Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Questionable doesnt mean its could of went both ways.If you wanna use these broadcasters opinions even Jeff and Marck Jackson said it was the correct call. *kanye shrug*
Originally Posted by LBJ23navo

Did you not watch it? Chandlers right foot was ON the restricted line. Does that make it a charge? No.

A defender can be legally positioned in the restricted area and draw a charge if the offensive player receives the ball within the lower defensive box.

Thus, a charge.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by LBJ23navo

Originally Posted by wubbofett

then go apply as a ref. in NBA. you seem to have the knowledge.not!
Even sportscenter is saying "questionable call." Clown.

This is like citing Wikipedia on your term paper though.

maybe he is.
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by LBJ23navo

Did you not watch it? Chandlers right foot was ON the restricted line. Does that make it a charge? No.

A defender can be legally positioned in the restricted area and draw a charge if the offensive player receives the ball within the lower defensive box.

Thus, a charge.
thank you sir for dropping the knowledge.
Originally Posted by Drizzyd

This has probably been talked about, but Lebron and Wade mocking Dirk being sick before the game last night is absolutely ridiculous.

Actin' like high-schoolers, and then proceed to lose the game.

Lebron shouldnt be making fun of anybody, dude has scored about 2 points in every 4th quarter combined this series. And they wonder why nobody likes em.. stop complaining about how you guys get scrutinized more than anyone. Stop *****in and moanin about about how you guys get criticized and go work on that broke +*! jumper. Or here's one, win a championship and everyone will shut the %$#% up.

I cant stand these dudes, feelin' themselves a lil too much, and they havent accomplished a damn thing

This. I was kinda startin to feel for dude but after seeing that he's makin it hard to root for him. Its one thing to try and call somebody out for faking when he clearly isnt but the way he's performed in the 4th quarters he cant clown anybody. JJ Barea should not be more aggressive the him..   
People can say what they want, Lebron is not a clutch player.

The "best player in the NBA" does not play like this in the Finals.

MJ, Kobe, Shaq, Bird, Magic, Hakeem, TD etc, would have NEVER put up 8 total points in one
game, and only 2 points in a 4th quarter.

If Wade does not score 35+, Dallas will be the champs.
Originally Posted by University of Nike

A defender can be legally positioned in the restricted area and draw a charge if the offensive player receives the ball within the lower defensive box.

Thus, a charge.
They don't get it, bro...
Wade should be the LAST one making fun of anyone for "faking" or being over dramatic on an injury...




And the fact that he did it in the game right after that just makes it even more asinine and childish. Dude had the Rock, HHH and Stone Cold comebacks all in one night.

Don't even get me started on the cupid shuffle, Wade is a helluva player but he is so %*+%% made it's pathetic
I dont think thats true, but if so he probably sent that to like 7 people so now he has to figure out which one. lol.
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by Drizzyd

This has probably been talked about, but Lebron and Wade mocking Dirk being sick before the game last night is absolutely ridiculous.

Actin' like high-schoolers, and then proceed to lose the game.

Lebron shouldnt be making fun of anybody, dude has scored about 2 points in every 4th quarter combined this series. And they wonder why nobody likes em.. stop complaining about how you guys get scrutinized more than anyone. Stop *****in and moanin about about how you guys get criticized and go work on that broke +*! jumper. Or here's one, win a championship and everyone will shut the %$#% up.

I cant stand these dudes, feelin' themselves a lil too much, and they havent accomplished a damn thing

Dirk should walk into the arena on Sunday with a limp from a fake hip injury.
Whole team should take the floor in wheelchairs.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by University of Nike

A defender can be legally positioned in the restricted area and draw a charge if the offensive player receives the ball within the lower defensive box.

