Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Yeah, he lives in sunset.

He has concords VIs too, but I think he only has size 8 left. I think there's an 8, 9, and 10...

9.5 is a bit tight on me, but I prefer that when playing basketball.
Curry has missed eight games this season because of a right ankle sprain, and he has played through serious sprains in other games. The Warriors are confident the guard won't do further damage because of the non-contact style of the game and because of new treatment methods.

Under the guidance of new athletic trainer Troy Wenzel, Curry has dropped a shoe size - down to a snug-fitting 13 that better supports his ankle. Instead of trying to strengthen the ankle between games, Wenzel has advised Curry to ice it and rest.

"Our new athletic trainer is bringing new ideas about how to treat it," Curry said. "I'm not saying the old stuff didn't work, but sometimes a different approach can spark better recovery."

Coach Keith Smart confirmed that he threatened to reduce Andris Biedrins' minutes significantly if the center didn't start performing better.

"I've shared with Biedrins that his minutes were going to start getting cut," said Smart, though he didn't waver about Biedrins starting. "I'm going to be true to him about keeping his position, but it could have gotten to a point where he was not playing well, so he jumps the ball and was out of the game."

"Coach kicked everybody else out of the drill. It was just me, Monta (Ellis) and Biedrins," point guard Stephen Curry said. "We produced a lot of trust between the three of us. We believe that Biedrins will finish plays when we give him the ball, and he believes that we're going to look to get him the ball."
Originally Posted by What up

Can't believe how much Biedrins gets babied.
Yah the rest of the article spoke on how Smart "invested in Biedrins" and hung out with him in Latvia for 3 weeks to calling him after games to chat.

Smart needs to start making basketball decisions-- dude is too emotionally attached
Originally Posted by What up

We have another Singletary on our hands. Can we please get an X's and O's guy?

Sounding like Smart is a soft coach, trying to be all buddy-buddy with the players.
Andris Biedrins needs that Vernon Davis moment where he gets sent to the locker room early. Wish that happened every game...
What else is he supposed to do? Biedrins sucks and the contract obviously can't be moved. At this point he's just trying to get this bum productive.
Originally Posted by daprescription

What else is he supposed to do? Biedrins sucks and the contract obviously can't be moved. At this point he's just trying to get this bum productive.

And the player option on the contract doesn't help either. At this point I'll take any thing just to get rid of this guy.
Does anyone live or know anyone that lives in Emeryville? Do they like it/dislike it? I'd appreciate any and all input.
This girl I know used to live in Emeryville, and she got her car broken into twice. She moved. Not saying its ghetto. She just thinks it is.

My other option are those condos next to Candlestick Park next to 101.  The units are really nice but there's NOTHING around besides parking lots, townhouses and the bay...
I'm sure there are nice places there. There are horrible neighborhoods in most cities. If I were you I find someone that lived there for most of their life and ask them about the area you're looking at.
Originally Posted by What up


My other option are those condos next to Candlestick Park next to 101.  The units are really nice but there's NOTHING around besides parking lots, townhouses and the bay...

nah you dont want to live there....the goons in HP lurk there from time to time
Originally Posted by dland24

This girl I know used to live in Emeryville, and she got her car broken into twice. She moved. Not saying its ghetto. She just thinks it is.
Funny, my brother also got his car broken into twice, in Emeryville- got his car stereo jacked both times.
No where is safe. If thieves want it they'll take it one way or another. Be careful if you own any Hondas, Toyotas, or imports, my brother is an insurance adjuster and he said there has been a lot of stolen vehicles reported. His friend's Honda Accord was stolen right in front of his place and they found it in Modesto with the engine missing and +$*@.
happy chinese new year

got a little red envelope money...doesn't compare to a few weeks ago when i found like 400 of red envelope money buried in my drawer
..had to have been from like 5-6 years ago.

hopefully monta is named a reserve today...he has all-star stats and it'd be nice. I think if they decide to put Kevin Love in (which they really should), it'd be quite hypocritical to leave Monta out because he's on a "bad team" when Kevin's is worse...partially being a homer, but partially trying to be logical. I guess this is the Fitzgerald in me.
It's a shame because that's how J-Rich was left out in the past...and I don't think he was putting up Monta's stats back then.
The last 12 NBA All-Star Games were Warrior-free.

