***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

U gotta be a child to still think every dude who participates in illegal activity are dead or in jail. U know how many ****** did dirt never got caught and are making a honest dollar? Goes back to us sayin Noone here is acting like he's the kingpin or street king besides u. He coulda been a petty transporter. It's a special on netflix and it's a crooked co from jersey (hides his identity) talks about how he sneaks drugs in jail because it's easy money. Not saying it's him, but it happens more than u think. If u ever knew anybody that was behind the wall they will tell u how majority of the illegal **** get in their and it ain't in a ***** *** Crack like the movies.
I should have known better. Can't go against the fans of any artist on NT. Y'all buy into the personalities and can't separate entertainment from real life.

Rick Ross was a crooked CO and did dirt in Miami. Or whatever else you dudes want to speculate about what the extent of his criminal career could have been. He's certified. I'm wrong.

Carry on.

I'm certified, and I ain't never did no dirt. Beat ya feet then bruh
Who even cares whether Ross did dirt or not? I'm a big Ross fan and I sure don't. If he is indeed as clean as a whistle then he deserves a lot more credit because that man has flawlessly been in character for about a decade. Whether his character is real or not does not bother me one bit.

All I care about is the man makes good music. He found his lane and is arguably the best at what he does. I can't think of anyone else who paints such vivid pictures of the mafioso/luxury lifestyle as Ross. That can't be denied whether you like his music or not.
are you a street cat? if not you should take no offense with him fronting, even if he is... let this **** go already
I Think that angie video was shot the day prior to the breakfast club, & either way every interviewer isn't placed here to ask the ridiculous drama filled questions. EX Angie's in terview with cole was Amazing and she was only able to get that vibe because the artist feels comfortable with her.

Asking someone to address the elephant in the room doesn't have to be "ridiculous" and "drama filled."
Not sure when I mentioned taking offense to it.

I had a counter opinion to someone else's. Am I not allowed to do that?

Just as Colombia said, I like Ross' music as well. I have his albums, and numerous mixtapes. Street credentials have always meant a hill of beans, to me. Can easily seperate an artists talent and skill, from their personal lives.

His personal life is no concern of mine, and should not be. But, basing things off the actions I've seen, and how he has moved (even the signing of Wale, his stance with Trick Daddy, etc) the dude seems like he is man enough to admit and atleast address his wrongdoings or transgressions. Even business stuff, and personal issues. He has gained respect from me, due to some of the accountability that he has displayed. Unlike many men, who seem to be in denial about past embarrassments.
What am I not understanding? . I'm saying he was likely a fraud and provided reasons for saying so. You're saying he may have not been and provided reasons for saying so. We have differing opinions.

Funny **** is I'm not even the first one that said it. I commented directly after someone else said it but everyone decided to take aim
With me.

His music was never the topic. I have no problem with that. I've specifically been talking to the dudes with this fantasy *** idea of Rick Ross being a crooked co and how somehow that validates his "street cred"

You really bout to play victim?

You were responding (in seconds) to every. single. reply. suggesting Ross might be good in the streets.

You're emotionally invested while everybody else just shootin the s****.
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pretty good info dropped, he kept focusing on getting together an economic base together in the black community and i think that's true. If this nation has shown you anything is that for guys in power Money> & although i do believe these politicians are inherently racist... when the bag is placed in their hands all the racist ideas go out the window.
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