Thus, a charge.
They don't get it, bro...
Correct but lebron got the ball/RECIEVED the ball OUTSIDE the defensive box. I understand, well not really the blind hate for the man, but the video/still shot shows.. one he got the ball outside the box, and two chandler was not set defensively. Im not a rider for no man, (kinda borederline omo if you ask me) but thats ppl for you these days. But regardless if i like/hate the man im not going to let my blind hate distort my vision on something that has unrefutable evidence. True miami, wade in particular got alot of "phatom calls" but i say if your going to disect every single call/play in a game, which is funny no one has done this in any of the game threads all season, be unbias and call them all for what they are.

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Wade should be the LAST one making fun of anyone for "faking" or being over dramatic on an injury...




And the fact that he did it in the game right after that just makes it even more asinine and childish. Dude had the Rock, HHH and Stone Cold comebacks all in one night.

Don't even get me started on the cupid shuffle, Wade is a helluva player but he is so %*+%% made it's pathetic

I cant say he is faking or not, but ppl do have to realize that physical injuries/pains are much easier to fight through then ailments ei colds/flu etc in the league. Ppl are acting like these players arent getting the best world class doctors/physicians/meds etc at their disposal. Yall thinking to locally like in everyday ppl lives. These dudes aint like the average person getting less then stellar doctors, who practice at the local clinic.

They give them all kinda stuff that can make having anything from aggravated groins, sprained wrist/ankles etc and can be temp/or healed in a matter of moments. Does that make these athletes pains/injuries any less painful...No but with the drugs/doctors etc they have access to can make these injuries bearable to play through. Now in dirks case i dont think much can be done fro a flu/cold etc. You just have to wait those out/persevere through things like that.
I can see Amare being the one that received that text

also i don't understand why everyone is making a big deal over Dirk playing with the flu. i mean lebron has played his entire career without a heart. that's pretty serious
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Dwyane Wade is playing like someone took a dump in his breakfast.

One thing is for damn sure: He ain't winning Finals MVP. Chris Bosh will win it before him. And not just based on tonight so far, but the whole Bulls series as well.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Complete mental breakdown by the Heat. Props to the Mavs. But in the end, they came back only because the Heat let them come back. It's like they got bored when they had a huge 88-73 lead. Had the game been tied halfway through the fourth, the Heat would've won. When they turn it up, the Heat completely control the game. It's obvious that they're the better team. They just got overconfident. Spoelstra just needs to motivate his players better.

I really don't know how anyone seriously thinks that Mavs will win this series.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Someone please watch the last 4 minutes of the game and convince me that the Heat were playing like they even remotely gave a damn. Even when Dirk hit that 3, he was wide open. That wasn't happening earlier when the Heat played with proper intensity.

In the first half, the Mavs were moving the ball on offense to perfection with all 5 players touching it, yet the Heat were there to meet every pass and not get any Mavs player get an open shot. I'm especially thinking of that one time when the Mavs kept passing the ball like 10+ times and the shot clock expired because no one could get a shot. They are not getting the shots they got against the Lakers, unless the Heat simply stop caring. Which is what they did at the end of the game.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

See yall after game 3 with a new set of ref complaints/saltiness that the Heat is winning the championship.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

That is utter crap. No way in hell did they control the first half in game 2. The score in the first half was close, but both the commentators and the posters of this forum were saying that it feels that the Heat were in control and that they should be ahead. After the score started reflecting the play on the court, the Heat's lead skyrocketed until they stopped caring and allowed the comeback.

Other than the comeback, which really was more, or at least was just as much about Heat being out of control because they thought they had the game won than the Mavs being in control, the only part of the series that the Mavs controlled so far was the start of the third quarter in game 1.

Other than that, I really don't know what series you've been watching. It is evident that for all the hype about their supposedly great defense, the Mavs can do absolutely nothing about either Wade or LeBron, who were having a much harder time against the Celtics and Bulls defenses. The Mavs, for all their great ball movement that worked so well against the Lakers still can't get to open shots when the Heat defense is on. The Heat are there to meet every pass, sometimes even until the shot clock expires. Their other main weapon, Dirk Nowitzki, has been shooting 42.5% and the most damage he's done so far has been from the free throw line. The only true problem for the Heat so far has been Shawn Marion. But seriously, what is more likely? That Marion keeps up with his play so far or that LeBron and Wade do?

