Can't say I disagree too much.

Would've liked to have seen Dirk get first team, but Durant over him is fully understandable.

Thought maybe Wade shoulda been first team.

Definitely CP3 above Russ too.
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by PMatic

Third Team


And LOL @ Westbrook being over CP3.
Paul is a better player, but I think Westbrook had a better regular season.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

J.J. Barea broke a cardinal rule in sports yesterday on ESPN's First Take when he was asked whether he'd like his Mavericks to face the Thunder or the Grizzlies in the Western Conference Finals. Namely, that you never—ever, ever, ever!—name the team you'd rather play, no matter how obvious it is. "I think personally, if I have a preference, I would rather play Memphis," he said. "But it really don't matter. As a team, if we keep doing what we're doing and play defense the way we are and scoring the ball, we're going to be fine."

He tried to back off his pick moments later, but it was too late. "I'm just trying to put it out there," he said, "and maybe pick one, but I really don't know." Great. So it sounds like both teams will have something to pin up on the bulletin board now when one of them faces Dallas. Welcome to the spotlight, son. [via ESPN]
JJ Barea is who you're going to put on the bulletin board? Great, thanks, take the pressure off Dirk and JET.

JA gonna be in for a very fun ride if he does indeed face OKC next round.  All that arguin about them before the playoffs. 
  But lil early, Memphis ain't done yet.  Worry about that next week when we know for sure. 

Honestly? I never meant any ill-will towards them. I just didn't see them as true contenders, just as I didn't consider Dallas a true contender either. I said from the beginning if there were teams that were going to come out of the West, it'd be San Antonio or Los Angeles.

I never talked any crap that we'd expose them or anything, definitely not.

All I ever said is that they played a very good game 1 against Denver which lone-ranger itsaboutthattime disagreed on, and I also said that Russell Westbrook has terrible, terrible shot selection and isn't a good shooter.

He'll probably come out roasting and torch us going to the basket if we play them.

It'll be fun, if we go through OKC and then face Miami and we survive? I'll be happy because I'll know that this was no fluke, we faced all adversities, and there wasn't a tougher match-up that we could have had.

Regardless, it's been a good post-season, even if we get ousted next round. Of course I'm hoping that we don't, but have to stay realistic.

It'll be nice having home court again regardless of who we play, winning those first two at home are pivotal. We've yet to lose at home this post-season, so that's something to hang our hats on and grind even harder either this Sunday or next Tuesday.
Originally Posted by PMatic

I think CP3 is better than Westbrook but Westbrook had the better year.
Agreed.  No question who is better but its award about regular season output and Westbrook carried them a lot that first chunk of the year.

Kobe with another $+%@+$## lifetime achievement award
.  Wade needs to slap dude when he sees him for taking his spot on the All-NBA and All-D team.  I would have also put Dirk over Durant but that could go either way
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by PMatic

Third Team

Good for him, definitely deserved it.
What other shooting guards were there besides Manu??

Edit: Monta Ellis maybe? But the Spurs did have an unbelievable regular season
Originally Posted by JDiddy

That court he plays on is my local court.  He lives in my neighborhood in the summer, seen him twice before, once in the park across the street from my house with his kids and the other time skateboarding. I've always wanted to go shoot around with him but I've heard he wakes up at like 5 in the morning to go shoot before everybody is out so that isn't happening.
I went to the soccer tourney he had though last summer, pretty funny to see some of these NBA guys playing soccer. Nash is just a cool *%% dude though
BC and Bud I just D-ride in basketball. But Nash is who I worship in life
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

ESPN is reporting that the Lakers have Rick Adelman on their radar. Rather puzzling.

Kobe wants Brian Shaw...I don't see how he's not the next coach.

Westbrook > Paul for this last regular season
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

BC and Bud I just D-ride in basketball. But Nash is who I worship in life
I know it was tongue in cheek. But I still lol'd a bit at your blatant "d-ride" and "worship".

- Russ definitely deserves that spot over CP3 imo.

- Co-sign amp1 on Wade needing to slap Snake twice this year.
It's a what have you done for me lately thing with Russ and CP3. CP3 did have a subpar season but he was great in the postseason and more ppl focus on Russ' 30 fga games causing the Thunder to lose.
Does anyone else find the talking ball/MJ commercial really uncomfortable? The one when MJ was crying after winning the championship on Father's Day in '96? The other talking ball commercials are corny but the Jordan one is just really awkward.
Originally Posted by JD617

Does anyone else find the talking ball/MJ commercial really uncomfortable? The one when MJ was crying after winning the championship on Father's Day in '96? The other talking ball commercials are corny but the Jordan one is just really awkward.

Yeah I thought it was weird too.

I understand the sentiment behind it, but using the talking ball gimmick to talk about something emotional like that is a bit offputting.
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