Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

He's an all-star every year since '05 except for the knee injury
Good for him, I look forward to this years annual thread where we make fun of the NBA all star selections.

and even that, he is one of the only guys in NBA history who returned from a Knee injury and managed to maintain his previous level of productivity.

Good for him, but this has nothing to do with how good he is NOW.
3 All-NBA second Team and 1 All-NBA 1st Team and he'll add a couple more to that. And ESPN had some panel where lots of people thought that he would end up being the worst deal. Obviously 5 years is a long contract but it was a move the Knicks had to make and I am ok with that. It's just funny that before the summer people lots o people were saying that Chris Bosh was a far superior player than dude which is laughable. The raptors are still the same trash team without Bosh, not even that much worse while I doubt Phoneix makes the playoffs this year. He obviously isn't in the Duncan, KG, Dirk group but he is certainly right behind them and by the time his carer is done I wouldn't be surprised if he was right there with similar stats like Webber.

Chris Bosh is still better than Amare, the teams have nothing to do with it, and  using that as the litmus test assumes that PHX and TOR are the same except for Bosh and Amare which simply isn't true. Bosh is better at amare than everything, he's a better shooter, defender, rebounder, better post up player, better face up scorer. What more do y'all want just because he's a third option doesn't mean he's suddenly better.

Amare has not been good this year, he'ss been mostly terrible and is no where the level of efficiency that he was with Nash, his rebounding has been pretty much been as bas as Bosh the only difference is the Heat play a much slower pace so are there less plays available, he's also turning it over way higher.

Another thing Amares defense has been TERRIBLE, awful (as usual I might ad) and dispite what the morons on NT like to make up about Chris Bosh and the heat, they still have the 3rd best defense in the league, and Bosh has played good defense.

PF's are shooting 53% with Amare defending them, 52% when he's attempting to play post defense, 55% when they isolate him They are KILLING him, he's  a PYLON.

Chris Bosh the terrible defender who Coach K said was the best defender on the redeem team? 32% when ISO'd and 23% on post ups.

Amare is a good offense player who Nash made into a great one, he sucks at defense and despite his insane athleticism was always a poor rebounder.

All of that is nice and all, but THIS YEAR Bosh has not been better than Amare, regardless of what option he is. They're both below average rebounders, but Amare has been better, advantage in rebound rate. And yeah, Bosh was a beast on the glass last year, but that tends to happen when the guy trying to rebound next to you maybe the worst rebounder in the history of the center position. So he's not a better rebounder, Amare has a better career rebound rate.

He's also not a better offensive player than Amare, despite your claims that Nash made him what he is. His career efficiency mark (all encompassing stat for offense) is better than Bosh's, and this year his is better than Bosh's as well. The only thing Nash would have helped him with is the quality of his looks, but his true shooting mark is ~60% and trending upwards as his comfort level w/ Felton increases, right in line with his Phoenix days. Bosh's TS% numbers have never and probably will never touch Stats.

I agree with you about defense though, Bosh's average D>Amare's below average D. So you're right about that. Congrats.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

He's an all-star every year since '05 except for the knee injury
Good for him, I look forward to this years annual thread where we make fun of the NBA all star selections.

and even that, he is one of the only guys in NBA history who returned from a Knee injury and managed to maintain his previous level of productivity.

Good for him, but this has nothing to do with how good he is NOW.
3 All-NBA second Team and 1 All-NBA 1st Team and he'll add a couple more to that. And ESPN had some panel where lots of people thought that he would end up being the worst deal. Obviously 5 years is a long contract but it was a move the Knicks had to make and I am ok with that. It's just funny that before the summer people lots o people were saying that Chris Bosh was a far superior player than dude which is laughable. The raptors are still the same trash team without Bosh, not even that much worse while I doubt Phoneix makes the playoffs this year. He obviously isn't in the Duncan, KG, Dirk group but he is certainly right behind them and by the time his carer is done I wouldn't be surprised if he was right there with similar stats like Webber.

Chris Bosh is still better than Amare, the teams have nothing to do with it, and  using that as the litmus test assumes that PHX and TOR are the same except for Bosh and Amare which simply isn't true. Bosh is better at amare than everything, he's a better shooter, defender, rebounder, better post up player, better face up scorer. What more do y'all want just because he's a third option doesn't mean he's suddenly better.

