God damn man! 

Remembering Vasquez's reaction to being drafted, I love that he's doing well. Great to see.
I'm so jealous bhz is at the game right now. He's like 10 rows behind the Thunder's bench. 
The whole Westbrook and Durant "problems" is being unfairly blamed on Westbrook.

No one denies Westbrook takes dumb shots at times, relies too much on the jumper, and doesn't get Durant the ball enough at times... but we all saw Durant stand there and do nothing on numerous plays... we saw just awful play calls by Brooks, and we saw Durant refuse to go up to Westbrook and demand the ball.

Yet, when he did that in the last overtime, not only did Westbrook give him the ball, but they were successful too. I understand that as the point guard, Russy needs to get the ball to Durant and it shouldn't be KD's job to take it from him... but damn man, if you're going to complain on the sidelines and look all sad... go up to him and TAKE IT OUT OF HIS HANDS, step up and be this team's alpha dog.
OKC gonna need a new pg. 33 fga and 5 assists. Just shift Russy to sg. Clutch shots/plays by him though.

It also seemed Cheeks was doing better coaching on the individuals who needed it than Brooks. I'll assume OKC fans already have some problems with their coach.
i'm glad we won..

but i'm not happy with our coaches (you always foul up 3 with only a couple secs left) and the refs
Originally Posted by Big J 33
i agree to a degree..

durant can be way too passive at times, he can take some horrible shots and he can get sloppy with his dribble at times..

but russ also goes into hero mode wayyyyyyyyyy too often..

to be honest, i thought haden should have gotten the ball more late in this game.. considering the shots he was making, drawing fouls and passes he was making that lead to easy baskets
Originally Posted by PMatic

People wonder why KD needs to get stronger? Because he gets pushed around too often and settles for awful 28 footers.

He was just settling. He definitely could have gotten to the lane but after playing all those minutes it's easy to settle for when you're tired as hell and don't feel like getting beat up going to the hole.

Please drop the "tilted headband covering the horeshoe" look...doggie. You managed to pull it off in your rookie years, but nowadays that #%+# is looking ridiculous, not even those girlie cloth headbands cant save you.


To further illustrate my point.

Random dude sporting headband in a normal fashion.

See the eyebrow-to-headband distance, very close.

LeBron tilt.

Just sayin.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

 No one denies Westbrook takes dumb shots at times, relies too much on the jumper, and doesn't get Durant the ball enough at times... but we all saw Durant stand there and do nothing on numerous plays... we saw just awful play calls by Brooks, and we saw Durant refuse to go up to Westbrook and demand the ball.

go up to him and TAKE IT OUT OF HIS HANDS, step up and be this team's alpha dog.

Disagree with the first statement........ I'm sure KD was just fed up to the point where he just didn't even wanna bother.
Agree with the second statement, this is exactly what KD needs to do when he does get fed up with Lil Russy's act. 

Westbrook reminds me of a young Kobe
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

i agree to a degree..

durant can be way too passive at times, he can take some horrible shots and he can get sloppy with his dribble at times..

but russ also goes into hero mode wayyyyyyyyyy too often..

to be honest, i thought haden should have gotten the ball more late in this game.. considering the shots he was making, drawing fouls and passes he was making that lead to easy baskets
Exactly my point, there's multiple factors to blame, but most people just look at Westbrook being a ball hog. But Durant's too passive and doesn't have the ball handling ability to consistently have the ball the whole possession. The coach fails to make the adjustments and doesn't instruct Harden to handle the ball and initiate the offense... AND Westbrook takes dumb shots and wilds out
I feel like people don't want to criticize Durant because he's so humble and such a nice guy, but then they turn around and bash Westbrook constantly (even though he deserves a share of the blame). Fact is Durant needs to step it up and develop a backbone to demand the ball, then have the skill to handle it and do what he does best and score. I don't doubt his ability to do this consistently someday, but I don't see it right now.

Edit: To combine this "issue" with another prevalent one... just kill two birds with one stone and extend and trade Westbrook with Ibaka or Perkins plus filler for Dwight Howard. OKC gets their big man with an offensive game, Russy gets to be the man on his own team, Orlando gets a young star and a quality big man plus randoms.  Win-win.
Can someone explain to me why Hollins didnt use someone off the bench when Juice had 5 fouls?

Juice would've been huge cause TA wasnt doing !!!+ on offense.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Edit: To combine this "issue" with another prevalent one... just kill two birds with one stone and extend and trade Westbrook with Ibaka or Perkins plus filler for Dwight Howard. OKC gets their big man with an offensive game, Russy gets to be the man on his own team, Orlando gets a young star and a quality big man plus randoms.  Win-win.

i said this couple times.. but basically how i see a trade working (obviously it only works if howard extends in OKC.. and our cap space goes back down once collison's frontloaded extension goes down from 13 mil to 3 mil):

westbrook + perk + nate (expiring contract) + mullens + ivey (expiring contract) + thabo or cook + 2 first round picks

for d12 and turk (duhon could be thrown in as well.. give us someone to backup PG and SG)

- magic can then turn around and trade jameer for something

- we get a number 2 who's happy being number 2

- we block any other team in the west from getting him

- we have a starting lineup of: maynor, harden, KD, ibaka and howard

- bench of: thabo or cook, collison and aldrich
Man the Inside the NBA crew didn't have to do Kenny like that. 
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