So can we blame someone for doing business with these people if the end goal is establishing enough capital to create your own business ventures?

Now obviously there's levels to this also, for Example i see People call Jay-Z a sellout all the time for doing business with white men, but in most instances i see it as the company using him for his celeb & him using them for capital, it works both ways. I don't correlate working with corporate directly with selling out, which is an idea i see promoted a lot.
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finally...someone who actually answered the question. my only rebuttal to your point is that IMO, conspiring with a devil in disguise is no different that conspiring with a devil who's not hiding. i'd also actually even make the argument that when it comes to corporate america, they aren't really hiding anymore. 
To the general Public tho?? HUGE difference... to put this in perspective it took NUMEROUS murders on camera & a president rallying to build a Wall on the border for people to recognize that we have a serious race problem in this country 

Also to touch on Hiphop merging with corporate America it's clear as day that it's had a negative impact on the culture, but it has also came with extreme economic prosperity that clearly has benefited the culture also. we're in a country created to be controlled under white supremacy, so in any business involving millions chances are that your're going to have to conduct business with older white men who may not understand or care for your culture. So can we blame someone for doing business with these people if the end goal is establishing enough capital to create your own business ventures?

Now obviously there's levels to this also, for Example i see People call Jay-Z a sellout all the time for doing business with white men, but in most instances i see it as the company using him for his celeb & him using them for capital, it works both ways. I don't correlate working with corporate directly with selling out, which is an idea i see promoted a lot.
im well aware that in this current paradigm, the key is to "know how to move in a room full of vultures". of course we have to deal with the devil. im not knocking anyone for dealing with corporate america period.

however, I'm not sure that economic prosperity is being used to really turn **** around and when you knowingly sell poison to reap the benefits from the proceeds, you're hurting alot more than you're helping. there are those who i do believe are silently trying to shift the paradigm, but I believe they're less in numbers than the ones who are just out for their own interests.

it's like the old narrative of the neighborhood drug superstar. you made millions by moving dope to your own...you pass out a few turkeys and toys during the holidays, but at what costs? I believe every man makes their own path. I don't think anyone is obligated to do anything. personally, the sell out who knows they're a sell out and don't give a **** about their own people...I can't say is "wrong" because it's their choice.  I do think there are indeed karmic repercussions to the choices we make but that's another topic.

all im saying is...i can't be too mad at shorty for selling out for a check when these same people putting her on the chopping block probably aint put a dime in her pocket. especially if i see ******** get co-signed everyday. people keep talking about what they would and wouldn't do for a check but our entire world runs on money and greed with very little emphasis placed on integrity. she said **** it and took the money like damn near 90% of our beloved entertainers are doing. the most hated man in the world just happened to be involved in her particular scenario.

based on your own logic, when is it ok to work with devlis and when is it not? what particular situations do we draw a line and say "this is going too far". a devils advocate may read your post and say "well isn't chrisette trying to get some of that economic prosperity"? could she fix this by donating 250K to black lives matter or some ****? 
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Hold on.... So if Chrisette Michelle performed at Secretary Hillary's inauguration.. Y'all would be cool wit it? The same Clinton that is partly responsible for mass incarceration in America? locking Innocent Black men and women and first time offenders? The same Clinton that coined the term "Super Predator" for my Black people? Chrisette Michele is not an Aunt Sally by any means. She performed at the Inauguration because she wanted to bridge the divide that was so very apparent between some segments of America and the White House. We all have to realize, we can't just shun Trump and say "Forget him" AS OF YET. The man hasn't even been president for a week. Can we at least give him a year before we have an opinion on him? Even 100 days. Sure Trump has said some very xenophobic, and racially dividing things. That shouldn't be ignored and he should be held accountable. HOWEVER, Y'all are making it out to seem like Christettei Michelle is up on stage and the podium screaming "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! BUILD THAT WALL! DEPORT THOSE IMMIGRANTS! NO MORE ABORTION! TO HELL WITH YOU IF YOUR POOR AND NOT RICH!". Shorty just performed. Chill the hell out. We as Black people are always the first to name call and call each other out of each others names when someone goes out of their way to bridge the gap. We need to look at the bigger picture. (Bigger check and payday too.) Shoot, i'd be up there performing for two hours. $750K? I'd ask if he had anymore engagements he'd want me to perform at. :lol:

By the way, i voted for Hilary, even with all of this said.
im well aware that in this current paradigm, the key is to "know how to move in a room full of vultures". of course we have to deal with the devil. im not knocking anyone for dealing with corporate america period.

