Official 2009 Niketalk Secret Santa - Pictures Coming Now, Pg. 11..

Anybody have any input yet on what the spending limit should be, any other rules, or just anything along those lines? I'm curious...
min $20, can't be five, it will cost more to ship the present than the present itself if 5. no max, if someone wants to be extra giving, why limit them?
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

If I can request my Sanata, sure...

I trust no one.
I may piss one of you off one day and I'm going to end up with 20 orders of pizza at my door.

then you got pizza for like 2 months so its a win win situation
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

If I can request my Sanata, sure...

I trust no one.
I may piss one of you off one day and I'm going to end up with 20 orders of pizza at my door.

ill be sending you my cardigan.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

OP, I e-mailed you but haven't got a response yet.

[email protected]
just responded.. sorry, I just skimmed all the emails as most didn't need responses.

I have 26 people signed up so far, not including one that already backed out.

So it sounds like the small consensus so far is about 20 dollars... I do get the feeling that might be a bit steep for some people once you factor in shippingand what not, you could be up over 30 bucks on a gift for a little game that might not mean that much to you. Plus, if you use a huge range - you riskspending a lot of money on somebody and getting very little in return - something that may not bother you, but might cause some strange feelings in return.

So while I definitely get the spirit of wanting to give extra - and I can definitely appreciate that. I do think maybe we should try to hone in on a range foreveryone, and if you REALLY wanna give extra than nobody will bother you about it (i mean, that's extremely generous of you - you sound like a nice personand i'd probably want to be your friend in real life

But maybe we should try to make the range from like 10-30 dollars? I think most could stay under 30 dollars and still be pretty creative, right? Yet a 10 or15 dollar gift could be quite nice and thoughtful, too.

I'm going to send out an email asking this question to everybody who signed up so far - i might get a poll in there and find out what everybody thinks,come up with the decided upon amount and then email everybody back what we decided.

It's not October 5 - As I had said before, I'd like to get everybody their assigned address in time to mail things out by early in December. Thatmeans we've got less than 2 months until it's time to make this happen, and with the Holidays at the end of November we should really try to have itall planned out but the final step by about Mid-November. So that really only gives us another month or so to finalized everything.

I'll try to communicate through both this thread and email the rest of the way. If you have any questions, shoot me a PM or email ([email protected])and i'll do my best to get back to you ASAP.

Otherwise.. you'll be hearing from me soon.
Cannot wait for the pics of what NT'ers receive. I can see this turning into straight comedy
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

If I can request my Sanata, sure...

I trust no one.
I may piss one of you off one day and I'm going to end up with 20 orders of pizza at my door.

then you got pizza for like 2 months so its a win win situation

word i never got food in my i wouldnt mind pizza
as long asits paid for already
Still contemplating.

Id like for Hazel Eyed Honey to get my name because she seems like one of the few people that would get something thoughtful for a stranger.
i think you should also have people binclude their interests in the email, because how are we going to know what to give if we
a) don't know the person personally


b) have never seen them post before

just saying. I'm in though

ohhh! also include shoe and shirt size and if they smoke weed/cigs
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