***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

Trump also cool with Mayweather, Tyson and alot of other black people, we gonna shun them because they know him and he knows duke? Shorty got her check at the end of the day, everybody acting like their mad can't even name a album of hers without google. Our athletes and entertainers been tap dancing for years for these racist rich white dudes. Like stated before, Michale jordan been sold out and 90% of us are here because of his sneakers.
Fake outrage. Nobody of color should look trumps way or black people gonna turn on em. We acting like she went and sang for David duke bday.

You know he full supports Trump right? :lol:

And Trumps homies are that whole Alt Right group. And Trump has discriminated against black people going back to the 70's. And his daddy was in the KKK. Some of ya'll just think he said **** about Mexicans and that's it.
Trump also cool with Mayweather, Tyson and alot of other black people, we gonna shun them because they know him and he knows duke? Shorty got her check at the end of the day, everybody acting like their mad can't even name a album of hers without google. Our athletes and entertainers been tap dancing for years for these racist rich white dudes. Like stated before, Michale jordan been sold out and 90% of us are here because of his sneakers.

I'm not shunning her. I'm just calling her out on her BS. Same way I call out mayweather and Tyson.

This bish went on BC and had a bs reason. Shorty really said....she performed on some "wolf in sheeps clothing" tip to find out what Trunp was about :rofl:

She shoulda just kept it a buck and said she needed the bread. That's understandable
Fake outrage. Nobody of color should look trumps way or black people gonna turn on em. We acting like she went and sang for David duke bday.

This isn't true

Once we label you a sell out or a ****, we stop supporting you

Look at Bill Cosby after his pound cake speech.

We don't care about Floyd, because he's not through highly of anyway. Most of us have already dismissed him as a idiot opportunist. The main ones who support him and buy tickets and his payperviews are buying it hoping he loses.
I guarantee you she'll stop being booked less and ticket sales will decrease for her.

Because some of you don't stand for anything, doesn't mean everyone doesn't.

If you want to look at things in the opposite direction, you can look at the Dixie Chicks.
Because some of you don't stand for anything, doesn't mean everyone doesn't.
so on that note...

what does it say about us when we support people who clearly don't stand for anything beneficial or constructive to us, and continue to promote ******** for a check?

i'm not looking at this from a far right or far left perspective like many in here can't seem to escape. i'm trying to point out the fact that our entire culture has been bought and sold. if we care this much about chrisette michelle...shouldn't we hold everyone else to the same standard? 

and for anyone that still has trouble grasping this concept let me repeat:


all i'm doing is asking why we have no problem with some entertainers out here ****ing for corporate americas but we gotta get chrisette outta here? 

Versace racist as **** but that don't stop ****** from turning up when the migos song drop in the club
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Why do you continue to generalize?

Maybe some people don't care

Some do

Some people might not know about certain events and it's not even their fault.

We aren't a monolith. Stop with the generalizations.
so on that note...

what does it say about us when we support people who clearly don't stand for anything beneficial or constructive to us, and continue to promote ******** for a check?

i'm not looking at this from a far right or far left perspective like many in here can't seem to escape. i'm trying to point out the fact that our entire culture has been bought and sold. if we care this much about chrisette michelle...shouldn't we hold everyone else to the same standard? 

and for anyone that still has trouble grasping this concept let me repeat:


all i'm doing is asking why we have no problem with some entertainers out here ****ing for corporate americas but we gotta get chrisette outta here? 

I see where your coming from but honestly the difference in this is basically her doing it for Trump at the inauguration (FTR idgaf about her decision either way, literally doesn't effect me at all). However in this instant Trump is the Face of division and racism in this country & it's highly promoted. So i agree that many people we support work with white men who in turn are using the culture (and in the same spectrum we're using them also, but that's another thread). Problem is that they're usually not working for people who publicly embrace and promote their hate. Trump is extremely transparent with his agenda & Chrisette still decided to stand by him and his message right now, so although essentially the action isn't much different than another celeb taking a check from a company against our interest . It still remains that she took the bait KNOWING the energy dude is bringing right now.