however, I'm not sure that economic prosperity is being used to really turn **** around and when you knowingly sell poison to reap the benefits from the proceeds, you're hurting alot more than you're helping. there are those who i do believe are silently trying to shift the paradigm, but I believe they're less in numbers than the ones who are just out for their own interests.

it's like the old narrative of the neighborhood drug superstar. you made millions by moving dope to your own...you pass out a few turkeys and toys during the holidays, but at what costs? I believe every man makes their own path. I don't think anyone is obligated to do anything. personally, the sell out who knows they're a sell out and don't give a **** about their own people...I can't say is "wrong" because it's their choice.  I do think there are indeed karmic repercussions to the choices we make but that's another topic.

all im saying is...i can't be too mad at shorty for selling out for a check when these same people putting her on the chopping block probably aint put a dime in her pocket. especially if i see ******** get co-signed everyday. people keep talking about what they would and wouldn't do for a check but our entire world runs on money and greed with very little emphasis placed on integrity. she said **** it and took the money like damn near 90% of our beloved entertainers are doing. the most hated man in the world just happened to be involved in her particular scenario.

based on your own logic, when is it ok to work with devlis and when is it not? what particular situations do we draw a line and say "this is going too far". a devils advocate may read your post and say "well isn't chrisette trying to get some of that economic prosperity"? could she fix this by donating 250K to black lives matter or some ****? 

I think crossing the line is anything that would not be in tune with your own thoughts & feelings. I personally don't think they're should be such an outrage behind this considering Chrisette doesn't hold much influence, but on the other hand i see why the general public is mad. In this situation for Trump i probably wouldn't work with him at all because this dude is on a full mission to scale up open racism in this country. Chrisette essentially cosigned that.

But in reality we ALL accept ******** based on how it directly effects us. We complain about the lack of justice & violence by the hands of police but some of us will still hold that American flag up as our quality of life isn't directly linked to us Raping and destroying whatever country we please. It's human nature to hold back on things that may benefit you.
I understand what Chrisette meant but it was always going to come off wrong at this time, it's too soon.

She's right though if all the Democrats just boycott Trump, what exactly happens? Who even tries to represent us then?
Good for her

She has a job

Gotta make money.

And look at all this press she's getting. All these conversations

BC interview

She know what she doing.

All she had to say is

"We all have jobs, some people don't like where they work but they have to clock in anyway in order to keep bills paid and food on the table. "
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I understand what Chrisette meant but it was always going to come off wrong at this time, it's too soon.

She's right though if all the Democrats just boycott Trump, what exactly happens? Who even tries to represent us then?

No she's not

What did Republicans do with Obama?

And they're paid, that's their job. To represent the people and their constituency.

She isn't a politician. She did it for a check, no bridge building, no bringing us together. She did it for a check, and didn't think it would be a big deal.

The Trump camp contacted record labels to get people to appear, I heard first hand from an exec at Def Jam...he told them no, because he didn't think it would be a good move for their artist regardless.

Toby Keith and Lee Greenwood can do it. That's their fanbase.
you gonna keep giving me the run around by answering questions with questions are do you have some actual dialogue to add? yes i used young thug as an example. he's adorned here and from my understanding of "****ing", he checks off a lot of the boxes on the **** criteria list. he promotes ******** and he gets checks from white devils to do it (one of whom he refers to as his daddy btw). and let's hypothetically assume that as a young adult, young thug may not be consciously aware that this is taking place...what about the ones that WE DO KNOW that are selling out their integrity for a check from white corporate america? 

and as far as mj goes...come on now. we all know what mj is on...even one of the most famous athletes that he endorses had a sarcastic backhanded compliment to make about him in regards to his relationship with us as black people. that stigma isn't out there solely because of an alleged quote about republicans. 

fair point about thug. you can make the argument that he isn't consciously aware of his role in the machine and quite honestly that may likely be the case. i'd still argue that selling out is still selling out...whether you know you are or not. but wouldn't you agree that there are indeed artists and entertainers that ARE consciously aware of their roles in the machine, and many of them are adorned by the masses? we don't have to sit here and name names but surely you agree that there are "sell-outs" that know they're sellouts right?

my bottom line is that we all know ****** is out here doing **** **** to get paid by white corporate america. if we going to bring the pitchforks out for one, we need to do it for all of them. not give ****** passes because they make us dance, they got 50 inch verticals, or whatever they do to get within in our good graces. 

You're talking about Young Thug.