Amare has not been good this year, he'ss been mostly terrible and is no where the level of efficiency that he was with Nash, his rebounding has been pretty much been as bas as Bosh the only difference is the Heat play a much slower pace so are there less plays available, he's also turning it over way higher.

Another thing Amares defense has been TERRIBLE, awful (as usual I might ad) and dispite what the morons on NT like to make up about Chris Bosh and the heat, they still have the 3rd best defense in the league, and Bosh has played good defense.

PF's are shooting 53% with Amare defending them, 52% when he's attempting to play post defense, 55% when they isolate him They are KILLING him, he's  a PYLON.

Chris Bosh the terrible defender who Coach K said was the best defender on the redeem team? 32% when ISO'd and 23% on post ups.

Amare is a good offense player who Nash made into a great one, he sucks at defense and despite his insane athleticism was always a poor rebounder.

All of that is nice and all, but THIS YEAR Bosh has not been better than Amare, regardless of what option he is. They're both below average rebounders, but Amare has been better, advantage in rebound rate. And yeah, Bosh was a beast on the glass last year, but that tends to happen when the guy trying to rebound next to you maybe the worst rebounder in the history of the center position. So he's not a better rebounder, Amare has a better career rebound rate.

He's also not a better offensive player than Amare, despite your claims that Nash made him what he is. His career efficiency mark (all encompassing stat for offense) is better than Bosh's, and this year his is better than Bosh's as well. The only thing Nash would have helped him with is the quality of his looks, but his true shooting mark is ~60% and trending upwards as his comfort level w/ Felton increases, right in line with his Phoenix days. Bosh's TS% numbers have never and probably will never touch Stats.

I agree with you about defense though, Bosh's average D>Amare's below average D. So you're right about that. Congrats.
abovelegit1 wrote:tongue:
Originally Posted by yelOsh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

He's an all-star every year since '05 except for the knee injury
Good for him, I look forward to this years annual thread where we make fun of the NBA all star selections.

and even that, he is one of the only guys in NBA history who returned from a Knee injury and managed to maintain his previous level of productivity.

Good for him, but this has nothing to do with how good he is NOW.
3 All-NBA second Team and 1 All-NBA 1st Team and he'll add a couple more to that. And ESPN had some panel where lots of people thought that he would end up being the worst deal. Obviously 5 years is a long contract but it was a move the Knicks had to make and I am ok with that. It's just funny that before the summer people lots o people were saying that Chris Bosh was a far superior player than dude which is laughable. The raptors are still the same trash team without Bosh, not even that much worse while I doubt Phoneix makes the playoffs this year. He obviously isn't in the Duncan, KG, Dirk group but he is certainly right behind them and by the time his carer is done I wouldn't be surprised if he was right there with similar stats like Webber.

Chris Bosh is still better than Amare, the teams have nothing to do with it, and  using that as the litmus test assumes that PHX and TOR are the same except for Bosh and Amare which simply isn't true. Bosh is better at amare than everything, he's a better shooter, defender, rebounder, better post up player, better face up scorer. What more do y'all want just because he's a third option doesn't mean he's suddenly better.

Amare has not been good this year, he'ss been mostly terrible and is no where the level of efficiency that he was with Nash, his rebounding has been pretty much been as bas as Bosh the only difference is the Heat play a much slower pace so are there less plays available, he's also turning it over way higher.

Another thing Amares defense has been TERRIBLE, awful (as usual I might ad) and dispite what the morons on NT like to make up about Chris Bosh and the heat, they still have the 3rd best defense in the league, and Bosh has played good defense.

PF's are shooting 53% with Amare defending them, 52% when he's attempting to play post defense, 55% when they isolate him They are KILLING him, he's  a PYLON.

Chris Bosh the terrible defender who Coach K said was the best defender on the redeem team? 32% when ISO'd and 23% on post ups.

Amare is a good offense player who Nash made into a great one, he sucks at defense and despite his insane athleticism was always a poor rebounder.

All of that is nice and all, but THIS YEAR Bosh has not been better than Amare, regardless of what option he is. They're both below average rebounders, but Amare has been better, advantage in rebound rate. And yeah, Bosh was a beast on the glass last year, but that tends to happen when the guy trying to rebound next to you maybe the worst rebounder in the history of the center position. So he's not a better rebounder, Amare has a better career rebound rate.

