Damn, I'm glad I didn't get into this one.
A healthy 2005 Suns against a healthy 2002 Kings? That is a TOUGH one to pick CP. Remember how much of a beast Amar'e was that year? Or how nothing got past Marion on the boards or on defense? Put Bibby on Nash? Joe Johnson shooting lights out from the 3 point line. That's a real close one. They were still about middle of the pack in defensive rating too.

The Blazers would have beaten those Mavs IMO but NVE would have been a load to handle in that series.
Originally Posted by Proshares

A healthy 2005 Suns against a healthy 2002 Kings? That is a TOUGH one to pick CP. Remember how much of a beast Amar'e was that year? Or how nothing got past Marion on the boards or on defense? Put Bibby on Nash? Joe Johnson shooting lights out from the 3 point line. That's a real close one. They were still about middle of the pack in defensive rating too.

The Blazers would have beaten those Mavs IMO but NVE would have been a load to handle in that series.
Really?  You and Amp both huh?  You guys think higher of the Suns then I do.  I would have loved to see Webber and Amare flop off of each other as well.  That woulda been great. 
  But the Kings could play at least a little defense (I said little)  The Suns?  Eh, I know Osh thinks they are the 04 Pistons or whatever Hollinger told him once, but they couldn't stop a girls team from scoring.  I think that Kings offense against that defense woulda been ugly.  May not have been any rebounds to collect for Marion. 

And Nick was ALWAYS a problem to stop. 
  He was JR Smith lite tho, he loved those 32 footers, and that wasn't always the best shot to take ya know? 
  Then again, I'm damn sure that Sheed could have tried to match those 32 footers as well......

The Bibby on Nash thing though, that's kinda my beef with Steve.  He could kill Bibby, sure, but he never shoots.  He always tryna set up other guys, but if dude is 50/40/90, SHOULDN'T he shoot more? 
  And if he is goin against Bibby, he should shoot 20+ times just cuz, but that's not the way he plays his game, even vs poor defenders.  That always has bothered me about Nash.  Paul had the good sense to shoot vs Fish as much as he could, but in the other 4 games, he seemed to pull off the trigger a little bit.  But when you have an edge like that, you have to make a team pay, I have never thought Nash does that even when he has the advantage on a guy. 

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Oh and the Nash thing, I meant he wasn't "considered" who he is today, back then.  When he was in Dallas, he wasn't hyped much.  Flashy, fun to watch, but he wasn't a franchise cornerstone type guy at the time, that's why Dallas let him go.  Maybe things would have turned out different if he had stayed in Dallas with Dirk, I dunno. 
I'm getting time-lines confused now.
. we're talkin about 03-07 with him, right?

He got Phoenix in 04 and started playing his best ball and won the 2 MVP's before 2007. I'd say during that stretch he was considered to be at his best.

 Same here.  Ok, 03 with Dirk, they weren't a title team imo. 

05 was the Joe Johnson year he was out, he died or something.  I forget what Zo used to cry about. 

07 was their best shot, that was the Horry hip check. 

So he was MVP 05 then?  So I guess he was a solid player for them to knock off, but the Suns had excuses each time.  (imagine that

So if the Spurs best knockoffs were Steve Nash.......uhhh. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

also.. what years was duncan hurt again? (because some ppl are conveniently saying things.. and/or conveniently forgetting things)

Duncan was hurt in 00, and please notice how I have not brought up the 2000 Spurs one single time.  I'm not forgetting a damn thing. 
that was the only time he was hurt?
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

also.. what years was duncan hurt again? (because some ppl are conveniently saying things.. and/or conveniently forgetting things)

Duncan was hurt in 00, and please notice how I have not brought up the 2000 Spurs one single time.  I'm not forgetting a damn thing. 
that was the only time he was hurt?

The only year I remember.  Is there another one? 
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

also.. what years was duncan hurt again? (because some ppl are conveniently saying things.. and/or conveniently forgetting things)
2000 when he hurt his ankle (Spurs loss to the Suns, who loss to the Lakers).

He dealed with plantar fasciitis back in 2005-2006 too. Then he hurt his ankle late this season and the Spurs were never the same.
Would have been ugly for Sactown too
not saying the Suns would win outright but that is a tough series for both teams. I think JJ's shooting would be an X factor along with Divac/Miller drawing Marion in and passing out from the post.

I definitely agree on Nash but remember, at that time he still had to get shots for 3 other all star players. Sure, he could blow by Bibby w/ease but would he rather go against Divac/Miller/Webber for a lay-up or kick out to an open JJ/Jim Jackson/Barbosa or Amar'e in the lane?

@ JJ dying.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Would have been ugly for Sactown too
not saying the Suns would win outright but that is a tough series for both teams. I think JJ's shooting would be an X factor along with Divac/Miller drawing Marion in and passing out from the post.

