Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Originally Posted by dland24

Law > Lin

Please put biases aside. Lin sucks......offensively and defensively.
That may be true, but Lin > Law in games since his return from the D-League. 
And are the Warriors trying to make a deal for Murphy to stay here or are they delaying his buyout?
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by dland24

Law > Lin

Please put biases aside. Lin sucks......offensively and defensively.
That may be true, but Lin > Law in games since his return from the D-League. 
And are the Warriors trying to make a deal for Murphy to stay here or are they delaying his buyout?
yup, that's all I'm really saying.
Before he was sent down, I agreed with playing Law over him because Lin looked lost out there. But since he's returned there's really absolutely nothing at all that Law does better than Lin out there.
You guys won't believe me, but if Lin weren't Asian I would be saying the same thing. It would be nice to get a good back-up PG that's better than the two; of course we didn't do anything at the deadline....

I heard we might keep Murphy.
Fegan of course his Murphy's agent (think Big Al), so it's going to be a full buyout or none at all...meaning we'll pay him to not come around.

Murphy wants no part of playing here either.

Trade deadline passed..can't trade him.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Fegan of course his Murphy's agent (think Big Al), so it's going to be a full buyout or none at all...meaning we'll pay him to not come around.

Murphy wants no part of playing here either.

Trade deadline passed..can't trade him.
Sucks he doesn't have any interest in playing here. Oh well, I hope Adrien gets a lot of PT tomorrow night.
At this stage of his career, can you really blame Murphy? He is 30 and has a few years left and wants to play for a contender. When do you all think the buyout will be completed?
No time table. They have nothing to lose other than the timeline to sign with a team to be eligible for the playoffs....which is in March, I think
I'd take him over Fitz
*$*# you Andris. And you too Smart for babying him so much. He doesn't even deserve to be out there most of the time, yet he continues to get the nod.
What's funny is, we run the first or first two plays to Beans EVERY game....just to appease this big P
glad dorell wright iz bouncin back 4rm friday & looks like k- love will gta double-double b4 halftime
Originally Posted by blakmn89

glad dorell wright iz bpuncin back 4rm friday & looks like k- love will gta double-double b4 halftime

Please don't post here with that garbage +*$ typing.
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