Official Bitcoin Thread

Finally got my first PFP NFT a few days ago. Was lucky enough to get a good pull so looks like I'll be in the positive hopefully. Really excited for a few upcoming projects that I've got WL for on FLOW as well. I'm really enjoying this space so far especially the price points compared to projects on ETH.
When people say "project" is that just another word referring to the coin or NFT and not an actual project? Or is there an actual project you would use the NFT for?
When people say "project" is that just another word referring to the coin or NFT and not an actual project? Or is there an actual project you would use the NFT for?
I guess it could be used in all those ways IMO. In my instance my "projects" are just PFP NFTs on the FLOW Blockchain. Some of the ones also have play to earn, some will be associated with another coin. Just depends on each individual one and what your interested in.
Man the thread is looking rough. We know how this crypto **** is tho fam. It comes with it's ups and downs. Have patience we will all make it together.
next month makes a year doing crypto and although it’s been a wild ride so far, i’m up around 3x on the money i put in DESPITE buying coins near their ATHs right before the huge dump last may and DESPITE spending a huge chunk on gas. it’s been a grind to get back in the green. if i had put that money in the bank, i’d be up a paltry couple hundred maybe - not bothering to even do the math.

one of the biggest things i learned for ME (and only myself), is that diamond hand narrative is foolish (unless it’s with btc or eth). if i was still holding what i bought last year near the peak (LTC, LINK etc), i’d be at a big loss and probably not doing crypto anymore (i still think LINK will do well long). more recently, i rode vxv from $1.60 up to $20 and finally exited in the $12-$14 range - it’s now $1.48, i rode solarbeam from $12 up to $24 and exited around $15 (but made good profit farming) - it’s now 33 cents. didn’t dodge the same bullet with rome but oh well. probably makes a difference that i’m mostly in on low/micro caps and it makes a difference that my initial investment is small money - like bottom 5 figures.

so to me, if we're entering (or are in) a bear market, lots of projects are probably not gonna survive a few more years. again, only for myself, i'm looking to gamble but have no expectations that for sure i'll win big.
People who got in on Strong back in January 2021 when it was going for about $14 probably made life changing money. Problem is getting in too late with these things. I'm honestly more hopeful for the few other node projects I'm in. We'll see.
I guess it could be used in all those ways IMO. In my instance my "projects" are just PFP NFTs on the FLOW Blockchain. Some of the ones also have play to earn, some will be associated with another coin. Just depends on each individual one and what your interested in.
Ok. It's always been confusing because, to me, most of this stuff has no utility beyond making money.
Ok. It's always been confusing because, to me, most of this stuff has no utility beyond making money.

Thats what im looking for in a nft, the utility aspect

The Nas NFT was the best nft I seen that offers holders something, unless someone can show me a better 1

But ill be fool not to pay attention to these silly ones that go for $
I made more money dca’ing into eth than I did going rogue this year. :lol:

It is what it is with strong. It’s not done or anything. Let some new guys come in and pump it and now we all got multiple nodes and can keep building then when strongchain drops we can sell.
Still believe in STRONG but I’m glad I didn’t over invest. We’ll see how things look after the new contract stuff is flushed out. Anyways, I’m on the beta list for Cool Pets so I’m excited to get in and see how everything functions.
It's only over investing to me if you need this to pay your bills. God help you if you do. I remember hearing about some people taking out loans to go big into some of these projects. That's taking it way too far. There's been people who've killed themselves over this stuff. I think that was a few Robinhood traders and it wasn't crypto, but still.

Gonna see what this new TipsyCoin does tomorrow (first day launch) and put a little in.
In related stupid node news. LVT didn’t rug and turned into some weird planetarium rock nft thing. :lol:
LVT :lol:

Are there any new degen plays? Or have we taken enough Ls and just chillin with Anchor hah I've been looking for my next fix after the rush that the OHM forks provided
LVT :lol:

Are there any new degen plays? Or have we taken enough Ls and just chillin with Anchor hah I've been looking for my next fix after the rush that the OHM forks provided
Gotta get on the dapps then :lol: . My boys are on all the too good to be true stakers. Just gotta get in early enough and you’re good
Maticstaker maticheaven maticfomo avaxstaker etc
Lets face it. Ain't none of us going anywhere. You've done got that fever. It's like somebody saying they've bought their last pair of Jordans on here :lol:

We just need to be more careful when we buy. Got my eye on something coming out at the end of March right now. Get in early for a good price and there's money to be made.
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