[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

Originally Posted by bkmac

Interesting. Kim Jones just asked Burnett if he thinks he would be able to pitch if called upon in Game 6 and/or 7.

- Do you think Girardi would let him pitch in Game 6? (Game 7, everyone pitches).
- If so, would you want him to?

Yo, Coke is TIGHT with himself
. YES just showed his post game comments, he had the
talking to everyone. Reporter mentioned how we are headed back to the Bronx, with the DH we'll have our regular lineup. Coke went on to say in the most stern tone "I want the ball tomorrow". (Granted, we aren't playing tomorrow
, you get the point).

Imagine a Coke fistpump...dude would Hulk Smash the mound.
Coke isn't touching the ball again until Spring Training.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

yea i definitely think when Girardi needs a lefty out late in this game, Marte gets the shot
there's no doubt i'll hire a sniper if Girardi puts Coke on the mound
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

But if you Phillie fans saw that in a NY paper youd @@@# yourselves before you came on here to complain
Naw fam don't speak for me cause stuff like this don't mean you know to me. I'm worried about them getting to game 6 and I'm pretty sure most pro's don't need or care about junk like this either.

You should read your %#*% before you post it. #1 It doesnt even make sense #2 im sure these pro's you speak of had a few things to say about that being published in the Philly paper I can promise you that.

That's ridiculous how do pro players have any say on a Macy's ad?

Companies and all types of publishing have ads completed for both teams once the World Series begins. The clothing is already made as well.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

But if you Phillie fans saw that in a NY paper youd @@@# yourselves before you came on here to complain
Naw fam don't speak for me cause stuff like this don't mean you know to me. I'm worried about them getting to game 6 and I'm pretty sure most pro's don't need or care about junk like this either.

You should read your %#*% before you post it. #1 It doesnt even make sense #2 im sure these pro's you speak of had a few things to say about that being published in the Philly paper I can promise you that.
That's ridiculous how do pro players have any say on a Macy's ad?

Companies and all types of publishing have ads completed for both teams once the World Series begins. The clothing is already made as well.

Ive come to the conclusion that he just enjoys arguing.

But like you said all this is already printed/made up before the series started. It is just a matter of someone leaking it. Maybe even a Yankees fan at thePhilly paper who just felt like being funny. Either way you gotta try not to let that stuff slip because it makes your paper look unreputable (is that a word?)

Either way just as an example. Kids in 3rd world countries still think the Patriots had a perfect season.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by onewearz

say what u want about mccarver but the dude knows his stuff, best analyst in the game. flame suit on


maybe it's cuz your the same age as him or something. But even then whaaaaaa???? how can you be the best when you aren't objective and say irrelevant !%@*

Seriously, if I have to hear about the spiked curveball one more time. Or listen to him tell me what pitch is going to be thrown and be wrong 75% of the time. Arrrrrrrrg. So annoying.

I think he's old and senile. He thinks he's cute and funny, but he's just beyond annoying. He's like that nerd in class who knows everything,but just keeps interjecting with stupid comments that makes you want to punch him in the face.
You should read your %#*% before you post it. #1 It doesnt even make sense #2 im sure these pro's you speak of had a few things to say about that being published in the Philly paper I can promise you that.
It makes sense but you were being emotional and/or stupid. To be nice I'll say emotional and just for you I'll put the wording more clearwhere you can understand it.

Naw fam don't speak for me cause stuff like that don't sh%^ to me. I'm worried about them (The Phils) getting to game 6 (and 7 now) and I'mpretty sure most pro's don't need or care about junk like this either. Hopefully you can understand this better and don't be so emotional cause inthe end its just a game good sir. Now lets have a good game tonight with hopefully the Phils winning for me and the other Phillies fans and vice versa for NYfans.
Games gonna be crazy tonight. I think the pitching advantage goes to us with Pedro on full rest and Pettite only on three days. We should be able to hitPettite but you never know. He does have a reputation as a big game pitcher for a reason. Cannot wait for the game to start, I am so nervous.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

You should read your %#*% before you post it. #1 It doesnt even make sense #2 im sure these pro's you speak of had a few things to say about that being published in the Philly paper I can promise you that.
It makes sense but you were being emotional and/or stupid. To be nice I'll say emotional and just for you I'll put the wording more clear where you can understand it.

