Official Air Jordan I Retro BLACK/ROYAL Thread FEB 2013 - Show Some Maturity People

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Many people other than myself have already stated that Finishline is doing the same thing.
You and those others may be right. If you are, FNL is being extremely shady about this for no good reason. That shouldn't surprise anyone, but there hasn't been much proof. I've searched IG and can't find anyone who picked up pairs at FNL last weekend, and not one person has received confirmation that a store they contacted is receiving them. You went from "they'll be dropping in these stores this week" to "they'll be dropping sometime this year". That doesn't exactly instill confidence that a restock is actually happening across the country, even if the social media people are being lied to by higher ups.
I'm starting to think its just hype KC is spreading , there's no pictures and like I said its from footlockers tht converted to HOH only not a restock at all, dude is blowing more smoke then pookie tht list is bluff

Many people other than myself have already stated that Finishline is doing the same thing. Just for the record, I honestly could care less if a shoe is "hyped" up or not, i don't work for any shoe company at all, so that wouldn't help me... I just post info and if you follow it or not that's on you, I don't care. I am also not the 1st one to say anything about Royals dropping on Monday or Tuesday, my Twitter feed was going crazy so I posted on here, and if you go back to Tuesday morning, I wasn't even the 1st person to say Royals are now available in this thread.

honestly, your info is definitely appreciated.

im just not happy about the easter egg hunt dudes that follow you blindly have been on. i mean, yesterday it was hit up all the stores on the list because they getting them this week to being they are all remodeling. you were also telling everyone to be patient as restocks were happening. seems more or less like grand reopening inventory instead of a real type of restock. on one had, you are contributing great info to the community. on the other, its dangling a carrot in front of its face. its hard to figure it out to be honest.

did you ever post pics that you said you were going to post?
You and those others may be right. If you are, FNL is being extremely shady about this for no good reason. That shouldn't surprise anyone, but there hasn't been much proof. I've searched IG and can't find anyone who picked up pairs at FNL last weekend, and not one person has received confirmation that a store they contacted is receiving them. You went from "they'll be dropping in these stores this week" to "they'll be dropping sometime this year". That doesn't exactly instill confidence that a restock is actually happening across the country, even if the social media people are being lied to by higher ups.

Your right, and i apologize, that was info that was given to me by someone high up in FNL, I think it was b4 they knew exactly what was going on, this is the same person who said later on that night after a few meetings that some Royals were shipped by accident, and they are still trying to get to the bottom of it.
Some of y'all beating on a dead horse. It was already established that this is/was NOT a restock from the very start. The original argument came from ppl saying no major retailers still had pairs sitting in their warehouses. Nobody said there were enough pairs left to feed the needy. The Royals are one of the most sought after releases of the year so far.

They just opened a HOH in Bmore at Mondawmin Mall on Friday and they had the Royals. L7OSER was there and landed his pair, he dropped the info the day before the opening and posted pics when he finally got his pair. BigJ505 even posted pics of the line at the mall! What else do y'all want? And the main people talkin sideways are the ones who already have pairs :smh: ...

KC didn't post the list for you guys to think guaranteed pairs would be there for everybody to have, it was just a heads up for those in the area to keep a lookout because pairs are SUPPOSED to pop up throughout the year at those specific locations. Y'all took it, ran with it , added your own theories it. Now y'all wanna cry a river because it hasn't happened yet and employees are clueless? Did I miss an exact date on that list :nerd: ?? We have ppl in here talking about DM meetings and V6 format stores, clearly something is up.

Once again, if you're that thirsty buy them from a reseller/ebay because the odds of you landing a pair for retail out of a FSR are slim to NONE if you don't have a connect on the inside.
Your right, and i apologize, that was info that was given to me by someone high up in FNL, I think it was b4 they knew exactly what was going on, this is the same person who said later on that night after a few meetings that some Royals were shipped by accident, and they are still trying to get to the bottom of it.

