[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

But if you Phillie fans saw that in a NY paper youd @@@# yourselves before you came on here to complain
Naw fam don't speak for me cause stuff like this don't mean you know to me. I'm worried about them getting to game 6 and I'm pretty sure most pro's don't need or care about junk like this either.

You should read your %#*% before you post it. #1 It doesnt even make sense #2 im sure these pro's you speak of had a few things to say about that being published in the Philly paper I can promise you that.
That's ridiculous how do pro players have any say on a Macy's ad?

Companies and all types of publishing have ads completed for both teams once the World Series begins. The clothing is already made as well.

By having something to say I meant that the Yankee players im sure saw it and were not pleasantly surprised by seeing it. Not that pro players have any say on a newspaper.

And AI Fan I thought I told you to stop worrying about me. 10 people can come in here and say the same thing I do but when I say it you always got to come in and make a comment.

I understand the shirts are made but your trying to tell me they print all the ad's when they are down 3-1 and then a Yankee fan at the Philadelphia Inquirer hit a magic button that surpassed being approved and made it to full publishing by accident?? It doesnt make any sense I dont look to argue people just make stupid points.

And AI FAn im tired of trying to be cool with you and you keep my name in your mouth. %%*! you

Stilln your point didnt even make any sense. Newspapers dont make that kind of "mistake" And in any other sport its bulletin material go ahead and think the Yankees dont know the main paper in philly is already giving them back to backs.
google ad mistakes in newspaper and I bet you come back with thousands

why would they even do that knowing we were down 3-1...your point is so invalid and if it takes a newspaper mistake to make you more focused in a World Series than you are already played a round of golf this morning

the Yankees nor the Phillies need any irrelevant motivation such as a misprinted Macy's ad

Did your google search didnt find anything how about you do it and tell me what you find.
at the fact that dudes actually think this kind of $$*@ just happens and LMAOthat these guys take what I say and make it to what they want. I didnt say we needed the motivation I said that SOMEONE in that clubhouse saw it and was like" oh back to back huh ok" thats it. its an expensive mistake that they immediately issued an apologize for.

Anyway ill be so glad when we win tonight all you bums can go back to your modern warfare 2 threads cause its 09 you off that but you still in the 09 baseballthreads.
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

But if you Phillie fans saw that in a NY paper youd @@@# yourselves before you came on here to complain
Naw fam don't speak for me cause stuff like this don't mean you know to me. I'm worried about them getting to game 6 and I'm pretty sure most pro's don't need or care about junk like this either.

You should read your %#*% before you post it. #1 It doesnt even make sense #2 im sure these pro's you speak of had a few things to say about that being published in the Philly paper I can promise you that.
That's ridiculous how do pro players have any say on a Macy's ad?

Companies and all types of publishing have ads completed for both teams once the World Series begins. The clothing is already made as well.

By having something to say I meant that the Yankee players im sure saw it and were not pleasantly surprised by seeing it. Not that pro players have any say on a newspaper.

And AI Fan I thought I told you to stop worrying about me. 10 people can come in here and say the same thing I do but when I say it you always got to come in and make a comment.

I understand the shirts are made but your trying to tell me they print all the ad's when they are down 3-1 and then a Yankee fan at the Philadelphia Inquirer hit a magic button that surpassed being approved and made it to full publishing by accident?? It doesnt make any sense I dont look to argue people just make stupid points.

And AI FAn im tired of trying to be cool with you and you keep my name in your mouth. %%*! you

Stilln your point didnt even make any sense. Newspapers dont make that kind of "mistake" And in any other sport its bulletin material go ahead and think the Yankees dont know the main paper in philly is already giving them back to backs.
google ad mistakes in newspaper and I bet you come back with thousands

why would they even do that knowing we were down 3-1...your point is so invalid and if it takes a newspaper mistake to make you more focused in a World Series than you are already played a round of golf this morning

the Yankees nor the Phillies need any irrelevant motivation such as a misprinted Macy's ad

Did your google search didnt find anything how about you do it and tell me what you find.
at the fact that dudes actually think this kind of $$*@ just happens and LMAO that these guys take what I say and make it to what they want. I didnt say we needed the motivation I said that SOMEONE in that clubhouse saw it and was like " oh back to back huh ok" thats it. its an expensive mistake that they immediately issued an apologize for.

