Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

I'd rather have Curry take the last shot (the one where Monta took it) since he's got the hot hand, but it should never have come down to the final play. These games show that we really have a long way to go; the roster needed to be shaken up at the deadline but we did nothing at all.
Tough loss. Bad drive by Monta with a bigger Johnson on him and the D was collapsing on him. All the last shot game winners were step back jumpers.
Originally Posted by acidicality

I'd rather have Curry take the last shot (the one where Monta took it) since he's got the hot hand, but it should never have come down to the final play. These games show that we really have a long way to go; the roster needed to be shaken up at the deadline but we did nothing at all.
For what though? To win a couple more games this season and still miss the playoffs? If there was nothing out there to improve the team for the future, there's no point in trading.

Obviously expiring contracts weren't worth as much this year as previous years so what would you have liked to see the Warriors do with their few assets?
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by acidicality

I'd rather have Curry take the last shot (the one where Monta took it) since he's got the hot hand, but it should never have come down to the final play. These games show that we really have a long way to go; the roster needed to be shaken up at the deadline but we did nothing at all.
For what though? To win a couple more games this season and still miss the playoffs? If there was nothing out there to improve the team for the future, there's no point in trading.

Obviously expiring contracts weren't worth as much this year as previous years so what would you have liked to see the Warriors do with their few assets?
I would have liked to add a real center and/or a backup guard. So many players we could have used were traded, just sucks all we were able to get was a 2nd round pick. It wouldn't just be about competing for the playoffs this year...
Originally Posted by acidicality

I'd rather have Curry take the last shot (the one where Monta took it) since he's got the hot hand, but it should never have come down to the final play. These games show that we really have a long way to go; the roster needed to be shaken up at the deadline but we did nothing at all.
Yeah I thought Curry should have had a play run for him with Monta handling. Smart is a dumb-nut though. I did like how Monta tried to use his speed though instead of just pulling up on Johnson like he did that Portland game against Aldridge. But because everyone collapsed the ball should have been kicked out. And that last play Smart drew up was
Well, of course we don't have the best assets, but it would have nice to see something done to add depth (even that Jamison trade, for example). These recent losses (and probably more on the road trip) show that we're a long way to go.
So long as they keep trotting out the ****** backcourt, this team will be "exciting" to watch, but won't win very many basketball games. Monta will have to be traded for a bigger two guard sooner or later.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Well, of course we don't have the best assets, but it would have nice to see something done to add depth (even that Jamison trade, for example). These recent losses (and probably more on the road trip) show that we're a long way to go.
Yeah all I'm saying is that it's pointless to deal in abstract situations. Oh trade Monta/Steph because they can't play together. They should've made a move at the deadline. Ok, then who do you get?
And all I'm saying is that it would have been nice for the Warriors to do something like your Thunder did in getting Perkins and Nate Rob.
Obviously, we don't have anything Boston would want in order to make that kind of deal, and hey, maybe that needs to be done in the off-season rather than the trade deadline. That trade made OKC a more legit contender in the playoffs...we need a  combination of trades/signings/moves this off-season in order to just start talking playoffs realistically. It would have been nice to get something done so that happens faster, but it didn't, so here we go with another lost season being not good enough to be a playoff team, and not bad enough to get a lottery pick.
So, that's the frustrating part.

Who could we have gotten? That's tough to say, but a lot of players that switched teams were players the Warriors could have used. Just to give an example, we could have even used Nazr Mohammed, who would be 10000x more useful than Biedrins. But then again, that's a given.
[h2]Breaking news: Warriors buy out Troy Murphy (and why it’s a wise move)[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on February 27th, 2011 at 9:24 pm | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

The Warriors have reached a buy-out agreement with Troy Murphy that will pay him less than 100% of his remaining salary, according to multiple sources.

Murphy must sign with a new team before Tuesday to remain eligible for a playoff roster. The two clear leaders for him are Miami and Boston, who both already are campaigning for a deal.

As insisted by Warriors owner Joe Lacob, one source said, Murphy agreed to sign only with an Eastern Conference team. (Portland is one Western team that showed interest.)

The buy-out deal was struck today, during a long, productive conversation between team owner Lacob an power-agent Dan Fegan. (The generally cordial tone of the conversation was confirmed by sources on both sides.)

Fegan and Murphy argued that, before trading Murphy to the Warriors, New Jersey agreed to pay him 100% in any buy-out, which is a promise they wanted Lacob to uphold.

But Lacob held the line and, according to one source, said that the Warriors’ intent was to flip Murphy to another team–believed to be Cleveland, for Antawn Jamison and a draft pick. When that trade did not happen at Thursday’s deadline, Murphy and the Warriors were at loggerheads on the buy-out terms.

Until today.

Exact details of the agreement were not available, but it is believed that the percentage subtracted by the Warriors will correspond relatively to the pro-rated salary Murphy can be expected to receive from his next team.

Murphy won’t make as money in this as he could’ve (when you’re bought out for 100%, everything else you sign for is extra money), but he won’t lose money, either.

–What do the Warriors gain by letting Murphy sign with a championship contending team instead of forcing him to report and becoming ineligible to play in the playoffs for any team except the Warriors?


1) Lacob saves the money he negotiated down from Murphy’s $11.9M salary–possibly about $275,000.

(That’s the approximate pro-rated amount Murphy will receive on a veteran’s minimum deal from Boston or Miami–this is MY math, not my sources’, so it could be a little off).

2)  If he had forced Murphy to report to the Warriors–his old team, with which he did not leave under happy circumstances–Lacob could have badly upset the chemistry of the locker room for not much basketball gain.

The team is not playing well, but all season, the locker room has been a happy, healthy place, which you could not say about many Warriors’ locker rooms over the years.

3) Possibly most importantly, by coming to a negotiated agreement with Fegan, Lacob steered away from the old Wariors way of needless confrontation with power-agents.

Particularly with Fegan.

For example: Among his wide array of NBA clients, Fegan has Denver center Nene coming up as a potential free agent this summer–an odds-on potential target for the Warriors. (It would almost certainly have to be via sign-and-trade.)

Lacob, in his first year as owner, certainly must know that he’d like to do business with Fegan in the future. It’s smart to enter discussions with an agent like Fegan, not caving, but still coming to an amicable compromise.

This helps business. 

It was foolish of Robert Rowell and Chris Cohan to jump into battle with Fegan in years past–specifically when Rowell apparently coaxed Stephen Jackson to deal directly with him and remove Fegan fire RowellOOPSandthankstocommenters before agreeing to a $28M extension with the Warriors.

Teams gain very little from crossing powerful agents. Especially teams that need to add talent, not push it away.

Of course, this does not guarantee anything for the Warriors in the future concerning Fegan clients.

But going to war with him guarantees that you will have very limited access to his client list.  Which is precisely the wrong way to do business, and the buy-out deal with Murphy is a savvy acknowledgment of that.

Plus it saved Lacob some money, at the same time.
Acid - you're only highlighting half of process. No one is going to dispute that a lot of the players who changed hands wouldn't have been able to help the Warriors to some degree. The problem is we have no way of knowing what we were even offering.

By most accounts the only players with value were Curry, DWright and Reggie Willams.

Combined they make less than Monta. We wouldn't get anything near equal value for those guys and we have no leverage to throw Beans in or something.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love for a trade of substance to have occured, but I'll live without it because we didn't $#+! the team up even more.

Lastly, gotta hope a Amenisty deal comes out of the new CBA. Would love to rid ourselves of Lee's terrible deal. Slim chance, I know.
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