McHale is a clown Celtics will go back to irrelevancy for the next 15 yrs. Only reason they were back at all is cause he gifted KG for a bag of peanuts while he was still GM.

And before anyone brings up the Pau trade, the Logo wasn't running MEM and Marc has actually turned out to be a pretty damn good player.
Losing = Losing. 

Lose by 1 in OT in a game 7, or lose by 30 4 times in a sweep = LOSING.

Win 2 titles and lose like a punk >>>>>>> win 1 title and lose "like a champ" 

The OG big 3 with that one, lone ring. 


But yeah, they lost better than us.  Congrats 

And if we come back next year, then what McHale/Boston fans? 
The aftermath of that Heat-Celtics thread. So predictable.

I'm guessing it was like that all series? I only lurked the last three or four pages.
^ Not really. Just blew up once the Heat won. Would have been the same way if the Celtics would have won, just flipped. Instead of having a ton of Kobe stans/Heat haters discrediting the Heat, and Heat fans/LeBron stans playing 'defense attorney', if the Celtics won, it would have been a ton of Kobe stans/Heat haters talking about 'I told you so', and Heat fans/LeBron stans discrediting Kobe/the Lakers/the Celtics.

And the same will hold true if it ends up being Bulls/Heat.
J.J. Barea broke a cardinal rule in sports yesterday on ESPN's First Take when he was asked whether he'd like his Mavericks to face the Thunder or the Grizzlies in the Western Conference Finals. Namely, that you never—ever, ever, ever!—name the team you'd rather play, no matter how obvious it is. "I think personally, if I have a preference, I would rather play Memphis," he said. "But it really don't matter. As a team, if we keep doing what we're doing and play defense the way we are and scoring the ball, we're going to be fine."

He tried to back off his pick moments later, but it was too late. "I'm just trying to put it out there," he said, "and maybe pick one, but I really don't know." Great. So it sounds like both teams will have something to pin up on the bulletin board now when one of them faces Dallas. Welcome to the spotlight, son. [via ESPN]
No need to bring up the past cuz we talking about right now. I get the point they lost but injuries almost in every player, Shaq basically done, the lost of Perk, the bench going existent they still faught in basically every game and did not give up or let off the court issues get the best of them or decide to start elbowing people and following others purposely. I would be mad too if my team showed no heart in 4 games and got a big deuce dropped on them in the elimination game but at least go out with some sort of effort 
Ehh...I don't buy all that "bulletin board" nonsense.

+#%!*+ are going hoop to their maximum regardless. It's the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

McHale is a clown Celtics will go back to irrelevancy for the next 15 yrs. Only reason they were back at all is cause he gifted KG for a bag of peanuts while he was still GM.

And before anyone brings up the Pau trade, the Logo wasn't running MEM and Marc has actually turned out to be a pretty damn good player.

That part really doesn't matter IMO since the Lakers did win two championships and the Grizz are just now getting the the WCSF's
streethoopkilla wrote:
No need to bring up the past cuz we talking about right now. I get the point they lost but injuries almost in every player, Shaq basically done, the lost of Perk, the bench going existent they still faught in basically every game and did not give up or let off the court issues get the best of them or decide to start elbowing people and following others purposely. I would be mad too if my team showed no heart in 4 games and got a big deuce dropped on them in the elimination game but at least go out with some sort of effort 
Blah blah, I can make excuses for my team too.  Same boat, both lost. 

You're better losers than us.  Congrats.  I guess. 

Not all that surprising really, Boston has had much more practice losing than we have, we don't know how.  *shrugs* 

BTW, to Allen's point on earlier I think I would have penciled them in for two championships. It's extremely unfortunate that Garnett was hurt in 09 and Perk tore his ACL in the Finals last season.

As crummy as Rondo has been for chunks of this season (even w/his injuries) playing through that elbow injury earned him some points in my book.

Stop with these !@@@@@% Westbrook trade scenarios, he's not going anywhere. Not now and not for a few years, if ever. Memphis is making it very hard for KD to get open.
Originally Posted by Proshares

BTW, to Allen's point on earlier I think I would have penciled them in for two championships. It's extremely unfortunate that Garnett was hurt in 09 and Perk tore his ACL in the Finals last season.

As crummy as Rondo has been for chunks of this season (even w/his injuries) playing through that elbow injury earned him some points in my book.

Stop with these !@@@@@% Westbrook trade scenarios, he's not going anywhere. Not now and not for a few years, if ever. Memphis is making it very hard for KD to get open.
QFT I'm sick of these dumb scenarios, they are one win away from reaching the WCF. He's still only 22 and with more experience he will learn not to be a little trigger happy sometimes.
+#%%%%* success, Amar'e made second team. Suck on that CP and Osh.