Warriors have competed in the various All-Star sideshows - slam-dunk contest, rookie-sophomore game, whatever. That's like not getting invited to the birthday party, but being asked to stop by and make balloon animals for the guests.

The drought will end this week if the Western Conference coaches vote Monta Ellis onto the squad. Their picks will be announced Thursday.

Ellis is a bubble guy (not to be confused with a "bubbly" guy, which he also is, at times). Most bubble-guy debates are of minor and momentary consequence, the Hamburger Helper of real sports debate.

A deserving player or two always gets left out, resulting in a few newspaper headlines ("Smidley miffed at snub") and a brace of "I'll-show-you" performances after the All-Star break.

This bubble case is more. Ellis' selection to the team would have an impact on Ellis, the franchise and the Warriors' fans. It even could snap a curse.

A curse?

At this point, that can't be ruled out. Twelve All-Star Games is a long dry spell, and it would be 13 if there had been an All-Star Game in 1999.

If there is a curse, it is the Curse of Spree, activated in December 1997 by Latrell Sprewell, after the Warriors tried to violate Sprewell's right to freedom of expression, in the form of choking and punching his coach, P.J. Carlesimo.

Sprewell was the last Warrior All-Star, in the 1997 game. In the ensuing years, any Warrior entering the All-Star-selection discussion soon has disappeared, literally or figuratively. See: Gilbert Arenas, Baron Davis, Andris Biedrins.

Curse or no, Ellis deserves an invitation.

If it happens, the cloud of Sprewell no longer will hover over the Golden State, Warriors fans will have new hope that their franchise is gaining respect and relevance, and Ellis will be rewarded for his improving performance as a player and a human being.

The case for Ellis:

-- He scores. Scoring is sometimes devalued by All-Star selectors in their quest to salute the intangibles, but scoring is good. In fact, every NBA arena has a scoreboard.

It should work in Ellis' favor that he is scoring nearly 26 points a game while shooting 46 percent from the field. Going into Sunday's game - in which he was held to a season-low two points - Ellis was No. 4 in the league in scoring, only 0.4 points-per-game behind LeBron James and one spot ahead of Dwyane Wade. Being a top-five scorer should be worth an automatic All-Star berth.

-- Ellis carries his team offensively.

During the 1980s, the Lakers had a fine defensive player named Michael Cooper. He also would chip in a dozen points a game, bust out to score 20 on occasion. When Cooper's NBA career waned, he jumped to Italy for a rich contract. He came back wiser.

"I never realized how big a burden it is when you have to score 25 every night," Cooper told me. "You can't have an off night. Man, it wears you down."

If voters downgrade a candidate because he plays on a sub-.500 team, they should give bonus points for carrying a bad team.

-- If Ellis' last chance to make this All-Star team is as an injury replacement, the rumor is that he would be in trouble. Commissioner David Stern reportedly was angry at Ellis, who never answered an invitation to try out for the national team (turns out Ellis was in the middle of a moped-related crisis) and who rejected an invitation to last year's H-O-R-S-E sideshow.

If that's the case, if Stern would render moral judgment, then he should give Ellis compensatory credit for his progress as a solid NBA citizen. Over the past year, Ellis has grown.

After initially cold-shouldering his new backcourt mate, Ellis has reached out to Stephen Curry, made amends and accepted Curry as a teammate and partner. After pouting about his team's treatment of him in Moped-gate, Ellis has accepted and grown into the role of team leader.

-- Style points!

The NBA always has been a showcase for the freakishly gifted, the guys who can reinvent the game at 100 mph.

The NBA has the only All-Star Game worth watching (I got eye damage Sunday trying to watch a few minutes of the Pro Bowl), and that's because it's all about the show. On the spectacular/creative scale, Ellis ranks in the league's top 10.

-- Why not throw a bone to the Warriors' new ownership for rescuing a fixer-upper franchise and upgrading the NBA neighborhood?

As for Sprewell, he was last seen losing two houses and seeing his beached yacht repo'd. If you run into Spree, tell him he could buy some good karma by calling off his curse.

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Monta has 0 chance of making the team. Being a Warriors fan, my first thoughts were that it would be robbery if he didn't make it. After turning down my Warrior homerism for a second, he can't be an all-star. There are too many guards that are having good years on good teams. Monta's playing good, but is he that much better than those other players that are on good teams? I would say no.
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