All the Heat management needs to do is get through their thick skulls the fact that Chris Bosh, a guy who is shooting 26% from the field is averaging 17 shots per game, while a guy who is shooting 55%, LeBron, is averaging 15.5 shots.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Miami had a huge lead in the fourth and blew it again. This team would be so much better if all players were forbidden to look at the scoreboard and then just play without knowing how much they were ahead/behind. You can clearly see that Spoelstra desperately tried to avoid the same scenario as in game 2 by calling a time-out immediately after Terry made two baskets as the Mavs were making a comeback, but it didn't work. It wasn't as big of a collapse as in game 2, but the Heat still blew it. All they had to do is play defense and they would've won. The Mavs even missed some open 3s.

LeBron was bad, but not as bad as some haters want to make it look. He couldn't get it going scoring-wise, but he made some excellent passes. What bothers me the most this game is not him not scoring, but not playing great defense like at the end of game 3. If he did that again, the Heat would've won. Instead he let Terry blow by him. After playing defense like that on Rose, the quickest player in the league, not being able to play better defense on Terry is hard to believe.

Wade has been phenomenal. He really is by far the best shot blocking guard in history. Right now he's clearly the finals MVP. IMO, he's clearly the MVP even if the Mavs win. Nowitzki has been horrible for everything but the first 5% and the last 5% of the game.

Whether they win or lose this series, Miami needs to do everything they can to get Nene/Dalembert. Some say that they also need a point guard, but getting a point guard for them is a microscopic problem compared to their lack of size. It's unbelievable how consistently Tyson Chandler is able to grab offensive rebounds. Surreal that such an advantage can take place in the NBA. Looks like something that could only take place at a high school level where there is one kid who physically outmatches the rest.

In the end, after losing game 2, it was great that they won game 3 and took the home court advantage back. I don't think that the Mavs can win in Miami again.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

It was like game 4 against the Lakers. The Mavs couldn't miss a shot.

I still feel confident that Heat can take the two remaining at home. It took a 15 collapse in the 4th for the Mavs to win one there, and I don't see the Heat being that dumb again.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

To be fair, he also had a very contested layup potential and one. It just didn't count on the scoreboard, because he was called for an offensive foul even though Chandler's foot was clearly inside the circle. But haters ain't fair. He did miss some shots he should've made though, there's no denying that. And he should've taken advantage against the Kidd mismatch. But tonight's game was more about Mavs hitting everything they threw up in the air.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

All I want is the haters who were saying that the refs would win this series for the Heat well before a single minute of the series was played to shut the *!$+ up and see what the refs are actually doing.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by mustbetheshoe58

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Stevenson vs James

caaaaan't wait!

i hope stevenson checks lebron the whole game..its going to be just like old times


remember the soulja boy vs. jay-z fiasco back in 2008..had me

Old times like how? Old times like LeBron ending up as the winner of the series? I'll give you that.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Maybe true, but they have faced not one but two defenses that are better than the Mavs. For all this talk about how Mavs are a defensive powerhouse, their defense is definitely not better than either the Celtics nor the Bulls. Even though they are better defensively than the mid 00s Mavs who were known as all-O, no-D teams.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

32-26 free throw attempts in favor of the Mavs.

Dirk shot almost twice as many free throws as LeBron and Wade combined. Got the whistle every time he drove to the basket.

The Mavs committed only one more foul more than the Heat.

Haters, look elsewhere for an explanation as to why the Heat won/Mavs lost. Mainly the rebounding numbers.