Spoiler [+]
I joke, I joke.
  Hey, I didn't pick on Amare too much this year I don't think.  I was impressed with the way he handled himself this season.  I honestly didn't expect that from him. 

He's not my favorite player or anything, but I certainly adjusted my view on him a little.  He keeps it up, I'll give him his props in due time. 

Congrats on making the second team for him. 
More reason why L.A. should've been on the All star team and not Duncan.

Doubt those Barea comments will be that big of a thing for either team. He just being a bit selfish cuz he don't wanna chase Westbrook around for 7 games. JKidd definitely won't have that assignment. They match up against OKC better.
Another CBA related article.
Sources: NBA delayed hard cap in offer

The proposal from NBA owners that the NBA Players Association rejected last week called for the implementation of a hard salary cap at a figure lower than the league's current cap, but not until the 2013-14 season, according to sources familiar with the offer.

Sources told this week that the central change made by owners to past collective bargaining proposals called for easing in a more restrictive financial landscape over a three-season cycle as opposed to trying to impose a hard salary ceiling with immediate effect next season.

The league, sources said, regards this as a major concession, since the next two seasons would employ a salary-cap system with luxury-tax penalties not unlike the system currently in place. Teams currently operate with a salary cap of $58 million per franchise, with a dollar-for-dollar luxury tax imposed for every dollar teams spend over the tax threshold of $70.3 million.

Sources said the owners' latest proposal, however, does still call for immediate rollbacks of 15 percent, 20 percent or 25 percent to current contracts depending on salary levels, as part of the league's oft-stated desire to reduce payroll by roughly $800 million leaguewide on an annual basis.

The NBA's ongoing push for such sharp salary reductions, sources said, is what caused the quick rejection from the players' side, with the union also still determined to oppose a hard cap.

The NBA, sources said, likewise hopes to implement even lower salaries for rookies than they currently make based off the league's rookie scale The league also would like to propose new rules that make it hugely advantageous for marquee players to stay with the teams that draft them.

The new rules would grant teams the ability to offer even more years and dollars to a designated "star" player than current rules allow, heeding the clamor from various small-market teams for such a measure after last summer's free-agent defections of LeBron James and Chris Bosh to Miami and the trades that sent Carmelo Anthony to New York and Deron Williams to New Jersey.

An report Wednesday said that teams, under the NBA's proposal, would not be able to unilaterally "tag" a player to be their designated star, as NFL teams can by using their "franchise tag" to prevent one chosen player from becoming a free agent. Under the NBA's proposal rejected by the union last week, teams would only be able to designate one player for preferential contract treatment if the player agreed to it.

Another key wrinkle from the rejected proposal, sources said, called for the ability for each team to shed one contract outright before next season through a one-time amnesty provision that wipes that contract off a team's books -- even though the player must still be paid -- reminiscent of a similar provision in the summer of 2005.

Although the players quickly rejected last week's proposal, sources close to the process have expressed mild optimism about the league's increased willingness to negotiate before the current labor agreement expires June 30.'s Henry Abbott reported Tuesday that Stern and NBPA executive director Billy Hunter have been quietly meeting face-to-face to negotiate on a fairly regular basis. The sides, sources said, met last week in Chicago with staffers from both sides present. The two sides are also set to talk this week in New York.

NBA owners are expected to lock out their players on July 1 if there is no new deal before the June 30 deadline. But against a backdrop of labor strife and ongoing legal action in the NFL, representatives of both the NBA and the players' union have recently softened their public rhetoric.

NBA deputy commissioner Adam Silver said April 15 that the league's goal is "a system in which all 30 teams can compete, and, if they are well-managed, to make a profit. We have never suggested to the union that there's only one way to accomplish that end."

But players' association president Derek Fisher of the Los Angeles Lakers, explaining the union's quick dismissal of the league's latest offer, told last week: "Unfortunately, the proposal is very similar to the proposal the league submitted over a year ago. This last proposal doesn't look close to what we were expecting."

The union has pushed for a revenue deal similar to the current one, with Hunter insisting that a hard salary cap would effectively end guaranteed contracts, which he calls "the lifeblood" of professional basketball.

"We've had that right for years, and it's not something we're trying to give up," Hunter has said.

The league recently announced that, in addition to soaring TV ratings this season, 2010-2011 ticket sales were up roughly one percent. The union contends that the league's recent surge in popularity might have wiped out the losses caused by the recent recession, but league officials say that their overall loss has been reduced only from $340 million last season to $300 million this season, asserting that 22 of the NBA's 30 teams are losing money.

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