Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

Mills/Perry really knocking this coaching search out of the park so far. Only candidate we have made official contact with who I even remotely like as a option is Stack.

I don't wanna be 'that guy' but I don't like how we're only considering black candidates

Budenholzer & Clifford are good coaches
I don't wanna be 'that guy' but I don't like how we're only considering black candidates

Mentioned this before. It's inevitable, Perry Mills have mentioned before how they are an all black front office and how its never been done before, once I heard that I knew they had other motives as well.
I'd never give up my fandom cause I'm already too far into this **** but I'd definitely not watch as many games & not be as emotionally invested if we hire Jackson, Woodson, Smith, or any of the other bums mentioned.
I don't wanna be 'that guy' but I don't like how we're only considering black candidates

Budenholzer & Clifford are good coaches

Mentioned this before. It's inevitable, Perry Mills have mentioned before how they are an all black front office and how its never been done before, once I heard that I knew they had other motives as well.
I know the NBA isn’t as bad as the NFL with minority coaches, but you can’t be mad at black men getting opportunities they normally wouldn’t be provided. Yes Budenholzer is by far the best choice, but I applaud Perry Mills for going in a direction that most would never go.
you can’t be mad at black men getting opportunities they normally wouldn’t be provided.

This is understandable, but I'm just not a fan of how this seems like an actual point of emphasis for them.

They preached how "we need a guy that can communicate with todays players" I'm not sure if this was their way of saying what they're currently doing.

Hornacek was calling KP a ***** and pushing Noah. Meanwhile, Fizdale got fired because of Marc Gasol. While Mark Jackson had no idea wtf he was saying in GS.

Communication is clearly an issue on all sides. Regardless of skin color.
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I know the NBA isn’t as bad as the NFL with minority coaches, but you can’t be mad at black men getting opportunities they normally wouldn’t be provided. Yes Budenholzer is by far the best choice, but I applaud Perry Mills for going in a direction that most would never go.
I won't applaud Perry and Mills for doing **** besides doing what is best for this basketball team. How about this front office look out for the fanbase they have been robbing and torturing for 20 years before they start making social stands.

I mean they can interview whoever the **** the want, it's who they haven't reached out to yet that is more concerning than who they have.
I don't like the complaining about Mills/Perry going out of there way to interview black coaches when this country has gone out if it's way to not give people of color any equal shot at ANYTHING. The *****ing doesn't sit well with me at all
I don't like the complaining about Mills/Perry going out of there way to interview black coaches when this country has gone out if it's way to not give people of color any equal shot at ANYTHING. The *****ing doesn't sit well with me at all
Again it's not about who they are interviewing as much as who it is they haven't contacted yet. I think it's great to interview people of color but you owe it to the fanbase you have exploited to at the very least reach out to all the best candidates.
Like, we shouldn't be going after Mark Jackson over Budenholzer. There's no defending that move.

Kenny Smith, Mike come on. You've mentioned it plenty of times, but Stack has to be the guy. Hope the front office practices what they preach.

If we hire Jerry Stackhouse, I'll start to have some hope in this front office again.
Ya can blame Dolan for everything but i agree with this.

“Everybody who wants to talk about the Knicks wants to ask me about Phil Jackson,” Dolan said, smiling and shaking his head. “The entire market wanted to me to hire him and when I did, the entire market said it was a great move. The only thing was, everyone said that I shouldn’t interfere with him.

“Three years later, everyone wanted to know when I was going to do something about Phil. The same people who told me not to interfere wanted me to interfere. But that’s OK. I just think that Phil underestimated the job.”
How do we know Kenny Smith won't be a good coach ? Y'all slay me sometimes deadass.

I want Stackhouse but it seems like y'all just like complaining about things that aren't worth complaining about.
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