There will not be a restock your blowing so much smoke up everyone's A_SS , like I said these are only dropping at regrand openings footlocker to HOH , it's not about who u work for u just want peps on ur nuts , your posting straight lies dude simple shots fired prove other wise KC you have no validation to your "higher ups" post something besides some list you pulled out of the air bro
There will not be a restock your blowing so much smoke up everyone's A_SS , like I said these are only dropping at regrand openings footlocker to HOH , it's not about who u work for u just want peps on ur nuts , your posting straight lies dude simple shots fired prove other wise KC you have no validation to your "higher ups" post something besides some list you pulled out of the air bro
it aint that serious.
funny kamuekcmo  has this much power to hype a shoe that has already released and have hundreds maybe even thousands of people buggin' on the internet & visiting shoe stores for a non existing release.this dude deserves a round of applause.i'm not saying some random stores won't be getting pairs here & there but this dude is just as clueless as the rest of us.guessing would be just about as accurate as that list.funny thing is all dude has to say is "my connect said" and his word is bond set in stone.i've said it now & i'll say it again this is bollocks.
Certain people in here are trying to help with info. If they are not the ones whose hand is hovering over the Royal re-stock button for any retailer than how can you blame him? We're talking about FNL people, not always the most innovative and precise footwear retailer out there. KC tried to dish out info to benefit NT, how does he benefit from his intel being right or wrong? Some of you are salty because you couldn't stroll into your local mall the moment he posted more info to find a pair of Royals for retail. Some of y'all really need to get a grip on things.
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Certain people in here are trying to help with info. If they are not the ones whose hand is hovering over the Royal re-stock button for any retailer than how can you blame him? We're talking about FNL people, not always the most innovative and precise footwear retailer out there. KC tried to dish out info to benefit NT, how does he benefit from his intel being right or wrong? Some of you are salty because you couldn't stroll into your local mall the moment he posted more info to find a pair of Royals for retail. Some of y'all really need to get a grip on things.

you have to keep in mind, we're dealing with NTers.  Practicality does not run high around here.
If someone posted a picture of a receipt of a royal bought from finish line then it would solve everythin.

Simple nothing else to it
Stores like villa and hoh have grand openings with retro sneakers and foams all the time. They save stock to build up hype for the new store. FNL doing the same thing should be no surprise. BUT to say FNL was going to send out royals to every store on that list just seemed highly unlikely when most of them aren't even remodeled yet. Info is definitely appreciated when it helps out people but this time it caused a frenzy than actually having useful information.
and I got 2 pairs on release date so it's not like I needed this restock or whatever you wanna call it anyway.
I remember when that entire pack of 1 lows came out...went to Champs and bought I think it was 5 or maybe 4 different regions. Brought them home, thought about it for a second and took every single one back. No regrets what so ever.
i didnt believe it for a second, a restock of that level of stores would have beem anounced i think ,that was a good trick
Stores like villa and hoh have grand openings with retro sneakers and foams all the time. They save stock to build up hype for the new store. FNL doing the same thing should be no surprise. BUT to say FNL was going to send out royals to every store on that list just seemed highly unlikely when most of them aren't even remodeled yet. Info is definitely appreciated when it helps out people but this time it caused a frenzy than actually having useful information.

I'm just going to call it a loss on getting them here. The FNL here did get a remodel but opened up way before the news of a possible restock was dropped. Only store here that had them at grand opening was Shoe Palace which opened up on a Monday so I missed out. On to the next.
Retail was $90 on them, got them for $60 shipped, the other colors were turrable, south side, west side, east side etc

But the Northside is fire imo & a steal for sz 12, my friend hooked it up cause I got him 88's for retail here in Houston
Certain people in here are trying to help with info. If they are not the ones whose hand is hovering over the Royal re-stock button for any retailer than how can you blame him? We're talking about FNL people, not always the most innovative and precise footwear retailer out there. KC tried to dish out info to benefit NT, how does he benefit from his intel being right or wrong? Some of you are salty because you couldn't stroll into your local mall the moment he posted more info to find a pair of Royals for retail. Some of y'all really need to get a grip on things.


you have to keep in mind, we're dealing with NTers.  Practicality does not run high around here.

how can he benefit?dude is advertising the store he s gonna open for a while now.
1.he creates some random rumor to increase the niketalk community thirst claiming there will be a restock
2.he gets followers,reps,twitter followers, mails,generally connects with so many people
3.restock-other pairs of royals never release. everybody is thirstier and kc has a ******g list of future clients
5.releases the royal pairs he has kept back for a while,for 400
6.they disappear in a second
7he has built a client network through NIKETALK.

simple as that.WE need to get a grip?WE are salty?US NTERS dont run high on PRACTICALITY?please.think again.

I would like to add my opinion on the subject.first of all.I AINT SAYING KC BE TRYING TO DO THOSE THINGS I MENTIONED ABOVE.IM JUST RESPONDING TO THE OTHER TWO GUYS,ESPECIALLY WHAT WOULD SOMEONE HAVE TO GAIN BY A RUMOR LIKE THIS.I AINT SAYING KC PLAYED US LIKE THAT!!!I I LIKE THE DUDE BUT IM 31 AND OFTEN GET SUSPICIOUS SORRY ABOUT THAT KC.My sources were positive that outside ebay there isnt a pair of these for the heck of it.I didnt share my knowledge:

1.because i live in europe
2.because people would come at me sayin im trying to raise the price of mine

.I think that at best there would be 150 pairs of these sitting in warehouses waiting to be released,a store a dozen maybe on some openings.I swear i wish they do a 10000 re-release on this on the us cause a lot of good NTers didnt get a chance on them.Although i believe a 100.000 release would suit the thirst .02 on the last few days in this cmon BLACK TOES!!!
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