Who is going to win the Big Ten this season?

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Guy who runs the program is a former Don Brown player.

About to have a Euro pipeline :lol:.

He needs to say hi to Daddy Bjoern lol


Looks like Shea's argument for the waiver is that he was lied to by OM about the severity of the investigation, even though his brother was on the staff in 15-17.

I mean Amir Carlisle got a hardship waiver for like the dumbest ****, so there is still probably a chance, but I don't see him playing this season if this is all they got.
Bobby Brown dropped A&M yesterday...

Says new decision coming by tomorrow - Probably Bama.

Jimbo firing on all cylinders. :lol:
FSU may not be Bowl Eligible

Florida State is scheduled to play in a record 36th consecutive bowl game, the Independence Bowl, against Southern Miss on December 27. Their 6-6 record includes a win over Delaware State, an FCS program. For an FCS opponent to be countable towards bowl eligibility, the FCS program must have awarded at least 90% of the FCS scholarship limit. After our own investigation, we have determined and confirmed that Delaware State has not met the 90% threshold set by the NCAA. As a result, Florida State's bowl countable record is 5-6, thus making them ineligible for a bowl game this season. At present, there are three other bowl eligible teams that were not offered a game and it would be unprecedented for a team to go bowling without either eligibility or a waiver while teams who are eligible stay home.

/r/CFB is the first to report on this after an extended investigation into the number of football scholarships at Delaware State. It is important to note that Delaware State is at no fault here, having complied with NCAA rules regarding scholarships and awards. Based on current NCAA rules, Florida State cannot count a win over Delaware State towards bowl eligibility. Given that the Independence Bowl is a week away, there are several options available with most resulting in Florida State playing in this bowl. However, if they do so, they may do so without being bowl eligible.

Delaware State Data
Delaware State has been in a bit of flux lately, changing both Athletic Director and Football Head Coach the day after the loss to Florida State. As a result, it's taken a little while to get the data we needed for this, but we did receive validated data from the Delaware State University Department of Institutional Research, Planning, and Analytics. They confirmed in writing the following data:

Academic Year Football Players with Countable Aid Full-time Grant Equivalent Total
2015-16 78 56.43
2016-17 63 53.20
Average 70.5 54.815
The difference between the 2nd and 3rd column is the second is the number of students on any kind of scholarship (full or partial, fairly common in FCS), while the second is the sum of the scholarship equivalents, so 2 half scholarships add up to 1. This is the value the NCAA cares about for bowl eligibility. The average of of grants-in-aid per year in football during a rolling two-year period is 54.815. This is 87.008% of the permissible maximum number of 63. As this is less than 90%, Florida State cannot count the Delaware State game through Exception
Luke Ford to UGA (Nation's #2 TE). Coach Smart is out here having one of my NCAA Football video game recruiting classes, I swear.
My bad I misunderstood what you were asking. They can backwards count up to that cap right?

Nah, that was what I was asking. Looks like there is a hard cap on the amount guys you can sign and you can’t backcount anymore. Even if you have room for like 28 for example, the cap is 25 and there is no way to manipulate it unless you bring in non-JC transfers.
I still don’t understand Michigan fans in this thread, I’ve never seen a more pathetic program in my life...clowns are Tennessee with a bmf history and dirty water
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