Official 2009 Niketalk Secret Santa - Pictures Coming Now, Pg. 11..

im pretty sure i emailed saying i was down and havent heard anything yet,for example i didnt get the survey... OP am i good?
I'm in for it. I'm actually kind of excited
I have 15 surveys back so far... that means 15 of you are officially signed up for this guys. It also means there's another 20 surveys or so out therestill.

If you've emailed me and I haven't sent a survey out to you yet, shoot me a PM - i've returned every email I got so far, but there's always thechance I missed yours somehow. Just get me a message and I'll get you the survey so you can get all signed up.

It'd be nice to get a an even 20 or 30 people in on this... there's still time folks.

Once the 24th gets here and everybody is locked in, I may ask a few more questions to get a little more background, since it seems a lot of people areconcerned about not knowing what to get for their "elfs", which by the way, is what you call the person you're the secret santa of. Not sure howthey came up with that term, but it'll have to work.

But you have to remember once you get assigned your "elf" and their survey, you will be able to stalk them a little bit on NT also if you need morehelp figuring out what they're "like".

Anyways - this is going well, glad a bunch of people seem interested.. it'll be fun to see/hear about what everyone is getting. If you still want to signup, there's plenty of time left to do so. Just shoot me an email at [email protected]
Hey guys - just an update, we've gotten 21 surveys back. That's a great turnout! There's still almost two full weeks to the deadline though, sothere's plenty of time for more people to sign up.

I think I'm going to give out your efl's name and survey results on about the 26th, so you can look those over and maybe do a little secret stalking ofthem on here for extra ideas... then i'll wait to give the addresses out until the end of November. That's the best way I can think to keep thingsreally safe and easy for everybody.

Anyways... tis the season, the stores are filling up with xmas decorations, only about 10 weeks til it's here. Hope to hear from more of you.
Yes.. Yes I did...

Now I got to think of something great yet won't hurt my
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Yes.. Yes I did...

Now I got to think of something great yet won't hurt my
okie dokie
let me know when you send the stickers so i can stalk my mail box
Just a small update here... deadline is less than one week away. That means Christmas is inching closer.

We've had a nice turnout for this. i think we're up to almost 30 surveys back now officially, still probably have a good 10-15 out that could stillturn up, plus 6 days left for new people to sign up.

Names will be handed out probably next week this time.. though i might not get to it until closer to the 30th depending on some things. Either way, everyoneshould have their elf by November 1st.

Anyways - if you want to sign up still, the email is [email protected]. If you have a survey already and need to send it in still, please don't forgetthe deadline is Saturday the 24th.
Probably the final update before we finish this thing.. just want to give the day crew one last chance to see this.

Deadline is less than 48 hours away.

I'll have your elf's sent out next week. We should have around 25-30 members signed up for this, so it should be fun. Looking forward to it.
Originally Posted by MECKS

can you let me knwo if you got my email? my email is [email protected] thanks

btw i sent my email a long time ago and never got anything back man =\

did you send the survey back? if you filled out the survey and sent it back, you're in. i'm not at home to see if i've added you to myspreadsheet or not, but if not i'll figure something out to get you signed up still.

Can we extend the deadline by 3 hours or so?

I completely forgot about this thread and I have to leave for practice right now. (9AM - 11AM MST)

I'll take care of you two.. anybody else jumps in here in the next 10 minutes and you're probably good too.
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