Anyway ill be so glad when we win tonight all you bums can go back to your modern warfare 2 threads cause its 09 you off that but you still in the 09 baseball threads.

Modern Warfare 2? what the hell are you even talkin about? you do just wanna argue
Modern Warfare 2? what the hell are you even talkin about? you do just wanna argue

You came at me trying to refute my point cuz, so when I counter your points dont come on here actin like you didnt say ##@! and im just arguing for the sakeof doing so. I came on here and was the first one to break the fact that the newspaper was even printed, from that people took it and ran with it. Alot of youmf;s would benefit from doing that thing they call reading a few pages back before you talk out of your $$!.

Sorry not MOdern Warfare for you, im sure they are looking for your input on the new Jay Sean album you @!%%*+
Why everytime I check in here the assassin dude on a rampage?

I can't even figure out what he yellin about.
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

i think AIF just got "Assassinated"

Hes taking things way too seriously in here. And if he noticed I have refrained from quoting him anymore because the verbal diarrhea hes got going on wouldgive me the post limit every day. He has officially passed over the celticshalfshell line, I think we would all have to agree.

Im actually pretty pumped that I have infuriated someone on the internet to the point where he doesnt even argue back. Just Str8 #@$% YOU and thats it. Inever wanted to be cool with you son. I just called off the dogs on our arguement because I wasnt trying to get banned over some BS. I still think you are abandwagon fan and you are only talking big when "your team" is winning. Your posts no long contain coherient sentences and you have overtayed yourwelcome with the Real Yankee fans on this board. Please do us all a favor and go back to the Jordan Forum where people ask about the release date of the SpaceJams 4 million times a day. That conversation seems more up to speed with your thougth process. PSHHHHHHHHHH your done trying to be cool with me. This guy

I will make it a point tonight to reach my post limit in this thread once again just to piss you off even more. Have a good day sir. And maybe try getting alittle more sleep at night. You seem a little cranky. Maybe mommy needs to pour you a warm glass of milk before bed or something
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

I came on here and was the first one to break the fact that the newspaper was even printed, from that people took it and ran with it. Alot of you mf;s would benefit from doing that thing they call reading a few pages back before you talk out of your @#%.
@ YOU saying this...

You on pg. 217...
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Now the Philadelohia Inquirer published "Congratulations Phillies on Back to Back Championships" So whens the parade? down 3-2 and now this I hope A rod and Jete see that in their sleep
4wrestling on pg. 187...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Surprised no one posted this. This ad ran in today's Philadelphia Inquirer.


So dudes been readin' it...but guess what? No one cared enough to throw a rampage over the internet and havesome nonsense argument about it.
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Alot of you mf;s would benefit from doing that thing they call reading a few pages back before you talk out of your $$!.
The irony...

Practice what you preach, dumb +*$.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

i think AIF just got "Assassinated"

Hes taking things way too seriously in here. And if he noticed I have refrained from quoting him anymore because the verbal diarrhea hes got going on would give me the post limit every day. He has officially passed over the celticshalfshell line, I think we would all have to agree.

Im actually pretty pumped that I have infuriated someone on the internet to the point where he doesnt even argue back. Just Str8 #@$% YOU and thats it. I never wanted to be cool with you son. I just called off the dogs on our arguement because I wasnt trying to get banned over some BS. I still think you are a bandwagon fan and you are only talking big when "your team" is winning. Your posts no long contain coherient sentences and you have overtayed your welcome with the Real Yankee fans on this board. Please do us all a favor and go back to the Jordan Forum where people ask about the release date of the Space Jams 4 million times a day. That conversation seems more up to speed with your thougth process. PSHHHHHHHHHH your done trying to be cool with me. This guy

I will make it a point tonight to reach my post limit in this thread once again just to piss you off even more. Have a good day sir. And maybe try getting a little more sleep at night. You seem a little cranky. Maybe mommy needs to pour you a warm glass of milk before bed or something

You havent refrained from anything everytime I say something your the first one to come in and say something to refute my points. its almost sad that I havethat much attention from you. Do you work, have a girlfriend? If not you should get one of the two and stop worrying about another man. Funniest thing is youthink im mad
and your trying oh so hard to do so.

Why would I care what the Red Sox fan has to say about my "welcome" on a public forum with your approved Yankee fans, its hilarious. I dont care whatthey or you think. Instead of calling me out you would come in and make your little childish comments that your own butt buddies called you out on to which yousaid "your right that was childish" Grow some balls. I dont lose sleep if the "yankee fans" think I overstayed my welcome what does thateven mean.

