Official 2017 Knicks Offseason thread, Phil Jackson gone

How y'all forget Malik 'bonehead' Rose

My pops actually gave him that name
He was so infuriated by his squandering of the basketball

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I swear its something in the air

A lot of people I know breaking up too 

But if there's anything I learned being a Knicks fan its that if you can handle what they make you deal with then you can handle anything 
Sun dress summer is upon us.

Girls ready to get loose on the beach. Fellas prepping go on the hunt.
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Didn't wanna mention it but my longest relationship I've had in my life so far also ended about 3 weeks ago

Told her I was happy but never saw marriage with her, didn't last long after.
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Yea I went through a tough break up of a long relationship recently. **** was with my best friend too, now we basically hate each other.

When you got things going for you and your life in order the hardest thing is starting all over with someone else.

Getting under someone to get over someone else doesn't work either. Only time and distance heals **** like this.
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So parts of KP's press conference from Latvia just got translated and released........some very candid comments in there to say the least

I'll let yall in the Knicks NT Fam break down these comments and start the conversation from there..........too much **** for me to analyze
First thing you did after arriving to Liepaja?

Kris: I went to the court (Basketball court he and his family built last year), to see if kids are playing there.

What news did you bring us regarding playing in our National team?

Kris: Every summer is really important to me, to my development. So I will be working really hard, and when the August comes, I will make my decision.. small pause I'am joking guys, I will be playing! applauses from the audience

We just decided it is time. I know that it will be a hard summer for me, I need to work on a lot of things. But again, we didn't make PO, so I will have time. Also, it isn't so much about me wanting to play, but that I think it will also benefit me.

Did you talk about playing with your teammates, or other potential members of Latvian NT?

Kris: Yeah, we were joking around with Kuuz. I said we will kick their ***** in the exhibition games before the tournament. Its funny, Latvia and Lithuania always have brotherly beef against each other.

** Are there any business plans/trips in august that can interrupt your training process with NT?**

League(NBA) wants me to take a trip to the Africa in the beginning days of the training camp, so I will probably miss a couple of days.

Training camp starts 19th July. Kristaps will be in Africa from around 28th of July - 6th of August.

** If we take into account all things that happened during and especially at the end of the season in NY, did you talk about anything regarding playing in NT with them? What are their stance?**

Kris: To be honest, about the season.. and what happened at the end of it. I don't want to comment it right now.

Myself, I didn't personally talk to anyone, I think this is the better question for Janis.

Janis: I think its mostly his decision now. Yea, in first couple of years in the league, you aren't in the position to dictate what you want/gonna do.. But for Kristaps.. I think he is now in position - where he can.

Last year, we and other journalist talked to Carmelo and asked him about you, and he said it would be great for you to play for your NT. Did he said something to you during the season about that?

Yeah, I know that Carmelo values playing for NT very highly. But nah, to me he said, you better get ready for the season. But I feel he was just scared we may beat them if we met.

Guys, just please don't put it on any headlines. laughing


What about your injury`s, back seemed to bother you frequently ?

Kris: It wasn't anything serious. We made different kind of tests. But all they showed was a muscle strain. I just rested for a couple of days, and it got better.

And about my leg injury. First time when I came back from achilles injury, I kind of re-injured leg again.. But it wasn't anything serious.. But I told the teams stuff. And they decided it will be better to protect me and sit me out for a while.

So that's how all those missed games happened. It wasn't anything serious, just small issues, that we think could be avoided with better training regime.

Talking about NT again, how do you see your role in it? We all know on the Knicks, there are guys from whom we can expect 30-40 points, but on the NT, you will be the guy.. and someone, perhaps, will expect a big production, and being a leader, from you? Aren't you a little worried?

Kris: Worried? No! But yeah.. 30-40 points, it will not be easy.. :D

Its hard to say right now. We don't know what will final look of the team be, how we will play. But of course, I know my role will be big, and I'am ready for it.

Can you tell us differences between you first and second seasons?

Kris: I think the first season was more enjoyable. It was my first time, everything was new and interesting.

And it went by so fast. I think the result was pretty much the same, we won one or two games more in the first year. But the overall atmosphere on the team was much more positive.