The scared, salty haters have been saying how the refs would win the series for the Heat ever since it became evident that the two teams will be playing against each other in the finals. So they are just looking to complain about the fouls extra hard, no matter how the game is officiated. Just like a some random object in the water can look a lot like the Loch Ness monster for someone who is staring at the lake and hoping really hard to see the monster.

also i don't understand why everyone is making a big deal over Dirk playing with the flu. i mean lebron has played his entire career without a heart. that's pretty serious

Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Dwyane Wade is playing like someone took a dump in his breakfast.

One thing is for damn sure: He ain't winning Finals MVP. Chris Bosh will win it before him. And not just based on tonight so far, but the whole Bulls series as well.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Complete mental breakdown by the Heat. Props to the Mavs. But in the end, they came back only because the Heat let them come back. It's like they got bored when they had a huge 88-73 lead. Had the game been tied halfway through the fourth, the Heat would've won. When they turn it up, the Heat completely control the game. It's obvious that they're the better team. They just got overconfident. Spoelstra just needs to motivate his players better.

I really don't know how anyone seriously thinks that Mavs will win this series.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Someone please watch the last 4 minutes of the game and convince me that the Heat were playing like they even remotely gave a damn. Even when Dirk hit that 3, he was wide open. That wasn't happening earlier when the Heat played with proper intensity.

In the first half, the Mavs were moving the ball on offense to perfection with all 5 players touching it, yet the Heat were there to meet every pass and not get any Mavs player get an open shot. I'm especially thinking of that one time when the Mavs kept passing the ball like 10+ times and the shot clock expired because no one could get a shot. They are not getting the shots they got against the Lakers, unless the Heat simply stop caring. Which is what they did at the end of the game.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

See yall after game 3 with a new set of ref complaints/saltiness that the Heat is winning the championship.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

That is utter crap. No way in hell did they control the first half in game 2. The score in the first half was close, but both the commentators and the posters of this forum were saying that it feels that the Heat were in control and that they should be ahead. After the score started reflecting the play on the court, the Heat's lead skyrocketed until they stopped caring and allowed the comeback.

Other than the comeback, which really was more, or at least was just as much about Heat being out of control because they thought they had the game won than the Mavs being in control, the only part of the series that the Mavs controlled so far was the start of the third quarter in game 1.

Other than that, I really don't know what series you've been watching. It is evident that for all the hype about their supposedly great defense, the Mavs can do absolutely nothing about either Wade or LeBron, who were having a much harder time against the Celtics and Bulls defenses. The Mavs, for all their great ball movement that worked so well against the Lakers still can't get to open shots when the Heat defense is on. The Heat are there to meet every pass, sometimes even until the shot clock expires. Their other main weapon, Dirk Nowitzki, has been shooting 42.5% and the most damage he's done so far has been from the free throw line. The only true problem for the Heat so far has been Shawn Marion. But seriously, what is more likely? That Marion keeps up with his play so far or that LeBron and Wade do?

All the Heat management needs to do is get through their thick skulls the fact that Chris Bosh, a guy who is shooting 26% from the field is averaging 17 shots per game, while a guy who is shooting 55%, LeBron, is averaging 15.5 shots.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Miami had a huge lead in the fourth and blew it again. This team would be so much better if all players were forbidden to look at the scoreboard and then just play without knowing how much they were ahead/behind. You can clearly see that Spoelstra desperately tried to avoid the same scenario as in game 2 by calling a time-out immediately after Terry made two baskets as the Mavs were making a comeback, but it didn't work. It wasn't as big of a collapse as in game 2, but the Heat still blew it. All they had to do is play defense and they would've won. The Mavs even missed some open 3s.

LeBron was bad, but not as bad as some haters want to make it look. He couldn't get it going scoring-wise, but he made some excellent passes. What bothers me the most this game is not him not scoring, but not playing great defense like at the end of game 3. If he did that again, the Heat would've won. Instead he let Terry blow by him. After playing defense like that on Rose, the quickest player in the league, not being able to play better defense on Terry is hard to believe.