He's also not a better offensive player than Amare, despite your claims that Nash made him what he is. His career efficiency mark (all encompassing stat for offense) is better than Bosh's, and this year his is better than Bosh's as well. The only thing Nash would have helped him with is the quality of his looks, but his true shooting mark is ~60% and trending upwards as his comfort level w/ Felton increases, right in line with his Phoenix days. Bosh's TS% numbers have never and probably will never touch Stats.

I agree with you about defense though, Bosh's average D>Amare's below average D. So you're right about that. Congrats.

Oh I disagree, Amare's defense has been horrendous worse than it usually is Bosh unlike what the pundits say has been very good defensively and has been far more efficient on offense.

Offense efficiency is incredibly dependent on your teammates, Steve Nash on of the most valuable and effective offensive players in the history of the game attributed greatly to the quality on his looks and thus his TS%. When you look at it and break it down into situations where Amare and Bosh have to create their own offense Bosh is superior and shoots more efficiently. 

Offensive efficiency is great and all but you have to look at it in the context of the offense they run.
Carlos Arroyo has the highest offensive efficiency on the Heat does that mean he is the best offensive player on the heat.

This is the first time Amare has been forced to create his own shots an his efficiency like I expected took a big dive to 109 from his usual Nash induced 120-117, Chris Bosh last year with Toronto (an offense that relied mostly on him in isolation and post up plays creating. ) he put up superior efficiency numbers. 117 to be exact.

The reality is Amare Staudomire is a good offensive player made to look like a great one by Steve Nash his numbers only look better this year because he's using more possessions than Bosh.

As far as the rebounding goes, Amare did out rebound 19 year old 210 pound Chris Bosh but that quickly changed once his body developed, even with that Chris Bosh's career rebound rate is slightly higher more importantly his career defensive rebounding rate is higher.

Quoting TS%  and offensive efficiency is cool and all but like most stats they have flaws you have to take into account the players teammates and the offense they run.
abovelegit1 wrote:tongue:
Originally Posted by yelOsh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

He's an all-star every year since '05 except for the knee injury
Good for him, I look forward to this years annual thread where we make fun of the NBA all star selections.

and even that, he is one of the only guys in NBA history who returned from a Knee injury and managed to maintain his previous level of productivity.

Good for him, but this has nothing to do with how good he is NOW.
3 All-NBA second Team and 1 All-NBA 1st Team and he'll add a couple more to that. And ESPN had some panel where lots of people thought that he would end up being the worst deal. Obviously 5 years is a long contract but it was a move the Knicks had to make and I am ok with that. It's just funny that before the summer people lots o people were saying that Chris Bosh was a far superior player than dude which is laughable. The raptors are still the same trash team without Bosh, not even that much worse while I doubt Phoneix makes the playoffs this year. He obviously isn't in the Duncan, KG, Dirk group but he is certainly right behind them and by the time his carer is done I wouldn't be surprised if he was right there with similar stats like Webber.

Chris Bosh is still better than Amare, the teams have nothing to do with it, and  using that as the litmus test assumes that PHX and TOR are the same except for Bosh and Amare which simply isn't true. Bosh is better at amare than everything, he's a better shooter, defender, rebounder, better post up player, better face up scorer. What more do y'all want just because he's a third option doesn't mean he's suddenly better.

Amare has not been good this year, he'ss been mostly terrible and is no where the level of efficiency that he was with Nash, his rebounding has been pretty much been as bas as Bosh the only difference is the Heat play a much slower pace so are there less plays available, he's also turning it over way higher.

Another thing Amares defense has been TERRIBLE, awful (as usual I might ad) and dispite what the morons on NT like to make up about Chris Bosh and the heat, they still have the 3rd best defense in the league, and Bosh has played good defense.

PF's are shooting 53% with Amare defending them, 52% when he's attempting to play post defense, 55% when they isolate him They are KILLING him, he's  a PYLON.

Chris Bosh the terrible defender who Coach K said was the best defender on the redeem team? 32% when ISO'd and 23% on post ups.

Amare is a good offense player who Nash made into a great one, he sucks at defense and despite his insane athleticism was always a poor rebounder.

All of that is nice and all, but THIS YEAR Bosh has not been better than Amare, regardless of what option he is. They're both below average rebounders, but Amare has been better, advantage in rebound rate. And yeah, Bosh was a beast on the glass last year, but that tends to happen when the guy trying to rebound next to you maybe the worst rebounder in the history of the center position. So he's not a better rebounder, Amare has a better career rebound rate.