This year(2nd one), expectations were higher, so when we weren't able to meet expectation, it took a hit on us. Overall mood in the team was a lot worse. But I can take some positives out of it too. It was a experience, and a needed one. For me as, perhaps, a future leader, I learned a lot.

What about next season on the Knicks? Where will you start to think about it? Whats the situation at the moment? If Phil calls you, will you be picking up the phone?

Kris: As I've been saying. I try to think about things step by step. So the next step is the National Team. 3rd season is faaar away, now the priority is my conditioning and readiness to play for NT and the Knicks.

What about your sponsorship deals? Are there any new offers?

Janis: We re-signed a new deal with BodyArmor. Also Citadele (Bank in Latvia).

Martins: Also we will have a deal with 2K. They have a game which is on mobile devices, and Kristaps will be a face of that game. He will be on the cover.

Also there will be video interactions with him in the game (I didn't understood, will it be in the mobile or the real one..), like a story. And they will make his player model better this year. :wink:

How was it playing against Davis Bertans on the NBA court?

Kris: It was really fun. We are friends outside the court. And I think it was cool that we made history for Latvia, being the first two guys who playing against each other in NBA. But I was kind of mad that he made that three point shot from the corner against me, though..

*Guy asked a long question bashing Latvian NT coach, that he didn't have success in the past, and asked how KP feels about NT team lacking someone who can pass the ball. *
Kris: I personally didn't work with Bagatskis (Latvian NT head coach), so I can't say for myself, But I know in Europe he has a reputation of being a very solid high end coach.

And about passing, I know we have a really good starting PG Janis Strelnieks who is playing in Euroleague. I didn't play with him before, but we will be working very hard to find chemistry on the court.

So going back to the last season in NY. What were the issues exactly that didn't allow you guys to meet expectations?

Kris: Like I've said before, I didn't want to talk about it that much..

But if you want something.. From the start it felt we couldn't find chemistry, and overall team that was assembled was.. pause I need to think about what I'am saying now. (Yeah, he actually said that :D ) Like from the start, it wasn't as everyone was expecting, so the pressure was raising, it didn't help either. Its hard for the team in its first year to achieve something, especially in NY. So all the small things just went wrong.

Were there a lot of moments when you were frustrated that you didn't get the ball?

Kristaps tries to answer, but Janis interrupts him.

Janis: Nah, Kristaps doesn't do that. We as brothers were pretty emotional, though.

Kristaps: Yeah, there was a time when we played on the road, and my family was together watching the game in my apartment, and someone got pretty hot, and broke the TV. :D looking at Janis


I've heard you have been talking to Mairis Briedis (WBC cruiserweight champion), about training together?

Kris: Yeah, Mairis has been trying to arrange a fight between us for a while now..

We have been looking to place where I would be able to train a little bit of boxing for a while. So Mairis offered his help with a place, and actually he will be practicing with me for a couple of weeks.

Question to Janis. Kristaps already talked a bit about his season in NY. What is your view on it?

Janis: I think it was great. His stats were up. If we consider the team he played on, I think he did great.

Other player were ready for him this year, did some homework. Remember those put-back dunks he had his rookie year, now everyone was just facing him, looking into the eyes, and didn't even allow him to get to the basket. There was a lot more focus on him.

But again, we went through a bunch of video already, and saw the things he needs to work on. And he knows those himself.

He is able to work alone, he knows the moves he needs to work on, so after that its about practice and repeating them again and again after you get better.

Overall it was a good year. OF course, mentally it was a bit tougher, when you lose so much, everyone started to look a bit lethargic. But he played alright even in the last games, did what he was supposed to do, of course there were bad game too, but that happens.

Question to Martins (he is kind of KP`s media representative). How big was pressure from the NY media in the last couple of weeks?

Martins: It was pretty big. There were a lot of questions, but no answers.

What are those things you think you need to work on the most in the summer?

Kris: Again, the most important this in my physical condition. We will be working hard on that.

And then there are some basketball things, we are looking to improve. I know that I have to bend lower, in pretty much every play, in the post, or just carrying the ball, so I can take contact easier and stay in my position.

Handle, shooting, we will work on all of it.

Did NY say anything specific about what you should improve in your game?

