Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

lmfao @ vlad just straight threw the ball to Villanueva. dumb(&*# 
Terrible management of the game on Smart's part. No reason why Vlad Rad should be getting so much run when Beans isn't in foul trouble. Same thing with waiting until 1:30 left in the 4th to put Lee back in. Seems like our starters barely played together tonight. The only reason we won against the Jazz is because Lee and Beans were getting all the Orebs when the shots weren't falling. I don't know why Smart thought it was a good idea to go small in the 4th.
Warriors just didn't play a good game. They were pretty much cold all game and missed out on a lot of loose balls. Started off really cold in the 4th and pistons grew a little lead and warriors just didn't come back. Curry had the game tying 3 go in and out. It was really a tough game to watch. They can't have another game shooting like that and expect to win tomorrow.
Dubs had a small lead at one point but Pistons were more aggressive. Stuckey and RIP were problems they couldn't handle. Not making crucial baskets hurt too. That potential tying three attempt that went in and out by Steph would've made up for his bad shooting night. Just have to bounce back next game. They have to win at least 3 games on the road to show that they can be taken seriously.
I can't believe we lost this game
We should have easily beat Detroit if we played like we did against the Jazz. I guess this road trip might be a little tougher than I thought.
at one point Curry, Monta, Reggie, Carney, and Vlad were on the floor together.....come on now keith.
His offense is atrocious, but his defense is good at times
. I would definitely rather have Wright out there though.
Eh, I wouldn't go that far. He's bad, but he's not that bad. He has his good moments, but then he has his bad. He's just having a lot more bad ones right now. At least he plays pretty good defense at times
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