He's also not a better offensive player than Amare, despite your claims that Nash made him what he is. His career efficiency mark (all encompassing stat for offense) is better than Bosh's, and this year his is better than Bosh's as well. The only thing Nash would have helped him with is the quality of his looks, but his true shooting mark is ~60% and trending upwards as his comfort level w/ Felton increases, right in line with his Phoenix days. Bosh's TS% numbers have never and probably will never touch Stats.

I agree with you about defense though, Bosh's average D>Amare's below average D. So you're right about that. Congrats.

Oh I disagree, Amare's defense has been horrendous worse than it usually is Bosh unlike what the pundits say has been very good defensively and has been far more efficient on offense.

Offense efficiency is incredibly dependent on your teammates, Steve Nash on of the most valuable and effective offensive players in the history of the game attributed greatly to the quality on his looks and thus his TS%. When you look at it and break it down into situations where Amare and Bosh have to create their own offense Bosh is superior and shoots more efficiently. 

Offensive efficiency is great and all but you have to look at it in the context of the offense they run.
Carlos Arroyo has the highest offensive efficiency on the Heat does that mean he is the best offensive player on the heat.

This is the first time Amare has been forced to create his own shots an his efficiency like I expected took a big dive to 109 from his usual Nash induced 120-117, Chris Bosh last year with Toronto (an offense that relied mostly on him in isolation and post up plays creating. ) he put up superior efficiency numbers. 117 to be exact.

The reality is Amare Staudomire is a good offensive player made to look like a great one by Steve Nash his numbers only look better this year because he's using more possessions than Bosh.

As far as the rebounding goes, Amare did out rebound 19 year old 210 pound Chris Bosh but that quickly changed once his body developed, even with that Chris Bosh's career rebound rate is slightly higher more importantly his career defensive rebounding rate is higher.

Quoting TS%  and offensive efficiency is cool and all but like most stats they have flaws you have to take into account the players teammates and the offense they run.
All I know is whenevr I see the Heat play guards get into the paint at will Bosh just stares at them...If your a big man your job is too control the paint, so you can post stats about how Bosh is an ok 1 on 1 defender but that means nothing cause he is one of the softest help defenders in the league. And Amar'e is averaging a carer high 2.1 blocks so far, just one example that he has actually been playing defense. He's not great by any means, but he is challenging shots when guys come into the paint, more than what I can say for Bosh....You can post all the BS stats that you want, but in the reality Chris Bosh couldn't get a team to the Eastern Conference playoffs two year in a row, in a pathetic Eastern Conference. Amar'e is going to do that in year 1 with the Knicks. Plus, Amar'e's leadership alone makes hm more valuable, Chris Bosh constantly looks like he has a social anxiety disorder on the court, dude nearly !*@% his pants during the opening night game. Amar'e has had big playoff performances throughout his whole career. You can keep posting meaningless stats but that won't change the fact when there careers are both done Amar'e will unquestionably have the better resume.
All I know is whenevr I see the Heat play guards get into the paint at will Bosh just stares at them...If your a big man your job is too control the paint, so you can post stats about how Bosh is an ok 1 on 1 defender but that means nothing cause he is one of the softest help defenders in the league. And Amar'e is averaging a carer high 2.1 blocks so far, just one example that he has actually been playing defense. He's not great by any means, but he is challenging shots when guys come into the paint, more than what I can say for Bosh....You can post all the BS stats that you want, but in the reality Chris Bosh couldn't get a team to the Eastern Conference playoffs two year in a row, in a pathetic Eastern Conference. Amar'e is going to do that in year 1 with the Knicks. Plus, Amar'e's leadership alone makes hm more valuable, Chris Bosh constantly looks like he has a social anxiety disorder on the court, dude nearly !*@% his pants during the opening night game. Amar'e has had big playoff performances throughout his whole career. You can keep posting meaningless stats but that won't change the fact when there careers are both done Amar'e will unquestionably have the better resume.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh


Oh I disagree, Amare's defense has been horrendous worse than it usually is Bosh unlike what the pundits say has been very good defensively and has been far more efficient on offense.

