Originally Posted by JPZx

Well, we knew he was going to be a project. He needs to get minutes or else, yeah, he is going to suck. 
That's part Thabeet and Hollins fault. I don't see Hollins being the right coach for him either. 

I just don't understand how you go from catching the ball at UCONN, to not being able to catch the ball.

If it all comes down to it, I wonder what could OJ and Thabeet get us in terms of a package deal. I'm confident in Henry, he's just 19 yrs old and built like a veteran.
 He reminds me a lot of a Battier in terms of being a poised rookie. Sure he will make his rookie mistakes, but at times he just doesn't look like rookie and moreso a solid veteran that's been in the league a good 6-7 yrs.

I would still prefer to keep OJ over Zbo anyday of the week though whether he comes off the bench or not. I'm also tired of hearing that OJ may be gone because the team has gave money to Conley and Rudy. The media should know by that now that Heisley isn't being cheap anymore and if he believes that a certain guy should be kept long-term, he will give them a contract. That could be good or bad (especially when dealing with Zach).

i dont even like gordon but this year he is clear cut 100% better then OJ

OJ better accept the 6th man role because thats what his NBA career well be. i remember some of you fools on here calling him a baby kobe and future superstar

Gordon has. But, that's what happens when your only 1 of 2 players on the team that can actually score with their current lineup. Its just unfortunate for OJ to be in this situation. He's not just a 6th man either.

You can't go from almost winning ROY and going on 30+ point scoring sprees your rookie year to being a 6th man. The guy has it in him to be just as good or better as a Gordon in a system where he can get the ball. Gordon is taking a good 17-18 shots a game in LA, while OJ is taking 12-13 shots.

I always compared him to a shorter Mitch Ritchmond, never Kobe though.

Originally Posted by JPZx

Throwin this out there...

When a HOF coach in Popovich has two guys with Ring cred (Duncan/Ginobili) double teaming you every possession down the court... you know something's changed.

Dude was playing that game like it was GAME 7 of the NBA finals in NOVEMBER tho.

mavs vs SPURS tonight.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Throwin this out there...

When a HOF coach in Popovich has two guys with Ring cred (Duncan/Ginobili) double teaming you every possession down the court... you know something's changed.

Dude was playing that game like it was GAME 7 of the NBA finals in NOVEMBER tho.

mavs vs SPURS tonight.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Remember he's worse than Eric Gordon
i dont even like gordon but this year he is clear cut 100% better then OJ

OJ better accept the 6th man role because thats what his NBA career well be. i remember some of you fools on here calling him a baby kobe and future superstar

When a HOF coach in Popovich has two guys with Ring cred (Duncan/Ginobili) double teaming you every possession down the court... you know something's changed.


Come on, you have seen OJ perform at a starting guard level in the league before. Don't let the situation that he's in allow you to forget the string of 20, and 30 point games that he's put up in his young career thus far.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Remember he's worse than Eric Gordon
i dont even like gordon but this year he is clear cut 100% better then OJ

OJ better accept the 6th man role because thats what his NBA career well be. i remember some of you fools on here calling him a baby kobe and future superstar

When a HOF coach in Popovich has two guys with Ring cred (Duncan/Ginobili) double teaming you every possession down the court... you know something's changed.


Come on, you have seen OJ perform at a starting guard level in the league before. Don't let the situation that he's in allow you to forget the string of 20, and 30 point games that he's put up in his young career thus far.
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by JPZx

Throwin this out there...

When a HOF coach in Popovich has two guys with Ring cred (Duncan/Ginobili) double teaming you every possession down the court... you know something's changed.

Dude was playing that game like it was GAME 7 of the NBA finals in NOVEMBER tho.

mavs vs SPURS tonight.
Didn't know there was anything wrong with that.
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by JPZx

Throwin this out there...

When a HOF coach in Popovich has two guys with Ring cred (Duncan/Ginobili) double teaming you every possession down the court... you know something's changed.

Dude was playing that game like it was GAME 7 of the NBA finals in NOVEMBER tho.

mavs vs SPURS tonight.
Didn't know there was anything wrong with that.
Its always funny seeing MJ sitting on the bench at Bobcats games.
I keep waiting on him to throw on a uniform and check himself into the game.
Its always funny seeing MJ sitting on the bench at Bobcats games.
I keep waiting on him to throw on a uniform and check himself into the game.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Heat only up 4 at the half at home vs the 6ers? 
Home court means nothing to the Heat
They probably play better on the road against opposing fans
Originally Posted by CP1708

Heat only up 4 at the half at home vs the 6ers? 
Home court means nothing to the Heat
They probably play better on the road against opposing fans
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