Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

That guy in that video was mad annoying.

Dear Warriors,

Please win tonight.

If there's ever a time to win, please let it be tonight.

I'm tired of the Spurs winning.
So now this team doesn't run. There are no offensive plays to speak of in a half-court set. The defense is still horrible. Does this team even have an identity? Keith Smart is another Bay Area coach learning on the job and you can ask the Niners how that's working out.
When you can sign a 6'3" small forward shooting 15.8% from the field, you just gotta do it.
I agree that he isn't a good player, but he is a better PG than Lin. I haven't seen him play this season (the little he did play), but to me, his numbers look like they might be worse because he only shot like 1 or 2 times a game and basically missed both shots. If Curry is out for even a little while, it's even more necessary to sign another PG.  I'm not saying Law is the guy, but find someone that can hit an open jumper and play a little defense.
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