Offense efficiency is incredibly dependent on your teammates, Steve Nash on of the most valuable and effective offensive players in the history of the game attributed greatly to the quality on his looks and thus his TS%. When you look at it and break it down into situations where Amare and Bosh have to create their own offense Bosh is superior and shoots more efficiently. 

Offensive efficiency is great and all but you have to look at it in the context of the offense they run.
Carlos Arroyo has the highest offensive efficiency on the Heat does that mean he is the best offensive player on the heat.

This is the first time Amare has been forced to create his own shots an his efficiency like I expected took a big dive to 109 from his usual Nash induced 120-117, Chris Bosh last year with Toronto (an offense that relied mostly on him in isolation and post up plays creating. ) he put up superior efficiency numbers. 117 to be exact.

The reality is Amare Staudomire is a good offensive player made to look like a great one by Steve Nash his numbers only look better this year because he's using more possessions than Bosh.

As far as the rebounding goes, Amare did out rebound 19 year old 210 pound Chris Bosh but that quickly changed once his body developed, even with that Chris Bosh's career rebound rate is slightly higher more importantly his career defensive rebounding rate is higher.

Quoting TS%  and offensive efficiency is cool and all but like most stats they have flaws you have to take into account the players teammates and the offense they run.

Incorrect. This year, on a per-minute basis, Amare has been the far better and more efficient player. That's a fact. And the gap is widening, Amare's averages for the past five games are 32, 12, and 3 on 57%. At the end of the season, no one will be putting Bosh over Stat, that much is certain. As far as rebounding goes, since Bosh's rookie season, Amare has had a better rebound rate 5 out of the 8 seasons, including this year. And once again Bosh was playing next to a center that is allergic to rebounding last year. Oh, and Bosh has never been on a relatively successful NBA team in his life. So that's another point against him.

I know "number guys" aren't exactly fans of subjective analysis, but Bosh is clearly as soft as it gets, word to "we just wanna chill." I've never seen this guy give a hard foul in his life, and he constantly looks rattled in big regular season games, as well as when his team is down. Help defense=non existent as usual.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh


Oh I disagree, Amare's defense has been horrendous worse than it usually is Bosh unlike what the pundits say has been very good defensively and has been far more efficient on offense.

Offense efficiency is incredibly dependent on your teammates, Steve Nash on of the most valuable and effective offensive players in the history of the game attributed greatly to the quality on his looks and thus his TS%. When you look at it and break it down into situations where Amare and Bosh have to create their own offense Bosh is superior and shoots more efficiently. 

Offensive efficiency is great and all but you have to look at it in the context of the offense they run.
Carlos Arroyo has the highest offensive efficiency on the Heat does that mean he is the best offensive player on the heat.

This is the first time Amare has been forced to create his own shots an his efficiency like I expected took a big dive to 109 from his usual Nash induced 120-117, Chris Bosh last year with Toronto (an offense that relied mostly on him in isolation and post up plays creating. ) he put up superior efficiency numbers. 117 to be exact.

The reality is Amare Staudomire is a good offensive player made to look like a great one by Steve Nash his numbers only look better this year because he's using more possessions than Bosh.

As far as the rebounding goes, Amare did out rebound 19 year old 210 pound Chris Bosh but that quickly changed once his body developed, even with that Chris Bosh's career rebound rate is slightly higher more importantly his career defensive rebounding rate is higher.

Quoting TS%  and offensive efficiency is cool and all but like most stats they have flaws you have to take into account the players teammates and the offense they run.

Incorrect. This year, on a per-minute basis, Amare has been the far better and more efficient player. That's a fact. And the gap is widening, Amare's averages for the past five games are 32, 12, and 3 on 57%. At the end of the season, no one will be putting Bosh over Stat, that much is certain. As far as rebounding goes, since Bosh's rookie season, Amare has had a better rebound rate 5 out of the 8 seasons, including this year. And once again Bosh was playing next to a center that is allergic to rebounding last year. Oh, and Bosh has never been on a relatively successful NBA team in his life. So that's another point against him.

I know "number guys" aren't exactly fans of subjective analysis, but Bosh is clearly as soft as it gets, word to "we just wanna chill." I've never seen this guy give a hard foul in his life, and he constantly looks rattled in big regular season games, as well as when his team is down. Help defense=non existent as usual.
Chris Bosh is a better basketball player than Amare... There's no two ways around that.
Chris Bosh is a better basketball player than Amare... There's no two ways around that.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh


Oh I disagree, Amare's defense has been horrendous worse than it usually is Bosh unlike what the pundits say has been very good defensively and has been far more efficient on offense.

