Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

They're pricing individual tickets for "premium" games now ala the Giants, which I obviously don't like.

I only get to a couple of games a year now so I'm willing to shell out some coin, but $400 (1) is obscene.







Electricity came back and caught the last three or so minutes of the game. Looks like they had a nice comeback, but came up short. Why wasn't Lee in though? I thought he'd be solid at PF, but he hasn't meshed well yet. Still too early to tell though. Maybe move him to C a little more and see how he does? I think they need to work around Lee more. Run a pick and roll and if it doesn't work then let the guy go one on one instead of just passing it to one guy and everybody just standing around waiting. Smart needs to move the guys around more. It's usually the player who's dribbling goes one on one while everybody just stands and waits or one guy dribbles and another runs around everyone's screens trying to get open. If that fails they never seem to know what to do and throw up some terrible, desperation shot.
David Lee sucked tonight. Maybe he's still rounding into shape after missing all those games, but he didn't even seem athletic and his jumper form is all sorts of %*%#%% up. I got some pics from tonight too I'll upload once I find my usb cable
anyone here got comcast internet? can i ask what router you guys use for wifi? i just got it and i'm already missing wifi. and if anyone can recommend me a router with 4 ethernet ports and maybe a USB one that works well with comcast i'd appreciate it.
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