I dunno......
I could see Divac (Miller wasn't a King until 2003) pulling his old man game and running circles (figuratively speaking) while running the offense thru the high post all over Amar'e.

Webber posting up Marion? I mean Marion is a great defender, but I still think Webb would have had his way.

Christie could possibley contain a young Joe Johnson.

Bibby and Nash, 1 on 1 at the time were somewhat even.

The X-Factors would have been:

Q-Rich, Barbosa, Jim Jackson.

Bobby Jackson, Hedo

The Kings maturity and veternship would have prevailed IMO. But the Kings suck and everyone hates Sacramento, so the Suns win here.
Suns better than the Kings.

Why bother tho, both teams couldn't get it done so pretty pointless discussing who should be ranked #2 in the West.

Props to Blake.

Fields hit the wall hard after the Melo trade.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Proshares

Would have been ugly for Sactown too
not saying the Suns would win outright but that is a tough series for both teams. I think JJ's shooting would be an X factor along with Divac/Miller drawing Marion in and passing out from the post.

I dunno......
I could see Divac (Miller wasn't a King until 2003) pulling his old man game and running circles (figuratively speaking) while running the offense thru the high post all over Amar'e.

Webber posting up Marion? I mean Marion is a great defender, but I still think Webb would have had his way.

Christie could possibley contain a young Joe Johnson.

Bibby and Nash, 1 on 1 at the time were somewhat even.

The X-Factors would have been:

Q-Rich, Barbosa, Jim Jackson.

Bobby Jackson, Hedo

The Kings maturity and veternship would have prevailed IMO. But the Kings suck and everyone hates Sacramento, so the Suns win here.
Keon Clark ftw.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

wheres the gif of them laker fans praying lol thats wat we need for the game tonight

check your PM bro
Originally Posted by Proshares

I. Am. Not. Saying. The. Suns. Were. Better. Just. That. It. Would. Be. A. Tough. Series.

I misinterpreted "It would be ugly for Sactown" as in the Kings would have been blown out

Keon Clark wasn't on the Kings till the following 02-03 season.
He was hilarious on the Kings
It would have been ugly for the Kings if they actually tried to out-gun the Suns tho. Good thing they actually could run a half court offense in the playoffs. Not having the worst team defense helps too.

too much flopping goin on in the nba. u got 7 footers trying to take a charge on 6'2'' guards. what ever happened to playing real defense and trying to block shots??? when did stepping in front of somebody and falling to the ground or undercutting someone become good defense??? someone is gonna get hurt one of these days. then i see players falling down without even being touched or barely being touched and getting fouls called. the nba is getting soft, there needs to be some rule changes to stop all of this flopping, its ruining the league...
Went out to eat and its still going on? 

Keon Clark was the king of those "throw in" dunks. 
 I promise he never touched the rim on any of his dunks, he just threw the ball in the basket. 

What do people think about that shooting motion move that wing players do (when the defender hand is out and the offensive player goes under the defender's arm to force a 2 or 3 shot foul) ? Durant has done it in both games against Memphis and its a little worse than the pump fake to get the defender in air call. 

If trend holds from past playoff series, 2 out of the 3 teams that lost at home should lose the series. Not saying its going to happen, but thats if trend holds. So, that would obviously be between the Bulls, Lakers and Thunder. 
I can't blame the offensive players for using those tactics. Defenders just gotta smarten up. Especially on Durant and Kobe. Stars will get that call. Defenders falling for that Wade pump fake is worse tho. Blocking a jump shot is not easy.
Originally Posted by OutLaw2j

too much flopping goin on in the nba. u got 7 footers trying to take a charge on 6'2'' guards. what ever happened to playing real defense and trying to block shots??? when did stepping in front of somebody and falling to the ground or undercutting someone become good defense??? someone is gonna get hurt one of these days. then i see players falling down without even being touched or barely being touched and getting fouls called. the nba is getting soft, there needs to be some rule changes to stop all of this flopping, its ruining the league...


i'm pretty sure that the NBA is making more money and having better ratings than ever before. Profit is al they care about. nothing will change. Just gotta get used to it or pick another sports to truly love.

they won't fix the flopping and good, impartial referees are not walking through that door

BZH that is the most annoying move in the league besides fopping. It infuriates me. But it isn't new. reggie miller used to do that.

I don't the moves players make when they have no intention of making a basket. just getting a whistle
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

I can't blame the offensive players for using those tactics. Defenders just gotta smarten up. Especially on Durant and Kobe. Stars will get that call. Defenders falling for that Wade pump fake is worse tho. Blocking a jump shot is not easy.

I think if the offensive player ACTUALLY gets the ball up for a shot it should be called. The same thing goes for the ball fake move. I've seen at times where the guy doesn't even get the shot off and they still give them FT's. But, when a player know a team is trying to foul late in a game and shoot from halfcourt, the refs don't give them 3 shots at the line. 
I knew some nonsense was going on in here for the thread to jump so many pages during the day
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