Offense efficiency is incredibly dependent on your teammates, Steve Nash on of the most valuable and effective offensive players in the history of the game attributed greatly to the quality on his looks and thus his TS%. When you look at it and break it down into situations where Amare and Bosh have to create their own offense Bosh is superior and shoots more efficiently. 

Offensive efficiency is great and all but you have to look at it in the context of the offense they run.
Carlos Arroyo has the highest offensive efficiency on the Heat does that mean he is the best offensive player on the heat.

This is the first time Amare has been forced to create his own shots an his efficiency like I expected took a big dive to 109 from his usual Nash induced 120-117, Chris Bosh last year with Toronto (an offense that relied mostly on him in isolation and post up plays creating. ) he put up superior efficiency numbers. 117 to be exact.

The reality is Amare Staudomire is a good offensive player made to look like a great one by Steve Nash his numbers only look better this year because he's using more possessions than Bosh.

As far as the rebounding goes, Amare did out rebound 19 year old 210 pound Chris Bosh but that quickly changed once his body developed, even with that Chris Bosh's career rebound rate is slightly higher more importantly his career defensive rebounding rate is higher.

Quoting TS%  and offensive efficiency is cool and all but like most stats they have flaws you have to take into account the players teammates and the offense they run.

Incorrect. This year, on a per-minute basis, Amare has been the far better and more efficient player. That's a fact. And the gap is widening, Amare's averages for the past five games are 32, 12, and 3 on 57%. At the end of the season, no one will be putting Bosh over Stat, that much is certain. As far as rebounding goes, since Bosh's rookie season, Amare has had a better rebound rate 5 out of the 8 seasons, including this year. And once again Bosh was playing next to a center that is allergic to rebounding last year. Oh, and Bosh has never been on a relatively successful NBA team in his life. So that's another point against him.

I know "number guys" aren't exactly fans of subjective analysis, but Bosh is clearly as soft as it gets, word to "we just wanna chill." I've never seen this guy give a hard foul in his life, and he constantly looks rattled in big regular season games, as well as when his team is down. Help defense=non existent as usual.

You referring to PER, which he has a incremental lead over Bosh, Bosh's has also been trending upwards and as the heat play longer, he's only going to play better as he adjusts to his new role. Never mind the fact he's producing at a similar rate to amare while using less posssesions, Amare stats will def look nicer becuase Bosh is no the number one option more possessions= more chances to produce. Ignoring this is stupid.

Yeah it sucks that Bosh never got to play with a hall of fame point guard, that's totally his fault if only he was a better gm.

You subjective analysis is about as dumb as all your other analysis, it easy to label, fineness forward, who doesn't get flashy dunks as soft, and it's easy to categorize some one who doesn't get a lot of flashy blocks as "non existed help defense." Soft doesn't mean anything anymore, it's term made up by NBA fans who don't any real legitimate arguments to make.

All I know is the Heat currently run the 4th best D in the league, and when Bosh is on the court there d is better so his help d can't be that bad, when you look at him on synergy individually players aren't scoring on him in post up or ISO's. Coach K subjective analysis of his defense was pretty positive. Is Bosh a HOF defender, nope, but he is a good defender unlike the pylon of Staudomire.

I'm pretty tired of this argument so y'all can believe what you want.
I'd agree, although I'm not sure he'd embrace a leadership role of a young team like Amare has.

But to say Amare hasn't been good this year is asinine.
I'd agree, although I'm not sure he'd embrace a leadership role of a young team like Amare has.

But to say Amare hasn't been good this year is asinine.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh


Oh I disagree, Amare's defense has been horrendous worse than it usually is Bosh unlike what the pundits say has been very good defensively and has been far more efficient on offense.

Offense efficiency is incredibly dependent on your teammates, Steve Nash on of the most valuable and effective offensive players in the history of the game attributed greatly to the quality on his looks and thus his TS%. When you look at it and break it down into situations where Amare and Bosh have to create their own offense Bosh is superior and shoots more efficiently. 

Offensive efficiency is great and all but you have to look at it in the context of the offense they run.
Carlos Arroyo has the highest offensive efficiency on the Heat does that mean he is the best offensive player on the heat.