Hell even with Kanye, Jim Brown, Steve Harvey they caught flack but they could hide behind the "I wanted to have conversation" as opposed to performing and basically giving an endorsement.
i'm not generalizing anything. never once did I say "everyone on NT does this"...so i'm not sure where you're going there.

and my question is STILL being ducked.

let me rephrase my question since im "generalizing". for the people that are aware of the pimping of our culture by corporate america and the willing artists and entertainers that participate by using their creative abilities to further propagate an agenda...in exchange for a check...why aren't they being put on trial for selling out for a check? 
Son is using the same tactics bigots use anytime blacks have a option on something ol " what about black on black crime " ***
this is an awful analogy. people that use "black on black crime" as a rebuttal to police brutality or mistreatment of minorities, usually don't care to go in depth about police brutality or mistreatment of minorities.

you would have a point if I were in here dismissing what chrissette michelle did. i'm not. i've stated like 10 times that what she did was lame. i'm asking why ya'll not mad at all these other people doing the same thing. and you're still not answering the question. 
i'm not generalizing anything. never once did I say "everyone on NT does this"...so i'm not sure where you're going there.

and my question is STILL being ducked.

let me rephrase my question since im "generalizing". for the people that are aware of the pimping of our culture by corporate america and the willing artists and entertainers that participate by using their creative abilities to further propagate an agenda...in exchange for a check...why aren't they being put on trial for selling out for a check? 

You used Young Thug and Floyd as examples and want a answer to your question?

In addition to Michael Jordan never even actually said that republicans buy sneakers too bit. Someone made that a joke and people have been running with it for 25 years.
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so on that note...

what does it say about us when we support people who clearly don't stand for anything beneficial or constructive to us, and continue to promote ******** for a check?

i'm not looking at this from a far right or far left perspective like many in here can't seem to escape. i'm trying to point out the fact that our entire culture has been bought and sold. if we care this much about chrisette michelle...shouldn't we hold everyone else to the same standard? 

and for anyone that still has trouble grasping this concept let me repeat:


all i'm doing is asking why we have no problem with some entertainers out here ****ing for corporate americas but we gotta get chrisette outta here? 
I see where your coming from but honestly the difference in this is basically her doing it for Trump at the inauguration (FTR idgaf about her decision either way, literally doesn't effect me at all). However in this instant Trump is the Face of division and racism in this country & it's highly promoted. So i agree that many people we support work with white men who in turn are using the culture (and in the same spectrum we're using them also, but that's another thread). Problem is that they're usually not working for people who publicly embrace and promote their hate. Trump is extremely transparent with his agenda & Chrisette still decided to stand by him and his message right now, so although essentially the action isn't much different than another celeb taking a check from a company against our interest . It still remains that she took the bait KNOWING the energy dude is bringing right now.

Hell even with Kanye, Jim Brown, Steve Harvey they caught flack but they could hide behind the "I wanted to have conversation" as opposed to performing and basically giving an endorsement.
finally...someone who actually answered the question. my only rebuttal to your point is that IMO, conspiring with a devil in disguise is no different that conspiring with a devil who's not hiding. i'd also actually even make the argument that when it comes to corporate america, they aren't really hiding anymore. 
Kanye just went on multiple rants about why he would've voted for dude and then doubled back and had a face to face sit down with this _ for the free last month and it seem like more people are  actually mad about her coming thru for a quick quarter mil cash grab than that 

In situations like this its always gonna be people who genuinely care mixed in with a ton who're just piling on to feel involved.

If half of these former loyal "supporters" that are coming out of the woodwork now actually supported her, her last album (which dropped 6 months ago) wouldn't have did so terribly 

Also, I don't really think Dixie Chicks is a good example. For one, that was over 10 years ago. Social media generation has a much shorter attention span now. They did lose support from a lot conservatives and southerners but they still went on to win 5-6 grammys and still sold millions of albums. Not to mention they went back to the same place 3 years later and reiterated the same exact comments 
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You used Young Thug and Floyd as examples and want a answer to your question?

