Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

. That was a hell of a game.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

My man
Can we get a witness and make this official? Where's ska at?So let's say the time period will be May 13-June 13, both sig and avy, and no going ghost for the loserAnd winner can request to change loser's sig/avy at any time?Sound good?

Just came from a bar, I wanna celebrate, but we got Vancouver on our hands now.
It was more of a sense of relief tonight, we should have beat them on game 5. But I guess that's why you watch the games though. I'm happy though, really, really, happy.
I'm gonna keep my guards up, I love the sharks but I know what kind of team thEy are. I really hope this is the year for them. Vancouver ain't a joke, they're a good team specially with the twins and luongo. But they did play in a weaker division, But owned the sharks during the season. I like what I see from NEMO, I hope he gets stupid hot like the way he did last year with chi town. Patty needs to really need to step it up, 1 point in a series is not going to cut it. Less turnover for the defense, stop playing passive and be aggressive. With that being said sharks have this in 5.
Obviously they havent played VAN yet, but in the end DET might be the Sharks toughest opponent this playoffs. I'm not too confident of how VAN has been playing in the playoffs so far. Going 7 with #8 CHI and playing a close series that went 6 games against #5 NASH of all teams. We'll see, I was more scared of CHI last year than VAN this year.
I hate you all.

edit: avy not working? blessing in disguise? I'm sure it'll probably pop up next time I post
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