Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Phoenix shooting lights out.
Why does Wright still take jumpers inside the arc? The only real jumper I've seen him it inside is that one near the free throw line and even then he has to be pulling up on the break or something. Anything else and he's horrible, but he keeps taking them.
Why does this team always drive and kick out to the three point line? Is that on Smart or the players?
Either a whole bunch of players are dumb as +#$% or the coach is. How many TO's a game have to occur from guys jumping in the air and then deciding to look for a pass before they learn their lesson. This ain't grade school, gotta get this +#$% together. It's simple stuff. And they gotta stop taking the easy way out on offense and stick with their man.
Letting opportunities slip from the line 
. Also doesn't help that they only picked up the offense and continue to play pitiful defense.
Someone needs to take a screen cap of that cheerleader's butt as the telecast went into commercial.
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