In addition to Michael Jordan never even actually said that republicans buy sneakers too bit. Someone made that a joke and people have been running with it for 25 years.

Either way MJ has shown a COMPLETE lack of support for the black community & has never really spoken up regarding the problems. There's been rumors that he's invested in private prisons yet we still buy his shoes and promote them.

I think the answers to these questions also depend largely on what selling out is to you. Like thug for example, is it really selling out when you don't display much interest/knowledge of the culture being taken controlled by corporate? like do you honestly think Thug is looking back at what he does and thinking "man my lyrics are really gonna have an adverse effect on the youth" or is he just high out of his mind rambling on his interest and getting paid for it?
Either way MJ has shown a COMPLETE lack of support for the black community & has never really spoken up regarding the problems.
Yeah the situation that the supposed quote stemmed from was related to his refusal to endorse Harvey Gantt, a black politician, for Senate over Jesse Helms, a known racist who wasn't at all shy about his prejudice.

Arthur Ashe and a bunch of people thought that Jordan's endorsement could've tipped the scales but he didn't budge and Helms ended up winning 
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i'm not generalizing anything. never once did I say "everyone on NT does this"...so i'm not sure where you're going there.

and my question is STILL being ducked.

let me rephrase my question since im "generalizing". for the people that are aware of the pimping of our culture by corporate america and the willing artists and entertainers that participate by using their creative abilities to further propagate an agenda...in exchange for a check...why aren't they being put on trial for selling out for a check? 
You used Young Thug and Floyd as examples and want a answer to your question?

In addition to Michael Jordan never even actually said that republicans buy sneakers too bit. Someone made that a joke and people have been running with it for 25 years.
you gonna keep giving me the run around by answering questions with questions are do you have some actual dialogue to add? yes i used young thug as an example. he's adorned here and from my understanding of "****ing", he checks off a lot of the boxes on the **** criteria list. he promotes ******** and he gets checks from white devils to do it (one of whom he refers to as his daddy btw). and let's hypothetically assume that as a young adult, young thug may not be consciously aware that this is taking place...what about the ones that WE DO KNOW that are selling out their integrity for a check from white corporate america? 

and as far as mj goes...come on now. we all know what mj is on...even one of the most famous athletes that he endorses had a sarcastic backhanded compliment to make about him in regards to his relationship with us as black people. that stigma isn't out there solely because of an alleged quote about republicans. 
You used Young Thug and Floyd as examples and want a answer to your question?

In addition to Michael Jordan never even actually said that republicans buy sneakers too bit. Someone made that a joke and people have been running with it for 25 years.
Either way MJ has shown a COMPLETE lack of support for the black community & has never really spoken up regarding the problems. There's been rumors that he's invested in private prisons yet we still buy his shoes and promote them.

I think the answers to these questions also depend largely on what selling out is to you. Like thug for example, is it really selling out when you don't display much interest/knowledge of the culture being taken controlled by corporate? like do you honestly think Thug is looking back at what he does and thinking "man my lyrics are really gonna have an adverse effect on the youth" or is he just high out of his mind rambling on his interest and getting paid for it?
fair point about thug. you can make the argument that he isn't consciously aware of his role in the machine and quite honestly that may likely be the case. i'd still argue that selling out is still selling out...whether you know you are or not. but wouldn't you agree that there are indeed artists and entertainers that ARE consciously aware of their roles in the machine, and many of them are adorned by the masses? we don't have to sit here and name names but surely you agree that there are "sell-outs" that know they're sellouts right?

my bottom line is that we all know ****** is out here doing **** **** to get paid by white corporate america. if we going to bring the pitchforks out for one, we need to do it for all of them. not give ****** passes because they make us dance, they got 50 inch verticals, or whatever they do to get within in our good graces. 
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