Official Bitcoin Thread

Why/when would you be expecting BTC to drop 30%?

Why - because it’s useless and purely a speculative gamble. Nothing more, nothing less.

When - could be tonight, next week, or next few months. No one knows.
Why - because it’s useless and purely a speculative gamble. Nothing more, nothing less.

When - could be tonight, next week, or next few months. No one knows.
How is it useless? I've literally used it.
Have you tried sending more than 10k to people outside of the US? Have you tried getting money out of China? As long as BTC is worth even a dollar it has a use.
You dudes be swearing you’re onto something. No one is using this **** as a currency. People are copping as a gamble in hopes the next man will pay double or triple what they paid.

Hence, my speculative store of value comment. You want to send $10k overseas, go for it. That **** will be worth $8k or $12k the next day. Not exactly a good currency.

The higher it goes, it’ll be used even less than it currently is as a currency cause cats will solely want to accumulate.

Be realistic and tell me where I’m wrong.
You dudes be swearing you’re onto something. No one is using this **** as a currency. People are copping as a gamble in hopes the next man will pay double or triple what they paid.

Hence, my speculative store of value comment. You want to send $10k overseas, go for it. That **** will be worth $8k or $12k the next day. Not exactly a good currency.

The higher it goes, it’ll be used even less than it currently is as a currency cause cats will solely want to accumulate.

Be realistic and tell me where I’m wrong.

I actually bought a Rolex with BTC from a Rolex dealer in Florida. You would be surprised how many businesses are accepting stateside. Nationwide is a diff story I was in South Korea in 2017 and stores had Visa, MC and BTC accepted here stickers on the doors.
You dudes be swearing you’re onto something. No one is using this **** as a currency. People are copping as a gamble in hopes the next man will pay double or triple what they paid.

Hence, my speculative store of value comment. You want to send $10k overseas, go for it. That **** will be worth $8k or $12k the next day. Not exactly a good currency.

The higher it goes, it’ll be used even less than it currently is as a currency cause cats will solely want to accumulate.

Be realistic and tell me where I’m wrong.
But store of value is a use, no matter how volatile. How is that useless?
Bitcoin is a very poor currency, and will probably never be used for regular transactions but there is a huge value in being able to store value that can't be seized. Also, why do you have to hold it the next day? It has to hold value until the transaction clears, about an hour max.. You can exchange the money on the other side within minutes :lol:
Decentralized trustless borderless uncorrelated asset that can be used to store/ship wealth while hedging against modern central bank monetary policy and global autocratic regimes is clearly not worthless. Worth about 10k per coin last time I checked. Humanity is still trying to figure out what this technology is worth hence the volatility, but to act like it has no underlying value or utility beyond price speculation is just wrong and ignorant.
You dudes be swearing you’re onto something. No one is using this **** as a currency. People are copping as a gamble in hopes the next man will pay double or triple what they paid.

Hence, my speculative store of value comment. You want to send $10k overseas, go for it. That **** will be worth $8k or $12k the next day. Not exactly a good currency.

The higher it goes, it’ll be used even less than it currently is as a currency cause cats will solely want to accumulate.

Be realistic and tell me where I’m wrong.
You're wrong all around.... Once Bitcoin reaches it's desired market cap of 5 trillion. It'll be hard to swing the market 10-15 percent in a day... You're thinking of Bitcoin in a analog world.. the world will be completely digital in the next decade. You will be left behind wondering why your 25000 dollars hit different in 2030....

People must remember that dollars dont physically exist. It's 95 percent digital....
DOnt sell to CB. Sell to me.

Word I'll holler if I go that route.

Fam your annoying at this point. You dont want to believe thats on you but we dont want to hear it from you every other month about **** coins, BTC this or that. Make your money and move on or not we dont care. Its tired...Let it go.

God forbid someone shares their perspective on an internet forum. Feel free to tell that same **** to the dudes who be in here talking that bullish **** day after day after day. Repetitive, aint it?
I you gotta just have a plan and go with it. If you know you wanna invest x amount of money over y amount of time take advantage of the sales.
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