Naw fam don't speak for me cause stuff like that don't sh%^ to me. I'm worried about them (The Phils) getting to game 6 (and 7 now) and I'm pretty sure most pro's don't need or care about junk like this either. Hopefully you can understand this better and don't be so emotional cause in the end its just a game good sir. Now lets have a good game tonight with hopefully the Phils winning for me and the other Phillies fans and vice versa for NY fans.

you can be nice and say emotional, I'm going to take the low road and say...STUPID
Can't wait for the game tonight.....I think if we score early it will allow Pettitte to settle down and be calm....Lets get some runs on the board early

they have to finish it tonight, IMO if Pettitte can give us 5 2/3 innings or 6 with only 2 or 3 runs vs Pedro the Yankees should win. Tex and Cano have to wakeup, plain and simple
Compare how well the Yankees did with Cliff Lee in game 5 as compared to game 1, and i think you'll see a similar trend against Pedro.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

But if you Phillie fans saw that in a NY paper youd @@@# yourselves before you came on here to complain
Naw fam don't speak for me cause stuff like this don't mean you know to me. I'm worried about them getting to game 6 and I'm pretty sure most pro's don't need or care about junk like this either.

You should read your %#*% before you post it. #1 It doesnt even make sense #2 im sure these pro's you speak of had a few things to say about that being published in the Philly paper I can promise you that.
That's ridiculous how do pro players have any say on a Macy's ad?

Companies and all types of publishing have ads completed for both teams once the World Series begins. The clothing is already made as well.

By having something to say I meant that the Yankee players im sure saw it and were not pleasantly surprised by seeing it. Not that pro players have any say ona newspaper.

And AI Fan I thought I told you to stop worrying about me. 10 people can come in here and say the same thing I do but when I say it you always got to come inand make a comment.

I understand the shirts are made but your trying to tell me they print all the ad's when they are down 3-1 and then a Yankee fan at the PhiladelphiaInquirer hit a magic button that surpassed being approved and made it to full publishing by accident?? It doesnt make any sense I dont look to argue peoplejust make stupid points.

And AI FAn im tired of trying to be cool with you and you keep my name in your mouth. %%*! you

Stilln your point didnt even make any sense. Newspapers dont make that kind of "mistake" And in any other sport its bulletin material go ahead andthink the Yankees dont know the main paper in philly is already giving them back to backs.
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Compare how well the Yankees did with Cliff Lee in game 5 as compared to game 1, and i think you'll see a similar trend against Pedro.

goes both ways though
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

But if you Phillie fans saw that in a NY paper youd @@@# yourselves before you came on here to complain
Naw fam don't speak for me cause stuff like this don't mean you know to me. I'm worried about them getting to game 6 and I'm pretty sure most pro's don't need or care about junk like this either.

You should read your %#*% before you post it. #1 It doesnt even make sense #2 im sure these pro's you speak of had a few things to say about that being published in the Philly paper I can promise you that.
That's ridiculous how do pro players have any say on a Macy's ad?

Companies and all types of publishing have ads completed for both teams once the World Series begins. The clothing is already made as well.

By having something to say I meant that the Yankee players im sure saw it and were not pleasantly surprised by seeing it. Not that pro players have any say on a newspaper.

And AI Fan I thought I told you to stop worrying about me. 10 people can come in here and say the same thing I do but when I say it you always got to come in and make a comment.

I understand the shirts are made but your trying to tell me they print all the ad's when they are down 3-1 and then a Yankee fan at the Philadelphia Inquirer hit a magic button that surpassed being approved and made it to full publishing by accident?? It doesnt make any sense I dont look to argue people just make stupid points.

And AI FAn im tired of trying to be cool with you and you keep my name in your mouth. %%*! you

Stilln your point didnt even make any sense. Newspapers dont make that kind of "mistake" And in any other sport its bulletin material go ahead and think the Yankees dont know the main paper in philly is already giving them back to backs.

google ad mistakes in newspaper and I bet you come back with thousands

why would they even do that knowing we were down 3-1...your point is so invalid and if it takes a newspaper mistake to make you more focused in a World Seriesthan you are already played a round of golf this morning

the Yankees nor the Phillies need any irrelevant motivation such as a misprinted Macy's ad
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

i think AIF just got "Assassinated"

Rolli I got you with that $5 soon...

If we have a 1-3 run lead in the 8th, I'd be SHOCKED if we don't see Mo going for a 2 inning save. Only way he's not there in that scenario is ifUtley and Howard are starting off the inning and Girardi wants Marte in to face them...and then he brings in Mariano for Werth.
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent13

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

i think AIF just got "Assassinated"

Rolli I got you with that $5 soon...

If we have a 1-3 run lead in the 8th, I'd be SHOCKED if we don't see Mo going for a 2 inning save. Only way he's not there in that scenario is if Utley and Howard are starting off the inning and Girardi wants Marte in to face them...and then he brings in Mariano for Werth.
Agreed....if we got that lead in the 8th..It's all Mo
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