What's the difference in the fanbase Young Thug attracts versus Chrisette Michelle?
i'm not sure how relevant fan base demographics are to this particular discussion.

if it were young thug who performed at the inauguration, would it have been received differently because he has a different fan base than chrisette michelle? Or is that "his crowd" so it would be no big deal?
i'm not sure how relevant fan base demographics are to this particular discussion.

if it were young thug who performed at the inauguration, would it have been received differently because he has a different fan base than chrisette michelle? Or is that "his crowd" so it would be no big deal?

Young Thug appeals to 16 year olds

Chrisette Michelle's fanbase are voting and career people over 40

If you can't see the differences in why one fanbase cares and the other doesn't. There's nothing I can do to explain it to you.
Man Michele's "fanbase" is dead as hell in 2017. Her latest project dropped last summer and did nothing.

She's 8 years removed from her peak. If this was 2009 when she was doing 70-80k first week I doubt she would've even considered doing this ********.

She did the gig, made her 250k, now what? She gonna lose the "supporters" who weren't even really supporting her like that in the first place? :lol:
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Her fanbase damn sure ain't the Trump crowd. :lol: She was #102 on their list after everybody turned them down. Some people will just do anything for some bread.
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Man Michele's "fanbase" is dead as hell in 2017. Her latest project dropped last summer and did nothing.

She's 8 years removed from her peak. If this was 2009 when she was doing 70-80k first week I doubt she would've even considered doing this ********.

She did the gig, made her 250k, now what? She gonna lose the "supporters" who weren't even really supporting her like that in the first place? :lol:
Or people that never cared are gonna act like they care. Her glory days came and went, this is the most anyone is gonna talk about her ever again, no 1 song would've did it either. We still gonna watch Mayweather vs McGregor if it happens, Mike Tyson will still sell books etc. By next month u won't hear about this.
i'm not sure how relevant fan base demographics are to this particular discussion.

if it were young thug who performed at the inauguration, would it have been received differently because he has a different fan base than chrisette michelle? Or is that "his crowd" so it would be no big deal?

Young Thug appeals to 16 year olds

Chrisette Michelle's fanbase are voting and career people over 40

If you can't see the differences in why one fanbase cares and the other doesn't. There's nothing I can do to explain it to you.
so the only people that have a problem with what she did are people that are in her "fan base"?

 where did fan bases even come in to play here?

those of you who are ******** on her...are ya'll chrisette michelle fans? 
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Hold on.... So if Chrisette Michelle performed at Secretary Hillary's inauguration.. Y'all would be cool wit it? The same Clinton that is partly responsible for mass incarceration in America? locking Innocent Black men and women and first time offenders? The same Clinton that coined the term "Super Predator"

On top of that, add corruption and theft in Haiti's reconstruction stealing from one of the poorest black nations in the world.

I guarantee no one would have been outraged.
Some of yall are seriously in here trying to validate performing for outright bigots. Insane. A dude like Mel Gibson got blackballed by Hollywood jews but woulda never got blackballed by black folks because there'd always be a couple in the bunch talking about Mel ain't that bad, or why we gonna blackball Mel and not blackball XYZ? Black folks can't form a solid front against these racists for ****.
except nobody is talking about blackballing anyone. not a single person here suggested we must or must not "blackball" chrisette michelle. 

what the hell does one's opinion about chrisette michelle have to do with forming a solid front against racism? 

if everyone black person on earth said "we're not ******* with her no more"...how the hell would that be a solid front against racists?

why don't you ****** go boycott viacom? why don't you boycott the high fashion brands who don't even want ****** in there stores more than one at a time? go boycott the ******* chinese and arabs who set up shop in our communities.

you want us to be "united" against chrisette michelle?


again. i don't condone what she did. i just find it odd that this particular situation is when ****** suddenly care about where art, integrity, and corporate interest meet.
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I'm not talking about blackballing chrisette michele genius, I'm talking about blackballing the trump inauguration.

Now come up with some more genius arguments on why it's cool to mix with trump and his racist cabinet and white nationalist supporters because black people don't blackball the local chinese carryout
you ****** are funny 

none of you can offer any logical rebuttals so you revert back around to making it seem like im condoning her actions. not once did I say it was "cool to mix with trump". you can't find ONE ******* quote from me in this entire thread that even SUGGESTS that i think "it's cool to mix with trump". you read what you want to read, cherry pick a few phrases, and frame it the way you want to, because you can't answer my questions. you know how many times i been kicked off this site for alleged "racism". miss me with that **** ****. 

you can't have a real discussion because i'm asking you questions you can't answer. it's easier for some of you ****** to reply with snide cattiness remarks like ******* on lipstick alley than to have real productive discussions about these issues amongst men. 
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Dudes just doing a bunch of typing now. If you don't condone her singing for a racist group then what the **** is your point? :lol:
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