Wade has been phenomenal. He really is by far the best shot blocking guard in history. Right now he's clearly the finals MVP. IMO, he's clearly the MVP even if the Mavs win. Nowitzki has been horrible for everything but the first 5% and the last 5% of the game.

Whether they win or lose this series, Miami needs to do everything they can to get Nene/Dalembert. Some say that they also need a point guard, but getting a point guard for them is a microscopic problem compared to their lack of size. It's unbelievable how consistently Tyson Chandler is able to grab offensive rebounds. Surreal that such an advantage can take place in the NBA. Looks like something that could only take place at a high school level where there is one kid who physically outmatches the rest.

In the end, after losing game 2, it was great that they won game 3 and took the home court advantage back. I don't think that the Mavs can win in Miami again.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

It was like game 4 against the Lakers. The Mavs couldn't miss a shot.

I still feel confident that Heat can take the two remaining at home. It took a 15 collapse in the 4th for the Mavs to win one there, and I don't see the Heat being that dumb again.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

To be fair, he also had a very contested layup potential and one. It just didn't count on the scoreboard, because he was called for an offensive foul even though Chandler's foot was clearly inside the circle. But haters ain't fair. He did miss some shots he should've made though, there's no denying that. And he should've taken advantage against the Kidd mismatch. But tonight's game was more about Mavs hitting everything they threw up in the air.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

All I want is the haters who were saying that the refs would win this series for the Heat well before a single minute of the series was played to shut the *!$+ up and see what the refs are actually doing.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by mustbetheshoe58

caaaaan't wait!

i hope stevenson checks lebron the whole game..its going to be just like old times


remember the soulja boy vs. jay-z fiasco back in 2008..had me

Old times like how? Old times like LeBron ending up as the winner of the series? I'll give you that.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Maybe true, but they have faced not one but two defenses that are better than the Mavs. For all this talk about how Mavs are a defensive powerhouse, their defense is definitely not better than either the Celtics nor the Bulls. Even though they are better defensively than the mid 00s Mavs who were known as all-O, no-D teams.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

32-26 free throw attempts in favor of the Mavs.

Dirk shot almost twice as many free throws as LeBron and Wade combined. Got the whistle every time he drove to the basket.

The Mavs committed only one more foul more than the Heat.

Haters, look elsewhere for an explanation as to why the Heat won/Mavs lost. Mainly the rebounding numbers.

The scared, salty haters have been saying how the refs would win the series for the Heat ever since it became evident that the two teams will be playing against each other in the finals. So they are just looking to complain about the fouls extra hard, no matter how the game is officiated. Just like a some random object in the water can look a lot like the Loch Ness monster for someone who is staring at the lake and hoping really hard to see the monster.


Last night's win, putting the Mavs up 3-2: smoke and mirrors. Like someone mentioned earlier and I already agreed with, Stern needs this look spectacular, and back2back Game 7s in the Finals is definitely spectacular.

The Heat will win on Sunday, and I'll stick by my earlier prediction: I said that LeBron would go OFF in either gm 5 or gm 6. Well, he didn't in gm 5, so I'm sticking with that and saying he will have a dominant performance in gm 6. And all this talk about his 4th quarter woes only further convinces me that he'll show out on Sun, setting up for a postgame interview along the lines of 'I heard all the criticism and I just wanted to shut everyone up.'

At any rate, the Heat will win it all; I'm positive. If I'm wrong, I'll buy a goat to live in my apt.
Originally Posted by toine2983

LeBron finally drove to the basket.

It's infuriating and I'm not even a Heat fan. 

   ....all this 'not showing up' talk to me is BS. i dont believe i any player forcing it like people expect them to.
- what i DO have a problem with is settling for contested jumpers instead of driving to the basket. especially when you have the stature and body of an LBJ.
....that play with less than a minute left where LBJ drove to the basket? that what he should have been doing most of the game

...however, is DAL wins it all, im glad a gang of players will be getting thier just due. i just wish Stackhouse could have gotten one as well.
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