Kris: I'am in touch with one coach from NY. ANd our minds are pretty much in the same place, in regard of what should I do in the summer.

Kris, about those boxing trainings? Why did you decided to do those?

Kris: I just like boxing.

Janis: He needs to be in a good condition. So changing environment a little bit, will be a good thing.

How big for you was the Skill challenge award you won in an All-star break?

Kris: I mean, it definitely added some small positive vibes.. It was nice to win it, but It wasn't anything special.

Carmelo is a leader, and has a big ego. Also Rose and Noah two big names joined the team this year. How did that impacted the locker-room?

Kris: It definitely added some character. Noah is emotional guy, who always was playing in the right system, so he knows how to play the right way, and doesn't want to play differently. And perhaps, we need more guys like him. It was just hard for him, that he couldn't play on the level he wanted to.. So it was hard for him to be a leader. Carmelo, is a really chill dude, pretty much nothing can fire him up, and Rose is just quiet, he doesn't talk at all.

So yeah, Noah was the guy, especially in the beginning of the season.. He was trying to help the guys, told coaches what to do.. It was a hard situation. But he couldn't impact some stupid decision we made as a team.

Noah didn't play on the level we all expected too.. but he was the guy who could tell someone things he didn't want to hear.

Phil Just opted in another 2 years with the team. Do you think you will be in NY while you are on your rookie deal?

Kris: To be honest I don't know much about the deal. How many years I have left? Its a better question to Janis I think.

Janis: This isn't a very appropriate question. Kris still has a deal with NY, he was drafter there, and he wants to spend his career there. End of story.
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But if there's anything I learned being a Knicks fan its that if you can handle what they make you deal with then you can handle anything 
Fax. Anyone still in this thread can handle whatever **** life throws at them. 

I'm watching the Hawks game and was thinking about THJR and I remembered after he went off one game his rookie year, the opposing coach said that he had the best shooting stroke he had ever seen or some **** like that.

I couldnt remember the exact details so I tried Googling for the exact quote/story for like an hour with no luck whatsoever. Not like its a huge deal or anything but now Its gonna kill me if I dont figure it out. 

Figured I would ask in here. Anyone in this thread remember what I'm talking about or am I just crazy? I thought it might have been JKidd when he was coaching the Nets but I swear I remember it was someone and not from the Knicks organization.
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Fax. Anyone still in this thread can handle whatever **** life throws at them. 

I'm watching the Hawks game and was thinking about THJR and I remembered after he went off one game his rookie year, the opposing coach said that he had the best shooting stroke he had ever seen or some **** like that.

I couldnt remember the exact details so I tried Googling for the exact quote/story for like an hour with no luck whatsoever. Not like its a huge deal or anything but now Its gonna kill me if I dont figure it out. 

Figured I would ask in here. Anyone in this thread remember what I'm talking about or am I just crazy? I thought it might have been JKidd when he was coaching the Nets but I swear I remember it was someone and not from the Knicks organization.
I remember Steve Kerr hyping him up a lot his rookie year

I remember him saying that THJR should've been hands down the ROTY
Yea I went through a tough break up of a long relationship recently. **** was with my best friend too, now we basically hate each other.

When you got things going for you and your life in order the hardest thing is starting all over with someone else.

Getting under someone to get over someone else doesn't work either. Only time and distance heals **** like this.

I appreciate the love guys. ballinsam23 ballinsam23 knows the feeling exactly. **** sucks bro. Starting over is difficult, but losing your best friend is the worst.

Been down that road. Was with my ex/best friend for the better part of 7 years but it got real toxic. Jumped into another relationship that ended up being even worse. :lol: Feels like an eternity but time definitely does heal. Now I'm happily married in a relationship built on our friendship, respect, and open communication. My son just turned 3. Wouldn't trade it for anything. It'll get better fellas.
We as knick fans know that D Fish is a fraud, but dude has a deceivingly paternal appearance made for taking advantage of situations like this.

Brolic arms made for soothing women seeking comfort on the rebound. And then he'll take your first born out on a boat ride and be like, "hey, you take the wheel lil man." And as he gazes at the horizon and feels the ocean breeze, he wonders to himself, can Uncle Derek be my new dad?
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