Official Air Jordan I Retro BLACK/ROYAL Thread FEB 2013

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Guys, let's not turn this board into FlameTown, okay? There is absolutely no reason to be a jerk to a fellow NT'er just because you have some coveted information or perhaps another person missed a post. In my case, I did see that linke to backdoor-it or whatever it was but it wasn't loading for me and I was unsure if that was some sort of spoof link or what. Hard to tell on this board these days with new people all the time.

If you are here for the right reason, it's because you like Nike sneakers. If you are here to be sanctamonious and ridicule people then I don't know what to say for you.
i'm not disagreeing with you.. but on the other hand, it's not that serious.  by making posts back, it only feeds the flames
Got packages coming in from all over Europe tomorrow and Monday.

Can't wait to start beating them into the ground.
That's a polish seller too. This is ridiculous be patient is not the end of the world if Yall don't get them.

Then again Kanye West wore this shoes :rofl:
Just checked my account, I notice that FNL just removed the charge from yesterday's cancellation sizes off my pending transaction. FNL is known for doing these before they send you a shipping confirmation. They don't usually remove the pending charges until after you get a cancellation email for cancelled orders. Hoping I'm right.
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