I respect the intent behind this post but it is not true. Lebron’s career is and has been carefully guided by a small group of jews since SVSM. In the context of everything you said I find it difficult to believe Lebron would hire a white female principle to run a public school (which to my understanding is still regulated like any other public school). That’s not to say a white woman couldnt be qualified, but symbolically speaking it doesn’t make sense and is in opposition to some of things he's said regarding his public school experience. He answers to plenty of people and gets paid a fraction of what Nike makes off his namesake. Objectively speaking he doesn’t own himself and I would say he’s more in Drakes lane when it comes to being regulated by what he says due to PR concerns.
If it’s worth anything, I am pretty sure I was wrong about my initial observation about the Nipsey situation. I had an emotional response to something thats historically proven to be true. No one is perfect. I aint trying to stir the pot or anything, but something to consider: We get it, you’re black and proud but a lot of times you try to force things that aren’t there. You consistently reference kemetic spirituality yet I’ve seen you say a lot of things not in alignment with Ma’at. (IE telling ninja something along the lines of licking his male excrement off his underware.) As blinded as ninja maybe i guarantee at some point in your life there was something you were ignorant in as well. Respecting someones path to growth is spirituality 101. Otherwise your no different then a colonizer trying to tell someone else how to go about things. Again I am not trying to stir the pot, but when you know better do better brother.