This is the first time Amare has been forced to create his own shots an his efficiency like I expected took a big dive to 109 from his usual Nash induced 120-117, Chris Bosh last year with Toronto (an offense that relied mostly on him in isolation and post up plays creating. ) he put up superior efficiency numbers. 117 to be exact.

The reality is Amare Staudomire is a good offensive player made to look like a great one by Steve Nash his numbers only look better this year because he's using more possessions than Bosh.

As far as the rebounding goes, Amare did out rebound 19 year old 210 pound Chris Bosh but that quickly changed once his body developed, even with that Chris Bosh's career rebound rate is slightly higher more importantly his career defensive rebounding rate is higher.

Quoting TS%  and offensive efficiency is cool and all but like most stats they have flaws you have to take into account the players teammates and the offense they run.

Incorrect. This year, on a per-minute basis, Amare has been the far better and more efficient player. That's a fact. And the gap is widening, Amare's averages for the past five games are 32, 12, and 3 on 57%. At the end of the season, no one will be putting Bosh over Stat, that much is certain. As far as rebounding goes, since Bosh's rookie season, Amare has had a better rebound rate 5 out of the 8 seasons, including this year. And once again Bosh was playing next to a center that is allergic to rebounding last year. Oh, and Bosh has never been on a relatively successful NBA team in his life. So that's another point against him.

I know "number guys" aren't exactly fans of subjective analysis, but Bosh is clearly as soft as it gets, word to "we just wanna chill." I've never seen this guy give a hard foul in his life, and he constantly looks rattled in big regular season games, as well as when his team is down. Help defense=non existent as usual.

You referring to PER, which he has a incremental lead over Bosh, Bosh's has also been trending upwards and as the heat play longer, he's only going to play better as he adjusts to his new role. Never mind the fact he's producing at a similar rate to amare while using less posssesions, Amare stats will def look nicer becuase Bosh is no the number one option more possessions= more chances to produce. Ignoring this is stupid.

Yeah it sucks that Bosh never got to play with a hall of fame point guard, that's totally his fault if only he was a better gm.

You subjective analysis is about as dumb as all your other analysis, it easy to label, fineness forward, who doesn't get flashy dunks as soft, and it's easy to categorize some one who doesn't get a lot of flashy blocks as "non existed help defense." Soft doesn't mean anything anymore, it's term made up by NBA fans who don't any real legitimate arguments to make.

All I know is the Heat currently run the 4th best D in the league, and when Bosh is on the court there d is better so his help d can't be that bad, when you look at him on synergy individually players aren't scoring on him in post up or ISO's. Coach K subjective analysis of his defense was pretty positive. Is Bosh a HOF defender, nope, but he is a good defender unlike the pylon of Staudomire.

I'm pretty tired of this argument so y'all can believe what you want.
All I'm going to say is lets see Chris bosh actually play in a playoff game for once before we even have this argument...
All I'm going to say is lets see Chris bosh actually play in a playoff game for once before we even have this argument...
Yeah, because Amare would have gotten that dog #+@% Raptors team into the playoffs.
Yeah, because Amare would have gotten that dog #+@% Raptors team into the playoffs.
Nash was absolutely perfect tonight. 8/8 from the field, 20 points, 17 assists, only 2 turnovers. Good lord.
Nash was absolutely perfect tonight. 8/8 from the field, 20 points, 17 assists, only 2 turnovers. Good lord.
The AI rumors are false.  From his own mouth....
What's up everybody? I want all of yall to know that I am very happy here in Istanbul. My family and I are making this our home. The Fans3:21 PM Dec 4th via web
and my Teammates here are great, and we are building good chemisty. 3:22 PM Dec 4th via web
For those of you who care about me, just know that I am very pleased and enjoying this ride! God Bless.3:26 PM Dec 4th via web
The AI rumors are false.  From his own mouth....
What's up everybody? I want all of yall to know that I am very happy here in Istanbul. My family and I are making this our home. The Fans3:21 PM Dec 4th via web
and my Teammates here are great, and we are building good chemisty. 3:22 PM Dec 4th via web
For those of you who care about me, just know that I am very pleased and enjoying this ride! God Bless.3:26 PM Dec 4th via web
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Nash was absolutely perfect tonight. 8/8 from the field, 20 points, 17 assists, only 2 turnovers. Good lord.
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