If you could read you would see my posts are far from uneducated and "diarrhea"

Called off the dogs
So you kept your NikeTalk gang from jumping out to fight just in time

And "coherient" is actually

Main Entry: co·her·ent [img]http://cheetah.eb.com/images/audio.gif[/img]
Pronunciation: -&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French cohérent, from Latin cohaerent-, cohaerens, present participle of cohaerEre
1 a : logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated : [size=-1]CONSISTENT[/size] <coherent style> <a coherentargument> b : having clarity or intelligibility : [size=-1]UNDERSTANDABLE[/size] <a coherent person> <a coherentpassage>

Just to keep you up to speed. You can get to your post count and ill still be sitting here
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent13

Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

I came on here and was the first one to break the fact that the newspaper was even printed, from that people took it and ran with it. Alot of you mf;s would benefit from doing that thing they call reading a few pages back before you talk out of your @#%.
@ YOU saying this...

You on pg. 217...
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Now the Philadelohia Inquirer published "Congratulations Phillies on Back to Back Championships" So whens the parade? down 3-2 and now this I hope A rod and Jete see that in their sleep
4wrestling on pg. 187...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Surprised no one posted this. This ad ran in today's Philadelphia Inquirer.


So dudes been readin' it...but guess what? No one cared enough to throw a rampage over the internet and have some nonsense argument about it.
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Alot of you mf;s would benefit from doing that thing they call reading a few pages back before you talk out of your $$!.
The irony...

Practice what you preach, dumb +*$.

Rampage how do you call what I wrote a rampage yall dont even make sense. I wrote it and cats turned it into a rampage #$%%$ boy
Wat the hell is going on in here...?

Well anyways.. cant wait for the game tonight!

Hopefully "The Big Game Pitcher" Andy shows up
ignoring the moron

Keys for the Phillies: Ryan Howard needs to wake up in a big way, have to work counts and make Pettitte throw a lot of pitches, J Roll and Vic need to get onebase so they can't pitch around Chase
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01


Wow musta missed it while I was switching back and forth with MNF. Thats terrible. How do you "Let that Slip".

How you say the same thing im saying but want to argue this a few pages later. How much sense does that make. And then cats say im just arguing.
Nice of you to ignore everything else I posted and only focus on that. Regardless, you said you were the first one who posted it...WHICH IS WRONG. You said people would "benefit from doing that thing they call reading a fewpages back before they talk out of their @#$"...when that !#%+ applies to YOU since YOU didn't bother readingthe pages to see if it was already posted.

Who's talking out of their @#$ now?

But yeah...

Let's Go YAN-KEES *clap, clap, clap clap clap*
tonights the night


and btw, TheAssassin23 , u making my teeth itch. forget how to type for awhile ...........
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent13

Nice of you to ignore everything else I posted and only focus on that. Regardless, you said you were the first one who posted it...WHICH IS WRONG. You said people would "benefit from doing that thing they call reading a few pages back before they talk out of their @#$"...when that !#%+ applies to YOU since YOU didn't bother reading the pages to see if it was already posted.

Who's talking out of their @#$ now?

But yeah...

Let's Go YAN-KEES *clap, clap, clap clap clap*

Yes it was posted during game 5 and no one responded I wrote it again and cats start asking where I saw it from and that would be funny if you had a source soOBVIOUSLY I wasnt the only one. The reading is directed to saying im just here to argue ##$*. I brought that point up no problems this guy Stilln comes in tosay that its pointless, it wasnt a mistake it doesnt matter and professional players dont give a ##$* about this. Thats what "bulletin boardmaterial" is. They talked about Rivera talking to the media about Jimmy Rollins saying they would win it in 5. He responded you dont think they talk aboutit? Are yall serious

Whatever yalls internet problem is get over it. I aint going nowhere
Originally Posted by onewearz

tonights the night


and btw, TheAssassin23 , u making my teeth itch. forget how to type for awhile ...........

Dont worry about me you dont like it +!%@**# skip it

Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I would love to see some of yall in real life I swear that would be the funniest thing ever talking all
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

How you same the same thing im saying but want to argue this a few pages later. How much sense does that make. And then cats say im just arguing.

reading is fun!
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